If I can do it so can you

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If I can do it so can you

Postby NCFishboy » Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:51 am

Background, I have always been active but also usually the biggest guy doing it, Triathlon, swimming, running, bodyboarding, freediving. Well last year I got to that point where I had to do something as my size 42 pants were so tight some days I didn't button them and wore a belt to hold them up ( I told myself they shrunk in the dryer). I was tired all the time and grumpy, and not as active as I wanted to be at 36 years old.
5' 10"
289 #
BP 145/94
Pulse 82
Cholesterol 193
HDL 39
LDL 124
Tri 154
Glucose 96

So I started and fumbled around with a little progress. Then Feb 11 I started engine 2 and quickly found Mcdougall and was all in.

Today 7-27-2012
BP 98/62
Pulse 51
Cholesterol 137
HDL 46
LDL 79
Tri 62
Glucose 88

I now feel great and am running 4 days a week, my breath hold while freediving is better than ever, able to dive to 70' and look around for a minute or more before having to surface. Now when I do some apnea training and meditate I can get my pulse down to 39-41 bpm, before I was lucky to hit 64 bpm. I still have a little weight to get rid of but that will be no problem. I think in another week or two I should be in the "Normal" weight range for the first time since I was really young and as I am now I weigh 40# less than I did when I got my drivers license.

A lot of great info on this site and in the books and DVDs, also as a single guy Jeff's fast food DVDs are awesome! I usually cook a big pot over the weekend and eat on it all week with some modifications. So in closing I just want to say it is possible, all you have to do is believe in yourself and follow the guidelines and it does work.
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Re: If I can do it so can you

Postby Di » Fri Jul 27, 2012 8:32 am

Wow! This is fantastic! Congratulations! :-D
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Re: If I can do it so can you

Postby Birdy » Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:10 am

I second Di's "wow!" You ought to copy and paste your testimonial and email it to Dr. McDougall. His email is: [email protected] I think he'll be very interested in your story. Big congrats on your improved health and well being! :)
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Re: If I can do it so can you

Postby absgirl » Mon Jul 30, 2012 7:59 am

Wow! thats awesome!

Im cleaning my frig out today. My pups will love me cus there is almost a whole ham in there.............lol

Im starting today on this new adventure with hopes of pulling my kids closer to the idea.

I have MS so im not very active. I know you are active but were you slightly less active in the beginning?
I have MS but it doesnt have me
my journal==I THINK I CAN DO THIS the journey leading to this point is on page 3
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Re: If I can do it so can you

Postby NCFishboy » Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:19 am

I have always been active but the last year and half I slowed way down, no energy to do anything. After a couple of weeks of clean eating I had so much energy I started walking just to get out of the house and enjoy the fresh air. Once I could walk for an hour no problem and still had energy I tried to jog, then a little longer and a little faster. Well I am not fast by anymeans but this weekend I did do a long slow run of 14 miles.
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Re: If I can do it so can you

Postby absgirl » Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:37 am

wow........all this success has got me so inspired!

with MS my legs just dont work well at all. a trip to my mail box is a job for me. i spent most of my time laying on the couch with little energy. i sleep a lot and with 2 kids under 12 this isnt good! my doc prescribed nuvigils to help me stay awake, but ive been on it so long i take one and go back to bed.......

i love food...esp cheese. so im gonna make a big effort with this. ive read a few post by others with MS and they talk of how their MS symptoms ease up. as nice as that sounds im more motivated by the weight loss stuff.

i have issues with my self confidence and my fat. your story really motivated with the amount of weight youve lost so fast. was there ever a point when you said you were tired of potatoes? have you used any of the cheese substitutes and do they compare to the real thing?
I have MS but it doesnt have me
my journal==I THINK I CAN DO THIS the journey leading to this point is on page 3
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Re: If I can do it so can you

Postby NCFishboy » Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:58 am

I havent gotten tired of taters yet, but I switch up some, mostly russet taters (cheapest), but I switch with sweet taters, brown rice or some other squash.

As for cheese, I was and still am a recovering cheese a holic. I love the stuff, but in order to get healthy I cut it out cold turkey. I went totally whole food, unprocessed as possible. So that meant no cheese like products, I never even look at the stuff to see whats in it. I am guessing that if I were to look I would probably put it back and not eat it. I do use the nutritional yeast but thats not really a cheese product.
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Re: If I can do it so can you

Postby Melinda » Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:43 am

Wow, that's great! Good for you! May I ask what size pants you're wearing now?!! :D
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Re: If I can do it so can you

Postby PotatoFiend » Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:17 pm

Awesome results! :nod: :thumbsup:

Re: If I can do it so can you

Postby DH666 » Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:33 pm

Congrats! Those are great numbers. I'm fairly new to this and I had lost 90% of my weight prior to going vegan and I only started that full time 2 months ago. I can't wait to see what my next blood work will be like, but that's only in December . If it's great, my doctor told me she doesn't want to see me for another year.
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Re: If I can do it so can you

Postby NCFishboy » Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:05 am

Well if I wear a 36 I need a belt. I bought a few pair of work pants and thought a 36 would be fine. I went and bought some shorts and ended up with size 34. Have not been this size since before high school. I started 9th grade with a size 36.
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Re: If I can do it so can you

Postby absgirl » Tue Jul 31, 2012 10:13 am

u go dude! im proud of ya and impressed! uve truely inspired me!
I have MS but it doesnt have me
my journal==I THINK I CAN DO THIS the journey leading to this point is on page 3
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Re: If I can do it so can you

Postby ETeSelle » Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:14 pm

Congrats! You done GOOD, Fishboy! :)
Weight now: 124 (20.0 BMI)
Weight in 2010: 207 (33.4 BMI)
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Re: If I can do it so can you

Postby greentea » Fri Aug 03, 2012 6:19 am

Way to go Fishboy!!!
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Re: If I can do it so can you

Postby NCFishboy » Wed Oct 03, 2012 6:26 am

Updated blood work 10-3-12
weight 168
BP 95/62
HR 44
Total cholesterol 123
HDL 45
LDL 66
Triglycerides 57
Glucose 75

The proof is in the numbers and I am sold.
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