7 Month McDougalling Anniversary

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7 Month McDougalling Anniversary

Postby Geeneeus1 » Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:37 am

I began this lifestyle in a quest to cure mum's diabetes and because of the testimonials I read from diabetic people (big thanks). I started and then mum and dad joined. My brother is eating like this as well now.

Since we began Jan 14, 2013 we have lost weight (about 24 lbs each). That is a bonus as far as I am concerned. The BEST thing is that my mother's diabetes is almost gone. She has one more 3 month check up where the expectation is that she will no longer be a "diabetic".

I feel super foolish as this "diet" is exactly the sort of food my grandfather (currently 93) and other ancestors in villages used to eat (and continue to eat) before leaving India. When my grandfather told me to eat like he did, I though he was nuts (he continues to eat like this in London).

We eat a lot...as in no hunger, or fighting cravings. Just eat until full and if hungry, eat again. Initially the flavor of food was a problem, we are used to eating spicy and flavorful food so some of the recipes we found were a bit bland for our palates. However, we took the McDougall guidelines of whole grain, oil and dairy free and found ways to adapt the foods we like. So we still get to eat a lot of ethnic foods like Indian, Chinese, S. American, Italian etc...
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Re: 7 Month McDougalling Anniversary

Postby vgpedlr » Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:44 am

Congratulations! It takes a little getting used to the lack of fat, but when you do, regular food just tastes greasy. Indian food as I have experienced it is a bit tricky since it seems to rely a lot on ghee and oil in addition to the wonderful spices. I eliminate the fat and add more spice and I love it.
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Re: 7 Month McDougalling Anniversary

Postby JulieS » Wed Aug 14, 2013 12:17 pm

Great job for yourself and recruiting your ill family members!!
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Re: 7 Month McDougalling Anniversary

Postby pundit999 » Wed Aug 14, 2013 2:33 pm

Great news Geeneeus1! Thanks for sharing.

It will be great if you would share more details on your journey: what problems you faced, some typical recipes, how long it was before you started seeing results etc.
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Re: 7 Month McDougalling Anniversary

Postby Geeneeus1 » Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:34 pm

@vgpedlr - I used to complain about oil in Indian food because it would give me reflux which aggravated my asthma. Now, without oil I have no issues. I am not going to lie, I miss the flavor of ghee in my food sometimes but it tastes just as good without.
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Re: 7 Month McDougalling Anniversary

Postby Geeneeus1 » Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:37 pm

@JulieS - A few of my aunts who live in London and 1 in Johannesburg want to try too after seeing my parent's results!
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Re: 7 Month McDougalling Anniversary

Postby Geeneeus1 » Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:02 pm

@pundit999 - Happy to share! Below is some more information as you requested. It is super long. Hopefully it helps and doesn't sound like rambling.

When did you feel a difference
Energy - We noticed the difference immediately in terms of energy. We went from feeling drained by 2 pm to being energized all day long. I would normally sleep for 8-10 hours but after going plant based I naturally wake up rested and refreshed after 7 hours. No alarm clocks. My parents say the same.

Health - I noticed a difference in my asthma straight away. We used to cook everything in a little bit of olive oil whether it was veggies, marinara sauce or something more complicated. Every night I would huff and puff. As soon as we cooked without oil the huffing and puffing went away.

Dad noticed an improvement in his arthritis within 2-3 weeks. His left hand used to freeze up and he would be unable to uncurl his pinky finger on really bad days. After 2 weeks he noticed that he was able to open his palm up completely and now he doesn't even talk about bones hurting because they don't! According to mum, the snoring has become less noticeable too due to the weight loss.

Mum tests her blood sugar daily and noticed a drop within a month. When we began as a family to eat a plant based, aka villager diet, her measurement was around 180-200 depending on the day and work stress. After 4 weeks it was down to 150, then 120 (where she is now. In her latest check up, the Dr has told her that she no longer needs meds, her cholesterol is excellent and so is her kidney function her other diabetes metrics are all hovering around average for a non diabetic. At the next visit the Dr. expects the blood test to read like that of a non diabetic.

Weight - within 9 weeks we noticed weight reductions in one another but not ourselves. e.g. my mum would tell me I lost weight even though I didn't notice it myself. After 3 months we all noticed weight loss in ourselves because we needed new clothes/belts.

Miscellaneous - Food tastes better. We actually notice the fireworks of flavors on the palate in a more discernible way than before. We also don't diet. We eat as much as we want without over eating.

Breakfast is usually soy chai with oatmeal (recipe below) or soy chai and toast with a side of fruit. On the weekends we mix it up with pancakes, french toast, upma, parantha, idli etc... (all whole grain, including brown rice basmati)

Mid morning snack - usually fruit and some nuts or an all veggie homemade juice

For lunch we have soy chai and a sandwich, cereals spiced with Indian flavors, paratha with leafy greens added, baked samosa etc...

