One year report - free from GERD!

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One year report - free from GERD!

Postby MINNIE » Wed Jan 08, 2014 10:40 am

I began this WOE last January 1, by adopting the regular McDougall plan.
I have been 100 % compliant since then. I am happy with the results, and plan to continue this way of eating. I suppose that’s all I really need to say, but if you want to read more, here’s the story.

But first, a disclaimer.

I’m not sure this story will be of general interest to everyone who participates in the McDougall Forums, but I do hope it may be helpful to anyone who lands here while searching for information about digestive problems such as acid reflux and IBS.
I must explain that this won’t be a story of successful weight loss. I know this issue is important to many people, but I had a different problem. In fact, a year ago I was thin and miserable.

Because I didn’t adopt the Starch Solution way of eating as a weight loss strategy, there are no before and after pictures to post. I look the same on the outside as I did a year ago. The same, but minus the harried look and anxious demeanor of a person who is sleep-deprived, depressed and unable to eat enough to maintain a healthy metabolism!

One year ago, I was in constant abdominal pain, suffered acid burning of the esophagus, and had lost my appetite for most foods. The pain kept me awake most nights, and I was too fatigued to drive or even think about anything complicated. I was losing weight that I couldn’t afford to lose, and could only eat small amounts of white rice, bananas, and a few other very bland foods. I had recently had gallbladder surgery, (which I now think could have been avoided). My symptoms actually got worse after the operation, and I was unable to resume my normal active lifestyle.

But by strictly adhering to the Starch Solution principles, I had complete reversal of all symptoms. I can eat as much and as often as I like. I have no desire to eat foods that are not in the plan. I don’t crave oils or animal foods at all.

I’ll freely admit that this was easier for me than for many people, and I can’t take any credit for having great will-power. There was no struggle at all. It was a profound relief to get rid of the last vestiges of the SAD diet that I was clinging to for the wrong reasons. Because of sympathy for animals, I was a vegetarian for most of my adult life. I had always hated meat, and I loathed eggs. I was lactose intolerant, but wasn’t aware of it until I was well into my forties. However, even when I understood this, I was afraid to give up dairy foods. Until 2006, I still ate yogurt and cottage cheese. These foods had always made me feel ill, but I ate them anyway. This was because I still believed the myth that osteoporosis was caused by a lack of dietary calcium, and that plant sources of calcium were not good enough. Beginning in 2006, I stopped eating milk products for five years because I couldn’t stand the GI symptoms any more. I was quite happy without it. But then in 2011 my primary health care clinic started telling me that I was raising my risk of bone fractures by avoiding milk, and that I ought to resume using it. I didn’t have any facts to argue against this, and was frightened into taking this “expert” advice. I now understand that this was fueling those persistent digestive problems, while giving me no benefits at all. Not ONE person in the health care professions had ever told me this. They could offer pills, invasive tests and surgery, but I didn't want more of that. I felt that there must be a common-sense answer to my problems, and that maybe it was something so obvious I couldn’t see it. It was like a missing part of a jigsaw puzzle that is hiding in plain sight. That’s why I am so grateful to Dr. McDougall, Colin Campbell and the other plant-based advocates for giving me a missing piece of a puzzle that had baffled me for so long.

The other part of the puzzle was learning the facts about vegetable oils. Over the years I had used less and less fat of any kind in my own cooking. This was because I felt better without it, and was able to avoid weight gain by reducing my fat consumption. However, in 2011 I read Harvard scientist Dr. Walter Willett’s book, Eat, Drink and Be Healthy. While much of the advice in that book was good – less dairy and no red meat- the author advocated a high consumption of olive oil. His argument was that olive oil was protective against heart disease, and that one could safely consume up to 40% of calories in the form of oil. He adhered to the “calories are all the same” theory, and said that so many fat calories don’t cause weight gain. Even though I had doubts, I dutifully began to add extra oil to my diet. As this was an apparently good authority, affiliated with a prestigious institution, I accepted that he must be right and I (and my poor distressed gut) must be wrong. I thought I had to endure the increase in GERD as a trade-off against the risk of heart disease. I wonder now how I could have been so gullible, but I hadn’t heard any contradictory evidence at that point. Once again, the answers I needed were in The Starch Solution, and also The China Study, and Dr. Esselstyn’s Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease. These books became my holy trinity of dietary debunking!

