Feeling much better with Asperger's

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Feeling much better with Asperger's

Postby grid » Thu Oct 31, 2013 8:39 am

Hi Everyone,

I don't find too many testinomials with ASD, so I thought I write my own in case it helps anyone.

I'm a 37yo female with Asperger's. I have no weight problem, but have MANY other ones that make me difficult to be social. I've tried to find professional help hundred times so far but as I refused taking drugs I could not find anyone who took me seriously, including my own parents. So I tried to behave as people around me to make everyone happy and I thought if I could learn everything that I miss because of the "bad wiring'' of my brain, my life would work perfectly. Sounds logical, doesn't it?

So I used every source I could to learn from and I really enjoyed using what I learnt, although it was terribly exhausting. A whole day among people made me so tired that I needed at least the next day being on my own to get ready for the next "battle" (sometimes needed 2 or 3 days). So I started to use anything that seemed to help keeping me going, as nothing stops because I'm tired. Coffee, tea, sugar, energy drinks/bars, chocolate, didn't matter what it was (except pharmaceuticals of course), I used them because I wanted to prove I'm at least as useful as anyone else around me.

Long story short, in ten years I reached a point when I lost the control over my life. I had meltdowns and panic attacks all the time, could not sleep, had suicidal thoughts so I accepted a sedative drug from a doctor. That made me dull for a whole day then aggressive for another 2 days, so I stopped taking it but needed something not to be destructive. So I started drinking alcohol when I felt lost. That was the point when I realized I must change my strategy otherwise I would get in a huge trouble.

When I felt a bit better I was keen on finding something, anything that helps. Since I was in a bad shape and had no doc around, I used the internet (google scholar is a great source). The first thing I found was that nutrients can help, so I started to take huge amount of supplements. Result: I slept for almost a whole week, then I felt still weak but I was calm and peaceful. It was great. I think this was the first time I realized that nutrients matter, thus everything I eat matters.

So I started refreshing my cooking skills and finding my vegetarian recipes I'd brought from India years before. I loved them but as I didn't think food matters I rarely used them (it was much more convenient to buy something on the way). I still used milk and milk products, but I felt much, MUCH better with time. I became more and more active, had less and less meltdowns, so I thought I was in the good path.

After about 6 months eating home-made vegetarian food (including a lot of milk and dairy) I found that something is still missing. I was still oversensitive to a lot of things, still had meltdowns once a week and had days when I could not read and had problem talking (I had difficulty thinking through whole sentences, find the proper words, etc)... These and other things didn't seem to get better. I thought, that was the end of my possibilities and I would never get better because of the abusement of my brain (alcohol, energy drinks, sugar, etc.)

But there was one thing that bothered me: sometimes I became very sleepy and weak after meal. I needed more than a month to recognize this effect, but after another month I found that if I avoid milk, dairy and grains I'm fine. So from this time on I was on a 99% vegan, grain free diet (in every 2-3 months I ate 1-2 eggs or a tiny piece of meat with huge amount of salad).

In the last two and a half years I followed this diet and it worked much better than anything else before. I rarely had meltdowns, I could handle most of the problematic points in my (social) life, BUT I did not have energy. The same song: when I spent a whole day among people, I needed 2 or 3 days at rest...

So I started looking for information about how to fine-tune or change my diet. Last May I found a lot of information from dr Fuhrman and dr McDougall and I realized that I missed something very basic in my diet: legumes. I did not have almost any of them on my plate except some green peas in season. So I added them and I felt even better, had more energy, but still needed a whole day rest after a busy day.

To cut it short, about three months now that I brought rice and potatoes in my diet according to the McDougall diet. I still don't eat much of them, but I always have them in hand if I feel like eating something starchy different from legumes. I've never felt better! I don't need extra weekend after a busy day, what's more, I can recognize my needs much easier, which is an issue in my life. I can express myself much more confidently and easier, can communicate much more effectively and sleep much better. I still have a feeling of walking on eggshells while talking to someone but it's not so scary that I want to avoid it at whatever cost (as it was in the past).

The only thing I don't know is if I can ever get off my daily msm supplement. It's the only supplement I take regularly at the moment but I'd love to leave it, too. In the past I took 3x1000mg a day, now I have 1x1000mg (sometimes 2x1000mg when my day is a mess) but I can't leave it out completely because about 3 days later I'm getting nervous and can't concentrate. I would appreciate if someone could answer this question.

Strange enough that no one has ever told me that my "substandard" brain can work quite smoothly. I know that I still seem awkward and have issues, but they are no longer so terrible so they could destroy my life. I know that everyone (even on the spectrum) has different needs, but I'm also sure that this type of diet gives a huge advance as a base for whatever therapy one needs.

Sorry for being so looooooooooong....

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Re: Feeling much better with Asperger's

Postby lifeisgreat » Thu Oct 31, 2013 10:48 am

Thank you for sharing your story. Good luck.
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Re: Feeling much better with Asperger's

Postby Gweithgar » Thu Oct 31, 2013 1:27 pm

Your post is absolutely amazing, Grid. While so-called "normal" (whatever that is!!) I have been pretty introverted in my life, but have found that eating this way has at least coincided with developing a more out-going disposition. There have been other changes in my life that have encouraged the development of better people-skills, and these have been happening at the same time as the dietary changes, so it's not real obvious what is the main cause of the changes/improvements. Until I read you post, I hadn't really thought that the diet would have that much effect on my attitude, but perhaps it has had more than I thought. Ineresting! Thanks for sharing. Really enjoyed your post.
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Re: Feeling much better with Asperger's

Postby JulieS » Thu Oct 31, 2013 1:38 pm

Grid - what an insightful post. :cool: I'm so sorry that not even your parents are understanding of how you are wired. People, especially loved ones, can be so frustrating and disappointing sometimes. I believe that nutrition (or lack thereof) plays an important part in our neurochemistry, so I'm glad this nutritious WOE is working for you!