Afternoon Snack - soy chai, nuts, veggie juice, or raw veggies that are being prepped for dinner

Dinner -
1 - 3 times per week: consists of salad followed by, 1-2 veggies cooked Indian style with roti, some kind of lentil soup or soy kadhi, brown rice basmati and dates or banana and raw honey as the sweet.

On the nights we are not eating a traditional Indian meal, we have:
Tacos, burritos, fajitas, or enchiladas
Lasagna or other veggie and pasta combo,
Brown rice / buckwheat noodle and veggie stir fry, with or without marinated grilled tofu
Lentils and rice / naan,
Grilled seasoned veggies - For this we get all the green and yellow veggies we can and grill them on a panini machine. Throw in some mushrooms, pineapple and cherry tomatoes.
Brown rice veggie sushi - good sushi restaurants have a great selection of veggie sushi
Pad Thai, Drunken Noodles, Red Curry with veggies and brown rice


Challenge #1: Giving up Chocolate
Solution: We have adapted recipes from the McDougall newsletter as well as all the Indian ones. For example, I love shikhand (sort of like pudding) which is traditionally made with full fat milk. I follow the same process to make vegan shikhand but I use silken tofu instead. It only lasts a few days so I make it when I want to eat it. It can be frozen and eaten like ice cream too :)

Full disclosure, I cheat and eat chocolate once per month. My parents are much more self controlled than I and don't eat it at all. I also find that Mehdjool dates satisfy my chocolate craving.

Challenge #2: Replacing bread / chapatis (roti) / naan / Parantha etc..
Solution: We already ate whole grains for the most part so this wasn't too bad. Giving up flaky french bread was a bit difficult but the bread we eat now tastes better I think.
Costco bread(yes, the warehouse store). We buy their LaBrea bakery bread. It is whole grain, baked fresh in the store daily and contains no added sugar or oil. We use it for paninis, toast, and sandwiches.

For the Indian breads we found a whole grain flour at the local Indian grocer that has a blend of 7-9 different grains. Anything we make with this tastes great and turns out nice and soft. We follow the traditional recipe but omit oil and add flax in most things. For roti, we just use flour and water, no oil at all. They turn out great.

Challenge #3: Thinking differently than we were used to
Solution: As a family, we thought we had to cook certain things in oil. No oil and the food would not cook. What we found was the opposite. It is possible to cook without oil and food tastes better. Simply cook on a lower hear and use water instead of oil if you notice things sticking to the pan. For example, to temper spices for Indian and Mexican cuisines without oil, we use a ceramic pan and let the spices turn golden brown, then we follow the normal recipe.

Challenge #4: Willpower / Dieting. We are not dieters so we were a bit concerned about portion control and eliminating items from our vegetarian diet.
Solution: Get creative and be flexible. We have resorted the internet a lot. We find recipes on fat free vegan, in vegetarian magazine and other places. Then we omit the dairy and oil if there is any included in the recipe. We have also learned a lot from raw cooking. Lastly, we don't limit our sources. I will find a recipe anywhere and then adapt it to suit my diet. For example, teriyake steak sound good? I took the recipe and put tofu in place of the meat. Now it is a family favorite. Even my mum who previously refused to put tofu anywhere near her plate loves it.

Unfortunately, my laptop died so I am not able to share bookmarks but will be happy to if I am able to recover them.

Challenge #5: Now that we have seen the results, we are feeling as impatient as we did on day 1. We want to see the next 6 month of results now.
Solution: We are trying to be patient, more active, grow our own vegetables, etc...

Reasons for Success:

Giving up dairy was easy after we heard it described as liquid flesh in a documentary.

We follow Dr. McDougall's guidelines of starch based meals and begin each dinner with salad. However, we are not militant about this when the veggies for the meal are yellow and/or green. We try to include at least one yellow or green veggie with each meal as part of the main course. This really fills us up.

Set goals and celebrate when they are reached. When I started down the path to plant based living, no body in my family thought I would last a month. They thought this with good reason. I ate ice cream, chocolate, cheese and butter every day without a miss and without thinking twice. The three of us decided to try the new lifestyle for 6 months and see how it went. 6 months came and went. We were not craving cheese, butter or ice cream!! Sounds corny but the real celebration was the sense of success from the results in my mum's diabetes. In addition, about 1 month in, my dad felt so great he was singing the praises of his new found ways to everyone who would listen. Not to sway them to join in but to share how great he was feeling.

We are not dieters so weight loss was not our primary goal, getting healthy was. Losing 1 lb per week was acceptable to us. We consume natural fats in their original forms, avocado, nuts and beans like chickpeas and red kidney beans. This has helped tremendously as we feel there is more variety in what we eat.

