Now down 140 pounds!

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Now down 140 pounds!

Postby Nettie » Sat Mar 08, 2008 7:17 am

Folks, I never thought this would happen! I was perfectly content to stay at the weight that I was and am no longer interested in losing any more weight. But I guess my body had other ideas, and I've lost another 5 pounds. This, while eating lots of healthy food, never going hungry, never feeling stressed over what to eat, no weighing or measuring or counting anything. Just eating healthy, as the Good Lord intended.

I've gone from 282 to 142 in less than a year and a half. I'm smaller now than I've ever been as an adult, except for a period of time when I was in my early 30's, under a lot of stress, and possibly dealing with some anorexia. I bought size 12's (!) a few weeks ago, and now they're baggy on me. I can't believe it. I figured at age 60 I would have to be content with being a little pudgy, and that was ok with me. I'm not trying to win any beauty contests. But here I am - definitely not pudgy - and what a blessing that is.

It's wonderful to go through life with weight not being an issue. Before McDougall, I was always conscious of my weight. It got in the way of everything. Now I am free to be me (I'm still learning what that is) and, miraculously, I'm not "white-knuckling" it. In the past I've been able to lose weight by just sheer, grim determination and deprivation. But I always gained it back once I decided to "reward" myself, or when I just couldn't deal with doing without any longer.

Now I no longer feel hungry, and I don't feel like I'm balancing on a tightrope, ready to fall over at a moment's notice. I'm simply living. And that's a wonderful thing.

I encourage anyone who is struggling to give the McDougall Program their 100% effort. It will pay off. No added fats, no refined carbs, just lots of fruit, vegetables, and starches. Ignore the naysayers, the ones who worry about where you're going to get your protein, or your calcium, or the ones who think olive oil or dairy products are health foods. Just tread your own path to good health. And trust.

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Postby ladynnred1 » Sat Mar 08, 2008 7:25 am

You are such an inspiration. As I've said in messages before, I had similar success 12 years ago but am not doing nearly as well now. I guess I'm not trusting the program 100% as your final paragraph says. I'm going to try it (just finished breakfast of good, plain potatoes) to get back to feeling good.

Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I was thinking earlier this week (yesterday, I think) how much I missed your periodic updates but I knew you were doing well. Thanks so much.

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Postby Doris » Sat Mar 08, 2008 8:40 am

Congratulations Nettie!!! Thank you for sharing your journey and all your words of wisdom with us. :)
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Postby dlb » Sat Mar 08, 2008 8:59 am

Nettie -

Congratulations again! You are an inspiration and your posts are so encouraging. Thank you for sharing.

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Whahooo, Nettie!

Postby Sky King » Sat Mar 08, 2008 6:19 pm

Nettie -- thanks for keeping us posted on your progress -- whenever I come and hang out here on the McDougall discussion board, I always check and see if you have another progress report. I'm so thrilled and encouraged by your success! Good job! :lol: Best wishes, Sky King
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Postby Peacefulhome » Sat Mar 08, 2008 7:25 pm

Nettie, your testimony is so encouraging. Thanks for sharing.

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Postby CathyB » Sat Mar 08, 2008 7:42 pm

Nettie, thanks for sharing! Reading this was truely inspirational to me! I can't wait to be able to make a similar post myself one day!
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Postby Quiet Heather » Sun Mar 09, 2008 5:03 am

How inspiring! Congratulations! :D
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Postby Rita » Sun Mar 09, 2008 10:09 am

Nettie, I congratulate you. Waiting anxiously for your Star McDougaller article! In any event, keep us apprised. Your enthusiasm and success inspire us all.

Postby Jackie J » Sun Mar 09, 2008 2:54 pm

Thank you as always, Nettie for keeping us posted on your progress.
Congratulations on your success and generosity of spirit.
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Postby vlgimmelli » Sun Mar 09, 2008 6:50 pm


You are such an inspiration. I have been on and off following the McDougall program and just by reading your story and journey I have re-committed myself to living this lifestyle. I have two small children and want to be able to play with them and also be here for them as they grow up. I love the simplicity of your daily menu and would like to follow something similar so that I won't get stressed as to buying so many things and making the program complex. Just wanted to ask you a quick question, I need to re-read the McDougall program, which book would you recommend I read first the regular 12 day McDougall program or MWL Program? Also do you think it is best to follow the regular program or start with the MWL program? Thanks for your help and thank you again for sharing your success. You are an inspiration to us all. Many , Many congratulations to you!!!!
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Postby auntemmy » Sun Mar 09, 2008 7:02 pm

Congratulations Nettie! You and dlb are such an inspiration. You make me believe it can happen for me too and all I have to do is follow the program. Thank you!!

