New and going cold turkey(Pun not intended)

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New and going cold turkey(Pun not intended)

Postby Lindsay » Sun Apr 05, 2009 5:35 pm


My name is Lindsay and I want to first say hello to everyone...I am not new to the Mcdougall program..Tried it years ago with some success...My blood pressure stabalized wonderfully...But I slowly let it go...Back to the SAD...

This time I am combining McDougall/Essestein ...I have a goal and a little over a month to achieve it..I go to the doctor the second week of May..For the whole enchilada(veg)...Cholsteral,weight,female problems and my jumping blood pressure..

Last time my cholesteral was 265.I am very interested to see what my cholesteral will drop to with these programs.I am overweight...242...I want to loose but my overall health is more important to me...So weightloss is a plus/added bonus in my book.I know my blood pressure will stabalize again..It always does when I go McDougall/vegan for a week or two..

So I have a few questions..I want to keep it simple...It is just me and my 19 month old..She is allergic to dairy and soy so won't be giving up much of anything anyway...I am going to do a 7 day rotating menu for the next month and half to make it easier for me..Please read my menu and tell me if something isn't acceptable..Also I have a few questions...

Are juices allowed? Mainly Orange juice..We don't drink it...We freeze it into freezer pops...It is fatfree..But????

Is plain air popped popcorn acceptable..I need a grabby snack for my two breaks and at night..

What about ketchup?Organic and fatfree?

Can I have all the whole fruit I want? Say 2-3xs a day?

Can I use brown sugar in oatmeal in the am's?

My rotating menu....

1.Crockpot beans with corn bread..Spices added...Jan Tz corn bread with white whole wheat and water....Melon wedges.

2.Mashed Potatos mashed with cooking water,onions and garlic...Brocolli(steamed) and fruit salad.

3.WW Spagetti with Simple Sauce(just tomatoes and spices)with mushrooms,onions,peppers...Green beans and Fresh Pineapple wedges.

4.Potato/Carrot Soup with Brown Rice and Hm Fresh Fruit Sorbet(the fruit only).

5.Potato Gnocchi(made with leftover mashed potatoes and White Whole wheat flour) with simple sauce(above recipe)and warm hm ww bread(no eggs or oil)Fruit salad

6.Oven Potato Wedges or Baked Potatos,Corn on Cob,Melon Slices.

7.Leftovers...And if there isn't any I will make a vegetable soup with brown rice and warm bread...Strawberries and Kiwi

Breakfasts will be oatmeal with cinnamon and chopped pears or Toast with all fruit spread...Bananas

Lunches will be leftovers

Snacks will be fruit and veg tubs and popcorn(if I can have it),and orange juice pops(if I can have them).

Thanks for any help,advice and exsperience you can throw my way..I know that my menu is monotomous but simple works for me...Tommorow morning is a new beginning for me!!!! Wish me luck!!!!

Love Lindsay xx
Lindsay xx
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Postby Sky King » Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:31 am

Lindsay -- this sounds great! Keep us posted on how things are going. Best wishes and happy McDougalling! Sky King :)
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Postby Letha. » Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:25 am

Hello Lindsay,
Your menu sounds really great. You are off to a good start. :) To address some of your questions.

Air popped popcorn is fine.

A spoonful of brown sugar on your oatmeal is OK.

Ketchup and BBQ sauces is OK – just check the label & choose one that is oil free, and preferably also low in sugar and salt.

Regarding fruit juice – On the maximum weight loss (MWL) version of the program fruit juice is to be avoided but I’m not sure about the regular McDougall plan. I know Mary McDougall uses fruit juice in her recipes that she publishes in the newsletter.

For the MWL program fruit is limited to two servings per day – I’m not sure if there is a limit on the regular plan.

We have a great support thread going on in the MWL forum. We post about our progress and we have an optional weekly weigh in. We’d love to have you join us – even if you are following the regular plan. Check it out.

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Postby f1jim » Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:10 am

This is the combination that worked for me. The McDougall and Esselstyn recommended diets are quite compatible. In fact, the Esselstyn diet is really a tightened up McDougall diet with the elimination of seeds and nuts. I experienced excellent weight loss, great improvement in my lipid panel, as well as the cessation of chest pain. Stick with it. It works.
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Postby Faith in DC » Mon Apr 06, 2009 11:08 am

Where's the veggies? Veggies are so filling. maybe you just didn't mention them.

On the fruit, when you get near your blood draw I'd cut back on the fruit. This is me personally. I'm afraid several fruits a day, plus a couple of the oj pops will raise the triglycerides. Any thoughts on that folks? You should have some weight off by then too. So stick with it.
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Thanks everyone....

Postby Lindsay » Tue Apr 07, 2009 7:16 am

I am going shopping this morning to stock up and start...I decided to wait until my day off because I work such long hours..I want to do a little prep today so the fridge is ready for me... :P

Faith...I know it may not look like it but there is plenty of vegetables in each evening meal plan..Even the simple sauce is loaded with fresh vegetables..And I will be snacking on fresh raw veggies on breaks..Like carrots,fresh green beans(I love those),baby tomatoes,cucumber slices ect...

I know it seems like alot of fruit but I really need natures sweetness to get me through...I am trying to give up sugar for the most part also...I didn't put sugar in my oatmeal yesterday and this morning..Just fresh fruit and it was good..

That is great about the popcorn and ketchup..That will really help...I buy the Whole Foods 365 Organic and it reads like it will do okay..

I am going to be starting a journal on the journal page tonight..Right now my 19 month old is demanding a diaper change :eek: So I have to get off the computer...Thanks again for the warm wishes and welcome..I will be coming here to get my support as no one around here does this plan and they think I am nuts.... :-)

Lindsay xx
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