5th day of starch based, no oil, no animal products eating..

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5th day of starch based, no oil, no animal products eating..

Postby astronaut23 » Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:18 am

On the 1st day my blood sugar was 170 after eating a cup of oatmeal and banana...yesterday on the 4th day I had a cup of oatmeal for breakfast and a peach and my sugar was only 73 one hr after eating...today I tried 2 cups of oatmeal with berries and a peach since the readings were so good yesterday morning so 2 cups of oatmeal and 2 fruits and i was only at 107 1 hr after eating my sugar is back to 88 2 hrs post eating...lol....I never thought I could handle eating all these carbs as a type 2 diabetic but it sure seems like my insulin that my pancrease produces is working a whole lot better since I quite eating animal fats in my diet.

Re: 5th day of starch based, no oil, no animal products eati

Postby ronald11103 » Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:35 am

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Re: 5th day of starch based, no oil, no animal products eati

Postby ETeSelle » Wed Feb 20, 2013 1:26 pm

Good for you! Keep it up!
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Re: 5th day of starch based, no oil, no animal products eati

Postby eri » Wed Feb 20, 2013 1:30 pm

That's great news. Keep up the good work!
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Re: 5th day of starch based, no oil, no animal products eati

Postby astronaut23 » Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:32 am

ok...this morn i had two cups of oatmeal again along with the berries and peach again and this morning my blood sugar reads 85 1 hr after eating two cups of oatmeal and 2 fruits whereas yesterday it read 107...I don't know I hope this trend of lower and lower blood sugars after eating continues...I always thought carbs was the cause of diabetes and I was skeptical when I read that animal fat and protein was the real cause of diabetes and insulin resistance but it sure seems like I can handle eating carbs now that I quit eating animal fat.

Interesting to say the least. Because conventional diabetes treatment is to limit carb consumption. Crazy if reversing diabetes is as simple as cutting all animal products and oil out of the diet. It would mean conventional medicine is barking up the wrong tree limiting carbs as treatment when they should be about getting rid of all the animal foods in ones diet. I knew that carbs were the macronutrient out of the three fat, protein, and carbs that had the biggest impact on blood sugars but I honestly never thought animal fat which if you just eat pure fat like if you ate a stick of butter with nothing else will have almost zero effect on blood sugar levels could be responsible for diabetes as opposed to someone eating too many carbs and sugars.

Like I said I was skeptical when I saw a video by Neal Barnard and he used the analogy of animal fats gumming up the locks to our cells and so the insulin keys can't work properly, because when I cut down on carbs after my diabetes diagnosis it did lower my blood sugar by restricting carbs but thats just treating the disease its not really truly reversing or curing anything.

Re: 5th day of starch based, no oil, no animal products eati

Postby ronald11103 » Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:16 am

astronaut23 wrote:...I always thought carbs was the cause of diabetes.

This is a common misconception that many in the medical profession still believe, even diabetic specialists! Here's a link to one of Dr. McDougall's Hot Topics page dealing with diabetes. On this page he says:
Type-2 diabetes is due to overnutrition from the rich Western diet – medication is not required and is usually inadvisable. The McDougall Program cures this form of type-2 diabetes by correcting the malnutrition with a plant-food based diet and exercise – and associated weight loss.

There are several links on that page to various articles you might find interesting and informative. The fourth one down especially, titled February 2004: Type-2 Diabetes – the Expected Adaptation to Overnutrition.
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Re: 5th day of starch based, no oil, no animal products eati

Postby astronaut23 » Thu Feb 21, 2013 6:55 pm

Well my blood sugars had been doing great until today after I had a cup of brown rice...my 1 hr post pradial reading was 215....I was shocked and so checked again thinking it might be a bad test strip and yep it read 208...two hrs later is was back down to 120 and 3 hrs back to 88 but 215 is too large a spike...I must not be able to handle brown rice apparently...I've not had as much trouble with potatoes and oatmeal...:(

Re: 5th day of starch based, no oil, no animal products eati

Postby astronaut23 » Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:04 pm

But then again I also had a can of black beans and a bag of frozen veggies that included corn and peas mixed in with the cup or rice...so maybe that was just too many starches if you consider the beans, corn, and peas to all be starches...come to think of it the meal was mostly all starches and no low carb veggies.

Maybe that was the big problem. Should starches not be combined on the McDougal program? Non, diabetics can probably eat whatever they want no matter what. But I'm talking about especially for diabetics? Any diabetics on here that have had good success on this program and sample menus with what you eat and alos the quantities that you eat would be helpful for a newbie like me.

