Hi to all! Sharing my successes eating plants!

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Hi to all! Sharing my successes eating plants!

Postby TracyMinton » Thu Sep 19, 2013 7:15 pm

Hi to all! So happy to be finally getting on the McDougall boards!

My husband & I went plant-based about 2 yrs ago now, tho both of us have been vegan in our past..(it was just plain vegetarian back then.) I had been advised by various practitioners in the past to "eat more protein" or that I was wheat sensitive. I was also prescribed oils... 3 Tbsp daily of olive oil, or coconut oil, or drink oil & lemon J. first thing and wait 5 hours to eat to 'cleanse my gall bladder.' Hmm. If only I knew then what I do know now!

I've had a life of some health issues. Big allergies since young. Lots of chronic digestive issues, constipation, bloating, skin break outs, + traveler's bugs every time I went to Mexico or Central America. Some pretty bad.

I was always active, and have always loved greens, veg, fruit. In fact loved whole grains, beans, and all that good stuff since first trying it in high school at a local veg. rest. in Chgo~The Heartland Cafe. It was all new to me, as I was raised by standard midwest fare, w/ little of variety still offered at grocery stores.

Over the years, things changed. I ended up reaching my all time highest weight about 3 -4 yrs ago while doing the paleo diet for a yr. It seemed once I had red meat, I seemed to need more and more to feel satisfied. The hypoglycemia I experienced for many years seemed temporarily relieved by eating more meat and fat, to which I now understand was just masking the problems. But, nearing 50, which I now am, and being 'petite' I was getting uncomfortably sluggish and stiff, and had a lot of cellulite which was new since I used to once be very physically active.

The alarms went off for my husband & I when my breasts became unbearably tender, lumpy, and even fatty. They grew! Who knew that would not thrill me!! LOL My husband had seen this pattern w/ his ex-wife. He also had potential prostate issues, as does his dad. My husband followed by McDougall many years back, so we immediately pulled out his old copy of the McDougall Plan, and changed our diet over night. I thought I was 'carb sensitive.' Now I'm a born again carboholic, and proud!

In 3 months, the breasts healed, completely, back to normal size, no lumps or tenderness. Cholesterol is below 150, actually near 100! And I lost over 20# which for me is 1/5th my body weight! I feel great. But, there is more.

We went raw, or high raw the last year, eating fruitarian diet. After some time, weight creeped back on. Not what it was, but still, 8-10# more again. I was eating and eating, more than I ever had, 2000+ calories per day, but often felt hungry. Eating a big salad at the end of the day didn't digest well, so sleep often bad too. Skin break outs back, and believe it or not the breast tenderness!

Switched back to adding beans daily, always had been eating potatoes/pasta at night. But now having a little fruit in morning, then in the evening after having had lots of veggies, greens, beans, oats, etc. I am now the most 'regular' I have been in my life, and feel very satisfied on much less. Breasts still healing again, and the weight starting to once again reverse. This change is recent, but my moods, mental focus, and happiness eating cooked starches & lots of produce is off the charts. I agree w/ McDougall in a video I saw that fruits are simple sugars, and while many love the fruitarian lifestyle, I have observed many add cooked starches back to make it work.

I don't believe it has to be all raw to be healthy. Beans and legumes and potatoes have many health benefits.

BTW, my husband's ex, who became identified w/ her professional/personal life as a cooking coach who teaches paleo eating, despite eating lots of veggies, ended up w/ breast cancer. She was vegan and macrobiotic prior, but eating high protein and yogurt and coconut oils++ for 10 years. Just adding this as a warning. I believe both my husband & I could have been looking at a cancer diagnosis down the line, if we hadn't made the switch!

So grateful for my love of plants, and for all the plant-based docs. I went from being a Food Network groupie to a plant-based doc fan. I have an e-book due out soon as well, "Make Every Bite Count" filled w/ photos and recipes.

I look forward to the exchanges here at the forum :-D
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Joined: Sun Sep 08, 2013 12:58 pm

Re: Hi to all! Sharing my successes eating plants!

Postby Bells » Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:21 pm

Congrats on your good health- and your husbands, too!
“since the thing perhaps is to eat flowers and not to be afraid”
-e.e. cummings
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Re: Hi to all! Sharing my successes eating plants!

Postby TracyMinton » Mon Sep 23, 2013 4:00 pm

Posts: 4
Joined: Sun Sep 08, 2013 12:58 pm

Re: Hi to all! Sharing my successes eating plants!

Postby redpepper » Tue Sep 24, 2013 6:55 pm

Interesting story. I can hardly wait to read more!! Thanks for sharing.

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Re: Hi to all! Sharing my successes eating plants!

Postby TracyMinton » Tue Sep 24, 2013 9:45 pm

Thanks Anna, glad you found it interesting. Makes me feel good for sharing. I will keep posting updates as time allows. Trying to complete my first e-book (inspiring others to eat more produce!)

Regards, Tracy
Posts: 4
Joined: Sun Sep 08, 2013 12:58 pm

Re: Hi to all! Sharing my successes eating plants!

Postby mountain » Sat Sep 28, 2013 8:17 am

No more experimenting then for you and hubby I guess :D
I am hooked on this way of eating and love it, I feel like 30 even though I am 57!
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Re: Hi to all! Sharing my successes eating plants!

Postby TracyMinton » Sun Sep 29, 2013 9:17 pm

It's amazing isn't it, how much younger we can feel by changing our diet. And the effect of food choices on moods. I leaned towards vegetarianism since young, and of course wish I stuck with it. Actually, I started out as a nutrition major as an undergrad, and allowed myself to be talked out of that course of study as I was told it would only lead to a dietitians degree. That would mean working in a hospital, which I wouldn't like. Not sure why I didn't investigate it more, but internet wasn't around, and school counselors just channeled you through the 'system.' Of course, nutrition was barely a topic anywhere at that point, back in 1980. But that was one of those moments in time where a decision will effect you for years to come. Needless to say, so happy for what I now know, and grateful for the growing community of plant-based doctors, and for forums like this.
Posts: 4
Joined: Sun Sep 08, 2013 12:58 pm

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