Seeking support with continuing to follow the program...

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Seeking support with continuing to follow the program...

Postby Delci » Fri Jan 30, 2009 6:48 pm

This is my first posting. I am McDougalling on my own since around the first of '09. I can't quite afford to attend the 10 day program but I have Dr. McDougall's books I am following and am doing ok (but have recently begun to compromise with a little salt here, a little oil there) and I'm wondering if in general people feel as though the 10-day program is needed for success or if persons have done ok without attending the 10-day program? Right now I guess my main need is for continued motivation and I'm wondered if there is a support group comprised of persons on the program in the Los Angeles/Inland Empire area of Southern California and/or a chat group set up for McDougallers anywhere?

P.S. Has anyone compiled a list of "safe" foods that can be eaten at a fast food restaurant if one didn't make the time to cook or for an ocassional convenience. I have mostly been taking my lunch to work but would like an alternative if needed. For example, is Burger King's veggie burger ok? How about Taco Bell's bean and potato burrito? Any input and suport would be appreciated.
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Postby Letha » Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:23 pm

Welcome Delci, It’s very nice to meet you.

I’m not aware of any other support groups beyond this discussion board but someone else may speak more to that. I find a lot of support right here. In particular, I enjoy posting and reading menus in the Roberta’s corner forum. I post and read other posts every day in the Maximum Weight loss challenge thread. I also post daily in the journal forum and a couple of times a week I read through other journal threads and leave comments. I have found these activities and the other people on this forum to be very helpful, interesting, and supportive.

Regarding salt and oil, small amounts of salt are allowed on the program, oil should be avoided all the time. So when eating out, your top priority is to find oil free vegan options. I’ve looked at Taco Bell’s menu and I do not believe they have anything McDougall friendly on the menu. A BK veggie burger has 16 grams of fat so that wouldn’t work. For fast food, the thing most recommended here is Wendy’s because you can get a plain baked potato and a salad. I would suggest you identify Asian & Teriyaki take out places nearby. At a minimum you should be able to get plain white rice and if you’re lucky, you can get them to fix you some steamed veggies. Many grocery stores have make your own salad bars now and you could pair that with a whole grain roll or some fat free rye crackers. If you are somewhere with a microwave, you can also nuke Eden’s canned Organic Beans & Rice or you could get some hot water from a coffee stand and pour it over a McDougall soup cup. I’m sure other people will have more ideas. Keep coming here and reading and you’ll get lots of good ideas. Best wishes.
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yahoo groups

Postby ncyg46 » Sat Jan 31, 2009 6:28 pm

there are a few yahoo groups devoted to McDougall program

Susan Voisin of the fatfreevegan is the moderator!
this is her blog....

hope this helps

chile also has a great one...

this is just one of hers...

I don't know of any chat rooms but this forum is pretty active!
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Postby walker1 » Sun Feb 01, 2009 6:25 pm


A couple more ideas...

You can also find a place that does vegetable sushi. I can get a roll that carrots, brown rice, and cucumber.

Subway has a veggie sub -- just have them add only the vegetables, omit the cheese, and use the mustard as a spread. I think most of their rolls are okay, except one. You might want to check out their site.

Chipotle doesn't list oil as an ingredient in their rice and they do have salsa. I wasn't clear from their site if the black beans have oil. (The pinto beans have bacon, so of course avoid them.) You could try emailing them to find out.

Come back here for support. It's a great group of people always willing to answer questions and keep you going.

Have a nice evening,
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Thanks for supporting a newbie....

Postby Delci » Mon Feb 02, 2009 12:53 pm

Thanks so much for all of your suggestions and support.

I have been saving my money to attend the McDougall's next 10-day program, however, I am wondering if I should save that money instead (given the economy) and focus my attention and efforts on gaining support to stay on the program. I am certain that the 10-day program will be worth every penney. My concern, however, is that I spend the money to attend the program and unless I stay motivated may eventually stop following the plan. I think I do better with ongoing support and am leaning towards not going to the program and utilizing the forum instead.
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Postby Faith in DC » Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:00 pm

Delci one of the cheap ways to get motivated while you are saving is to buy some of his dvds. Even with reading, and watching him all these years, I still get a boast of motivation from watching the dvds.
I'm in training for maintaining
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Postby Chile » Mon Feb 23, 2009 7:43 am

Nancy, thanks for mentioning my blog. It's a bit on the slow side right now as I deal with 2+ hours of physical therapy and vestibular rehab a day. Want to do a guest post on it about McDougalling? :D
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Re: yahoo groups

Postby VeggieSue » Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:02 am

ncyg46 wrote:Susan Voisin of the fatfreevegan is the moderator!
this is her blog....

She has the fat free vegan Yahoogroup:

And an Eat to Live group:

and a few vegan off-topic chat groups.

She is a member, but not moderator, of the 2 McDougall groups on Yahoo.
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duh I goofed

Postby ncyg46 » Mon Feb 23, 2009 1:25 pm

:eek: whoops...sorry...I copy and pasted the wrong groups! you are right! I knew she had the Eat to Live group but goofed up on the other ones....
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