Back in action - lots of learning inbetween

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Back in action - lots of learning inbetween

Postby coachkathryn » Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:44 pm

I know this is a testimonie and success story board, and mine is a round about one. I'm back to low fat vegan starch based diet. I've been vegan for a long time now - ethical reasons inspired me and health benefits pushed me to continue. I've always been extremly healthy with the exception of extra weight.

I found McDougall several years ago and followed it well and lost some weight. I started learning more about health and theories in general and I was excited by all of it - Raw, macrobiotic (vegan style), juicing, and just about every vegan diet inbetween.

I have to say I've tried lots of things, I have a deep love for green juice now and I enjoy making some raw things too, but at the end of the day I haven't lost any weight that has stayed off like I did when I was eating this way. What I think is even cooler though, is that with everything I've dabbled in, including what is vegan on the Taco Bell menu :oops: I didn't ever gain any of my lost McDougall weight back. I don't know what that means exactly but I thought it was cool.

I'm not in school becomming a health coach. I chose a school that isn't just vegan because it was a good online school, but I definately want to finish up and get my Plant Based Nutrition Certificate at Cornell to compliment the education I'm getting now. The school I'm with now (IIN) talks a lot about bio-individuality and how we all have different needs which I understand to a point, for example wheat makes me really gassy so I tend to avoid it, but when they have speakers from Adkins and Weston A Price I have a hard time listening.

I also have a coworker that has lost well over 100 pounds eating this way and he is inspiring me to return to this lifestyle of eating.

The success for me that I'm feeling right now is that I feel like I've REALLY done my research. I know Dr. McDougall did it all already, but sometimes we just have to find things out for ourselves. I have to say I'm happy to be back. I love to eat mashed potatoes until I'm full and know there was lots of nutrition.

I'm also feeling success for plant based diets in general. It is great to see things getting more publicised. I'm excited to move forward with my own health and be able to help others.
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Re: Back in action - lots of learning inbetween

Postby eri » Tue Dec 11, 2012 2:13 pm

Welcome back! A few people I was acquainted with on other message boards enrolled in IIN in the past year or so. How do you like it? Besides the Weston Price stuff, I mean.
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Re: Back in action - lots of learning inbetween

Postby coachkathryn » Tue Dec 11, 2012 2:47 pm

Ha! I ended up not even listening to the WAP - I figured I can guess on those test questions.

I like it a lot. The coaching skills, marketing, and business stuff is AWESOME. I'm REALLY set on being vegan for my whole life so when they have different lecturers that demand meat and milk I get frustrated, but a lot of them - even the adkins lady - talks about how a vegan can eat "instert dieteary theory here" type of food.

I also like that they know food isn't the only thing. To really be happy we need to work out other issues in our lives too and I like that they acknowledge that as well. I think some of my own emotion issues are also what made McDougalling hard for me in the past. Yoga has helped me with that a lot.

My target market will be people wanting to transition to a vegan diet or need help sticking with it and I'm really excited I figured that out. IIN is big on figuring out your target market. It is solid program in my opinon.
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Re: Back in action - lots of learning inbetween

Postby DangerousKiwi » Wed Dec 26, 2012 8:38 pm

Congrats and welcome back! So many of us come back for a 2nd (or 3rd or more) round. As long as we keep coming back until it sticks, that's all that matters.
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