Welcome and post often to let us know how you're doing! :nod:
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Re: Feeling much better with Asperger's

Postby grid » Sat Nov 02, 2013 3:04 am

Thank you for the replies, I'm really touched. To be honest I thought my post might be interesting for someone with ASD but not for others, so I didn't expect any reply. I'm really thankful for your kind posts.

@Gweithgar: Obviously, I'm not an expert and don't even know you but in my case this positive, more communicative attitude is surely the effect of my current diet. I know, because I tried a lot of things before (diets, supplements, flax seed, baker's yeast, green smoothies, herbs, etc.) but none of them could do more than soothing some of my symptoms. I still use some of them (flax seed, baker's yeast, green smoothies) but as a part of my diet, so it's not a big deal if I leave them out for a day or two. The only exception is msm as I mentioned in my previous post, but it doesn't work without a proper diet either, as it helps me concentrating but it does not effect my attitude directly.

Another thing: I also had changes in my life while switching to the McDougall's diet, and all changes are burdensome in my life. I have great difficulty conforming myself to new things it doesn't matter if they are good or bad. For every change, my first reaction is panic, withdrawnness and aggression if I'm forced being social before I cope with the new challenge. Now it was MUCH easier. I could express how I felt so I didn't reach the point where I get aggressive because no one understands what's going on in my head and keeps pushing me to be "normal".

Since I first got better of the supplements, I strongly believe that circumstances are only part of the story. You can change almost everything around you or you can learn hard but if your brain is not nourished with proper nutrients from a proper diet, it won't serve you the way it should. And I think one could say an analogous sentence about your whole body...

Take care
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Re: Feeling much better with Asperger's

Postby Werner1950 » Sat Nov 02, 2013 11:57 am

Grid, thank you for having the courage to share your story. I have a grandson with Asperger's. He is 11 now, and still has the occasional meltdown. I will keep your post, and save it for a day when his mother might be willing to look at his diet as being a contributing factor.

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Re: Feeling much better with Asperger's

Postby grid » Sun Nov 03, 2013 2:32 pm

@Werner: I'm happy that you found my post helpful. Meltdowns are difficult story but diet can definitely help a lot.

Take care
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Re: Feeling much better with Asperger's

Postby lmggallagher » Tue Nov 05, 2013 7:45 pm

Hi Grid:

You have done a great job of spelling out your approach to the issues you are trying to resolve as best you can. Actually - that's the theme here for a good number of us - so it's always so interesting to see how other people have come to this way of eating and how they make tweaks here and there optimize things for themselves. I am so impressed that you have pushed forward and done this on your own. It's an inspiring story to say the least!

Best wishes for continued progress and happiness too :) Michelle
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Re: Feeling much better with Asperger's

Postby grid » Thu Nov 07, 2013 1:03 am

Thank you, Michelle, you're very kind :)
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Re: Feeling much better with Asperger's

Postby theresam » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:07 pm

Wow, what a great inspiring story!! So glad you shared that!

I am an advanced cranial sacral therapist and work with lots of children and some adults with similar symptoms, aspbergers, or autistic spectrum or learning disabilities but with most adults its depression/anxiety.

In myself, I discovered that I am HIGHLY gluten intolerant and before I quit eating it, at its worst, I actually started getting schizophrenic symptoms right after eating it. After a few minutes, this would be followed by extreme sleepiness. That's when I knew I had to stop it.

I found out I had some pretty serious leaky gut issues. I quit eating gluten, soy, corn, peanuts, dairy, eggs and most sugar, did a 10 day all raw diet with daily enemas, then went to a whole food, plant based diet with moderate fat. After about 4 weeks I "experimented" with some soy (tofu, miso) and found that I'm ok with it. Same with organic corn and peanuts. But gluten is still a no deal, so I'm done with that.

What I've seen with myself and also everyone I've worked with is that gut inflammation is the number one issue here. Healing that is so important. Fermented foods, probiotics, raw juices and colon cleansing (gently) if needed are really important. Also, getting cranial sacral therapy or cranial osteopathy can help. Also, I am a believing Christian and prayer has helped VERY much.

Very interesting about your MSM supplementation also. I would like to try that! God bless~
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Re: Feeling much better with Asperger's

Postby grid » Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:43 am

Theresam, thank you for your kind reply. I'm happy you could also find out that gluten is an issue for your body. :)

To be honest, I found the msm supplement by accident. Years ago I had a supplement which helped me a lot, although it was originally sold for athletes as an after training mineral supplement. About a year after I'd started taking it, the manufacturer changed the ingredients and left the msm out of the product and it was no longer effective for me. So I started to find msm supplementation and I have to say, none of them has helped since but one. So they are not the same, you can easily find one which is just a waste of money and gives extra work for your liver without any benefit.

Take care
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