It sure does work!

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It sure does work!

Postby theresam » Mon Nov 11, 2013 2:24 pm

Just wanted to share. I've been four weeks on a low to moderately low fat, plant based diet, after doing the first 10 days all raw with daily enemas (needed to detox). I am down from a tight size 10 to an 8 and even fitting into some size 6 clothes.

Also I started working out again with kettlebells about two weeks ago and I can not believe how strong I'm getting so fast! When I started, TWO WEEKS AGO, I could only do about 4 pushups on my knees. Now I can do at least 15 full pushups. I KNOW its the plant based diet. I am truly amazed. Looking forward to wearing those size 4's again! :-D

oh, and my far sightedness is getting better, hooray! Hopefully can ditch those reading glasses!
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Joined: Tue Oct 22, 2013 6:54 am

Re: It sure does work!

Postby theresam » Tue Nov 12, 2013 4:44 pm

Today those size 6 jeans fit. Ok, not totally ideally, lol, but I can button them. I didn't think this would work for me this fast. I really did not. I couldn't lose weight exercising for an hour 5 days/week before I started eating low fat plant based. The kettlebells have a lot to do with it, I know. Kettlebells are a very effective way to lose fat and build strength very quickly, with minimal time working out each week, WAY more than I was doing.

I never really stuck with the eating this closely before. I just want to share that doing so has made all the difference. I'm almost 49 so if it can work for me, it can for anyone! Have faith and keep persevering!
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Joined: Tue Oct 22, 2013 6:54 am

Re: It sure does work!

Postby MaryC » Fri Nov 15, 2013 4:06 pm

Congratulations Theresam. You are doing great! The good thing to know is that you haven't lost water weight. It's mostly fat coming off.
I'm 48 and I've been on this new starch based eating pattern for 3 months now. Same as you I could not lose weight exercising intensely 6 days a week more than 1 hr a day while eating a strict Paleo diet (high fat and protein).

On the starch-based vegan type diet, I have lost 6 kg (over 13 lbs), even while cutting back on the intense exercise (I only lift weights twice a week now and walk and other things the rest of the time). My BMI has gone from 24 to 21.5. I did find in the first 6 weeks, I could not lift or swing as heavy (I also like kettle bells and use them often) and tired easier. I wanted to sleep excessively. Upon adding more starchy foods (snacking on potatoes, thick soups, eating more rice) I have got over the fatigue, and can do endurance sports (I stand up paddle surf and boot camp) and lift weights as well or longer than before without feeling famished and faint.

It's pretty amazing. I look the best I have for over 20 years, and feel more energetic, brighter skinned and younger than anyone of my peers that I know.

For all you 40 - 50-ish year old women out there, who were told their hormonal changes were thickening their waists and it was natural and there was nothing we could do about it - rubbish!! - the starch based eating pattern really works, and it's not hard to do.

Keep up the good work, Theresam.
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Joined: Fri Oct 04, 2013 9:09 pm

Re: It sure does work!

Postby theresam » Fri Nov 15, 2013 5:26 pm

Right on, Mary! Very inspiring results! I'm starting to feel what my body needs. That is a first for me. Actually training less and eating more is making me lose faster! Who would've thought it?? I know lots of trainers say that but I thought that was insane. Eat more and exercise less. How funny. But sometimes its true, especially when eating such a clean diet that allows for fast muscle recovery! Less really IS more.

Last time I embarked on losing weight, going from a tight 10 to a 6, it took about 6-7 months eating mostly veg, but not really clean, and I was drinking beer. This time no alcohol and high starch, lower fat and LESS exercise and wow. 12 weeks and I'll get there this time!
Posts: 182
Joined: Tue Oct 22, 2013 6:54 am

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