In addition to immediate and (so far) permanent relief of all gastric symptoms, my cholesterol has gone down one hundred points, my weight is stable at a healthy BMI, and I haven’t had a cold or infection of any kind in the whole year of this WOE. I am also confident that I am doing the most I can to reduce my risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. My depression is gone, and my mental clarity came back.

That’s my story. I hope someone else who is seeking the missing link to good dietary health will come across this, and find it helpful.

Peace, love and starch to all!
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Re: One year report - free from GERD!

Postby Ampin Up » Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:08 am

Great job for you Minnie. Keep up the good eating for your health. It is difficult when the so called "experts" are always telling you that you are doing the wrong thing. Glad you stuck with it and got the positive results that were yours to gain.

Your story will inspire many since you have shown that there is something to gain even if you have nothing to loose, (weight that is). Some people think it is all about weight loss and any diet will do. Dr. McDougall's Starch Solution is not about weight loss, it is about getting and staying healthy. Weight loss may be a side effect, as Dr. McDougall says below.

The McDougall Program is not a "diet," and it was not designed primarily for weight loss – however, loss of excess body fat naturally results as people regain their health.
Dr. John McDougall

Thanks for sharing your story.

Jeff - Certified Starch Solution Instructor
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Re: One year report - free from GERD!

Postby greentea » Thu Jan 09, 2014 11:19 am

Minnie, Wow! I'm so happy that you are doing well now, and that all that suffering is behind you.
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Re: One year report - free from GERD!

Postby JulieS » Thu Jan 09, 2014 11:30 am

Congrats, Minnie! What a success story you are!! :nod: I'm so glad that you feel better!
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Re: One year report - free from GERD!

Postby Lizzy_F » Wed Jan 15, 2014 12:56 pm

Congratulations Minnie on all of your health improvements. Thank you so much for sharing your story. What a great reminder not to take the word of the medical establishment when it comes to diet!!

A couple years ago my husband had so much digestive distress he ended up in the emergency room TWICE because the pain was so bad and his fear was so high. The medical professionals never could figure it out. After doing some research and trying some things, we discovered he had become completely intolerant of gluten and dairy. He was amazed how good he felt after a bit of healing time. He said he had no idea how sick he really was day to day until the "crisis" incidents.

Your story is amazing and inspires me to continue working to convince DH that a plant based diet is the way to go. He's become the world's biggest carnivore for now... :(

Hope 2014 brings you good things!

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Re: One year report - free from GERD!

Postby MINNIE » Thu Jan 16, 2014 9:49 am

Thanks, Lizzy, and I hope he will see the light about meat-eating soon.

Sometimes I can't BELIEVE how much healthier, happier - and even younger - I feel on this WOE!.

If your husband is open to reading one of Dr. McDougall's books, I highly recommend Dr. McDougall's Digestive Tune Up.
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Re: One year report - free from GERD!

Postby Lizzy_F » Sat Jan 18, 2014 2:06 pm

Hi again Minnie. Thanks for the book recommendation. I have been thinking about getting that one. Now I will go ahead and just do it!

"Long-term sustainable change is what we are really after." ~Jeff Novick
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Re: One year report - free from GERD!

Postby PixelAngelBaby » Sun Jan 19, 2014 6:56 pm

This is good news! No wonder why I haven't needed any anti-acid medication since I started a low fat vegan diet last week. I used to cheat with seafood and didn't watch my fat consumption, but without em' I'm doing so much better! I mean, I had improvement eing pesco-vegan, in comparison to my old omnivore lifestyle, but low fat really made more of a difference.
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