What's taters, precious?
Po-ta-toes? Boil 'em. mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew?
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Postby Nettie » Sun Mar 09, 2008 7:46 pm

vlgimmelli wrote:Nettie,
...I love the simplicity of your daily menu and would like to follow something similar so that I won't get stressed as to buying so many things and making the program complex. Just wanted to ask you a quick question, I need to re-read the McDougall program, which book would you recommend I read first the regular 12 day McDougall program or MWL Program? Also do you think it is best to follow the regular program or start with the MWL program? Thanks for your help and thank you again for sharing your success. You are an inspiration to us all. Many , Many congratulations to you!!!!
Blessings, Lillian :-P

Dear Lillian, I think the answer to your question lies in both your personal food preferences and also your goals. If you can't live without pasta, perhaps the regular program would do. If you're interested in quicker results, I think MWL would work better.

I just pulled my copy of MWL off my bookshelf to refresh my memory of what it entails. In addition to the regular McDougall avoidance of all animal and dairy products and oils, MWL limits fruit to 2 servings a day; no fruit juices or dried fruit. Also, all high fat plant foods are eliminated, including nuts, nut butters, seeds, olives, coconut, and soybean products, including tofu. All processed breads, bagels, pastas, pretzels, crackers, corn & wheat tortillas are out. Whole grains are ok (limited). Green and yellow vegetables are 1/3 to 1/2 of the diet.

So, I think I'm following a mixture of MWL and the regular program. I eat lots of fruit (no juices), but I eat no breads or pastas, except for the weekly burrito from Moe's Southwest Grill. In the last few months I've added a whole lot of greens to my diet in the form of broccoli, cabbage and especially turnip greens. (I think it's made a big difference in weight loss lately.) I eat a huge salad almost daily.

I would suggest that you start off with the MWL and follow it 100%, as he suggests in the book. He says, "The McDougall Program for Maximum Weight Loss works, as long as you follow it faithfully. You can fail yourself. Little lapses can make the difference. Because of the efficient design of the human body, the preferential destination of any fats added to the starch-centered diet will be your hips, thighs, belly, and chin." p. 75

It's important not to let yourself get hungry, because that leads to abandonment of the program. He suggests 2/3 starch and 1/3 very low calorie salads (and green & yellow veggies side dishes). Stay away from breads and pastas, even whole wheat, except for an occasional treat, because they're very calorie-dense. (For me this means potatoes and more potatoes. Thank goodness for the invention of the microwave!) Beans and greens every day.

So, yes, I'd suggest the MWL book, and treat yourself to the Quick and Easy Cookbook. It has easy, less-than-30-minutes recipes that are simple and delicious. Since MWL is a little more restrictive of the fruit and grains, it may be simpler to follow. And with fewer food choices you're less likely to stray. I eat the same things all the time and never get tired of it. But that's me.

Remember, 100% compliance wins the race. Absolutely no refined carbs of any kind, with either regular McD or MWL. The insulin response from white flour or sugars will sabotage your progress every time.

Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with. I'm still learning myself, but I'm always happy to share with others.

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Postby PKM » Sun Mar 09, 2008 7:52 pm

Nettie wrote:
vlgimmelli wrote:Remember, 100% compliance wins the race. Absolutely no refined carbs of any kind, with either regular McD or MWL. The insulin response from white flour or sugars will sabotage your progress every time.

I should tattoo this on my forehead! Or, maybe my arm so I can read it......
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Postby vlgimmelli » Mon Mar 10, 2008 10:34 am

Hi Nettie,

Thank you so much for your advice and help. I am going to take your advice. I really want to lose my 85 pounds which are keeping me from really living life the way I should be....enjoying my children more and running with them. Thank you again for your help and for your wonderful posts that are so inspiring. Have a great week.
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