Re: 5th day of starch based, no oil, no animal products eati

Postby ~Beth~ » Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:32 pm

Sounds like you are responding well to the McDougall plan

Have you had a chance to read this article?
At the same time medication changes are being made, my patients begin strictly following the McDougall Diet and exercising daily (slowly at first). I ask them to monitor their blood sugars (fasting) every morning with their home measuring unit and report the results to me daily. Based on these blood sugar numbers their insulin injection dosage is either raised or lowered for that evening or the next day. The goal is to keep their fasting blood sugars between 150 mg/dL and 300 mg/dL. I discourage blood sugar measurements at any other time of the day unless they suspect hypoglycemia (too low a sugar). The finding of elevated sugars later in the day after eating just upsets the patient and does not add any useful information in deciding on the next dosage of insulin to be given.

If you do a search on the site you will find lots of helpful articles.

We have quite a few people here on the forums who have lowered their blood sugars and reversed their diabetes on this plan. I'm sure you will find much helpful info reading some of the journals and hopefully some of them will comment

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Re: 5th day of starch based, no oil, no animal products eati

Postby JohnLarson » Thu Feb 21, 2013 11:20 pm

Too many starches? I do not think so.

If anything most of us do not eat enough of them.

70% starch, 20% vegetables, 10% fruit

It is called the Starch Solution.

Read the newsletters, watch the videos.

I have been told that non-diabetics get spikes of over 250 after a meal. I think when I was told to test it was no sooner than two hours after I ate. I rarely test anymore and am off all meds. I go back in April for more blood work. My a1c dropped in just 90 days. I expect it to be in the normal range following The Starch Solution.

Your numbers look good to me, but I am not a doctor.

Eat when you are hungry, eat until you are full.

Why would anyone want to cure diabetes? Where is the money in that? Plus, you have to remember that this way of eating is too restrictive. Most would rather take the meds than change.

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Re: 5th day of starch based, no oil, no animal products eati

Postby ♥ Amy ♥ » Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:03 pm

JohnLarson wrote:70% starch, 20% vegetables, 10% fruit

It is called the Starch Solution.

Cracked me up how you stated so plainly. Thanks John - I laughed out loud at the truth smacking me in the face!
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Re: 5th day of starch based, no oil, no animal products eati

Postby Spiral » Tue Feb 26, 2013 5:58 pm

~Beth~ wrote:The finding of elevated sugars later in the day after eating just upsets the patient and does not add any useful information in deciding on the next dosage of insulin to be given.

As with most nutrition issues, Jeff Novick and Dr. McDougall agree. Backing off of starches because of a after eating blood sugar reading is treating the symptoms of diabetes and not treating the disease itself.

As a non-diabetic, I have no idea what my blood sugar would be one or two hours after eating. It's a good thing that I don't worry about or else I might go low-carb. And we know how well that works out. LOL!!

Good luck.
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Re: 5th day of starch based, no oil, no animal products eati

Postby astronaut23 » Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:00 pm

Last edited by astronaut23 on Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: 5th day of starch based, no oil, no animal products eati

Postby astronaut23 » Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:05 pm

Last edited by astronaut23 on Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: 5th day of starch based, no oil, no animal products eati

Postby astronaut23 » Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:05 pm

Spiral wrote:
~Beth~ wrote:[b]

As a non-diabetic, I have no idea what my blood sugar would be one or two hours after eating. It's a good thing that I don't worry about or else I might go low-carb. And we know how well that works out. LOL!!

Good luck.

I can tell you how good it works out from experience...its a heart attack waiting to happen eating a diet of all meat and fat...I mean what else is there to eat if you cut out carbs...but meat and fish and fowl and eggs and butter and cheese...the only way to avoid carbs is to eat animal foods rather than plant foods...so you are avoiding carbs and at the same time avoiding all the healthy phytochemicals, antioxidents, vitamins, minerals, and all the other stuff plant base nutrition can provide for the body and loading up on saturated fat and cholesterol...but it sure can drop you blood sugar numbers rapidly to cut out all carbs.

Yeah, low carb works really well to lower down blood sugar in the short run there is no doubt about it that it will drop blood sugar when you stop eating carbs totally...I was following Dr Bernsteins Diabetes solution of 30 grams of carbs a day and my blood sugar stayed in the 80s and 90s mostly all the time even post pradially eating a diet of mostly animal based foods but my cholesterol shot up to 369 and LDL of 235 and elevated C-reactive protein...eating a diet of fat and meat and hardly any carbs at all...which is why I sought out another solution to the diabetic problem other than to just cut out all carbs. Not to metion after seeing a video called foods that kill on youtube and how after a fatty meal the fat circulates in your blood for 4 hrs while your liver is trying to clear it all out and you eat 3 fatty meals a day and keep your blood fatty day after day after day and that is gonna build up in the arteries real fast. Watching forks over knives, McDougal videos on elimating insulin resistance, reading prevent and reverse heart disease by Dr. Essystein all convinced me to try the plant based diet approach to getting my health back...That and the testimonies of people who posted here and star Mcdougallers who have reversed diabetes....cause thats what I want to do...I want to reverse my insulin resistance and not just treat symptoms of a disease.
Last edited by astronaut23 on Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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