Super affects of eating McDougall foods

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Super affects of eating McDougall foods

Postby StarchBeet » Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:45 am

Life is plenty challenging for my handicapped daughter and the people who work hard to take care of her. A life-long challenge she's had is constipation that sets off her seizures. I can't tell you how many times, when she was a small child especially, that I had to take her to the emergency room. One of the many things that set off her seizures was that dreaded constipation.

So in the past few years since we've been eating starchitarian (did I really type vegan?) she's been steadily improving in her bowel health, as well as over-all well-being. Then this past few weeks has been totally amazing to me. She had a bowel movement for seven days in a row. Then after missing one day she's back on track for three more days. It's really like a miracle considering her history and health challenges. Perhaps it isn't a miracle but I am glad I found a big secret! I think I'll keep it too ;-)

I hope she's feeling as good as I do by eating delicious, mostly home-made dishes, as close to mother-nature as possible. I look forward to continued progress for the both of us (and I wish the benefits on everyone!).

Eat for health!
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Re: Super affects of eating McDougall foods

Postby skane9041 » Fri Feb 15, 2013 7:21 am

How wonderful for you and your daughter that she is feeling the benefits from the change in diet!
I also had suffered from constipation for the last couple years, eating a standard, unhealthy lacto-ovo vegetarian diet. One bout even sent me to the emergency room with pain so intense I thought it was kidney stones.
I have been following the McDougall plan for just over two weeks now and had a "normal" bm every day except one. I can't believe the difference in how I feel. To me, the weight I have been losing is even secondary to that.
Peace :)

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Re: Super affects of eating McDougall foods

Postby TerriT » Fri Feb 15, 2013 7:54 am

What wonderful news, StarchBeet!
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Re: Super affects of eating McDougall foods

Postby veggylvr » Fri Feb 15, 2013 8:12 am

That is wonderful! And it's kind of interesting that it's taken several years, as I think people often expect such immediate results.

I've been on this WOE for about a year, 6 months much more strict, and my bowels are just now getting back to normal. This has made such a difference! My weight loss speeded up, and I really attribute it to finally getting the bowels straightened out.

This is kind of gross to watch but someone posted this video on bowel health. It's pretty compelling inspiration for going plant-based.
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