We are allowed starch so the fact that every meal has rice and/or some form of bread makes us feel satisfied. We don't roam the kitchen after hours for snacks.

There is no way we could have succeeded without Indian food. After I had been eating plant based in my own way for 3 months, my parents decided to join. My mum wanted to go all in and follow Dr. McDougall's detox plan for 2 weeks. My father and I lasted less than a week and were ready for mutiny. Being used to Asian flavors, we found the food way too bland (no offense to anyone who enjoys it).

Recipes (I will post more in a separate update):

Shikhand recipe - This is going to be terrible in terms of measurements because I made it based on what I know it should taste like. So, I am not certain of the measurements.

Strain 16 oz tofu and blend until smooth (I used a magic bullet)
Mix the following by hand into the silken tofu from above step until uniformly mixed
Ground cardamom
Ground nutmeg
Powdered brown sugar (I buy sugar in the raw and powder it in a magic bullet to get a confectioner sugar consistency)
Chopped pistachios
Few stands of saffron dissolved in 1/2 tspn of hot water

If you want to eat this like ice cream, throw the mixture into a churn and let it harden for a bit. Or simply put into a container and freeze like my dad does :)

Oatmeal Recipe
I also make oatmeal in a similar manner (no blending of course) and it tastes really great.
Chopped dates
Chopped walnuts (2 tspns)
Shred one slice of apple
Ground cinnamon, nutmeg and cardamom
As much water (cold or hot) as you like depending on the consistency you prefer

Potato Chips / French Fries
Even baked chips from the store have oil in them. We began research online and experimenting at home on how to make potato chips. The final verdict, use a potato peeler to make slices, put them on parchment paper, season and into the microwave. We limit ourselves to one small potato each. The day we have chips we don't eat potato in other meals. We do something similar for french fries and kale chips but in the oven.
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Re: 7 Month McDougalling Anniversary

Postby JennyParsley » Thu Aug 15, 2013 8:17 pm

Thank you for your detailed, inspirational post Geeneeus! I love your family's story. It just goes to show...if you follow the plan, really truly follow it as set forth by Dr. McDougall...you get amazing results in a short amount of time.

I have been really focusing on NO OIL for the last week or so and noticed that I do not have a mid-afternoon drop in energy anymore, just as you noticed as one of the benefits. I used to nap almost every day and just realized today that I haven't had a nap for 6 days now, that is really amazing for me. I have been reading a bit more on Dr. Esselstyn's theories about oil making it harder for your body to deliver oxygen and I think that has a lot to do with the tiredness (or lack thereof when you truly remove all of the oil). Great stuff!

Thank you for describing your family's typical meals and modifications. I love Indian food as well and you gave me a lot of great ideas for McDougall compliant Indian foods. Tomorrow I am making a Nepalese Toor Dal and Baingan Bharta (curried eggplant), as well as some Baba Ganoush - we have lots of eggplant from our CSA share right now. I am inspired by you to try to make some Indian breads with whole grain flour. I also want to get a ceramic pan ASAP and toast spices like you describe.

Thank you so much!

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Re: 7 Month McDougalling Anniversary

Postby ~Beth~ » Thu Aug 15, 2013 9:54 pm

Loved reading about the wonderful results your whole family is having. Thanks for giving so much detail. That is very helpful and encouraging

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Re: 7 Month McDougalling Anniversary

Postby proverbs31woman » Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:21 pm

Thanks for sharing this very inspirational story! Your food sounds so delicious!
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Re: 7 Month McDougalling Anniversary

Postby amgmmg » Thu Aug 15, 2013 11:14 pm

Thanks for sharing and congratulations on your success.

I had tofu many years ago and did not enjoy it and I am reluctant to try it again, but I may try it.
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Re: 7 Month McDougalling Anniversary

Postby chickpeas » Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:43 am

thanks so much for sharing your recipes and hints, I love Indian food but wasn't sure how it would be without oil, so I'l be buying a ceramic pan tomorrow!

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Re: 7 Month McDougalling Anniversary

Postby Geeneeus1 » Fri Aug 16, 2013 7:56 am

FYI - we cook EVERYTHING in a ceramic or marble pan. I'll post some recipes in the recipes forum.
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Re: 7 Month McDougalling Anniversary

Postby rhadlock » Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:55 pm

What a wonder post. I will look forward to your recipes in the forum.
This is very helpful for me. I keep going back and forth between vegan and low carb. I feel much better on low carb but I get to where I can't stand another bite of meat. I keep thinking I'm eating dead flesh :( Not a pretty thought.
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Re: 7 Month McDougalling Anniversary

Postby risarisa » Sun Aug 18, 2013 3:03 pm

Thanks for sharing,it was inspiring to here about you and your family following the life changing Mcdougall program.
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