A Newbie

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A Newbie

Postby txjack » Tue Apr 07, 2009 1:35 pm

:D Hi -- My name is Dale, I use Txjack as I am from Tx and it is part of my last name.

I started the McDougall program last Thursday (4/2). I am overweight and have been dealing (or more like not dealing) with diabetes for a number of years. I have gone the spectrum of doctors with varying opinions from one saying "eat vegan" to the next doctor saying, "are you crazy, eat only Atkins" to the next saying, "Atkins is terrible, we are putting you on a 1400 calorie diet". I threw up my hands said these guys are all nuts.

I was familiar with Dr. McDougall and always wanted to start his program (as far back as the 80's), but got so much resistance from my family, I just gave up. I am remarried, a little over two years, and my wife put up quite a bit of resistance. She is an awesome cook and can't imagine a life without mounds of cheese and oil. She is a little overweight but doesn't obsess over food like me.

Fast-forward to 2009, my weight has steadily climbed along with my diabetes trouble. I have read pretty much everything that Dr. McDougall has written. It flies in the face of every single thing my current doctor thinks. He recently modified my lantus insulin/metformin XR(2-- 500 mg twice daily) to Novilin 70/30 and trying to cut back the metformin to 1 (am/pm). My sugars started to rise and so would the adjustment. After 3 weeks, my sugars were nuts, staying well above 275, 300 to just under 500 post meals.

On 4/1, I sat in my doctor's office, and he just shook his head, not sure what to do. He told me to increase the insulin (quadrupled at this point) and add back the extra metformin pill (am/pm) and "don't eat carbs". I asked about my cholesterol (which was I think 285 about 4 weeks ago). He said we will deal with that later.

I came home, told my wife I was at my wits end and that everything else had failed and that I was tired of being tired, I was feeling numb spots on a finger and was going on Dr. McDougall's program effective immediately. I reminded her of an uncle who litterally "dropped dead" while on a low carb diet and said I don't want that to happen. Fortunately, she didn't seem to want that to happen to me and said OK, she supported me.

24 hours later, I felt really good. In fact, great. 48 hours later. I start crashing with sugars at 107. A good problem but unusual at that high of a reading. Next morning, 89 and while shaky, not feeling so bad. I cut back on insulin. Next day 215 AM, crashing big time at 70. Felt pretty horrible, got it up and cut back insulin again. While watching a McDougall dvd, realized the Dr. mentioned cutting back insulin by half normally because of the drop. I did, and the sugars have not crashed.

So, I've cut insulin back by about 45% to keep me not too low and actually had to cut back the one metformin again to keep from crashing. I keep track of the numbers closely and realized, I haven't weighed yet. My clothes feel looser so look forward to that.

I'm planning on losing the weight, so I can continue to cut back that insulin and look forward to being able to cut all my meds which would free up an incredible amount of money each month. I still keep in touch with my doctor with my numbers so although running loose, I haven't left the range.

Lastly, my wife has been ok with all this. She isn't crazy about the oil part, but has really been supportive.
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Postby Letha. » Tue Apr 07, 2009 2:19 pm

Hi Dale,
Congratulations on taking charge of your health with a McDougall diet. We have a great support group in the maximum weight loss forum. We post about our challenges, successes, recipes, exercise, tips, etc., and we have an optional weigh-in once a week on Thursdays. We’d love to have you be a part of our group. Check it out here.


Also, here are two lists of recipes from the McDougall Newsletters.


And I also have a blog with lots of MWL recipes (and food photos). :)


Best wishes and let us know if we can do anything to help
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Postby eaufraiche703 » Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:23 pm

Your quick results are stunning, Dale!

It's awesome that your body reacted to the dietary changes and it was necessary to cut drugs to such an extent. You must be thrilled at this rapid reaction - and relieved that you opted to McDougall!

Isn't this exciting! Well done!
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Postby Chumly » Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:33 am

Hi Dale,

It's great to see such progress so quickly. Keep it up!

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Hi Dale

Postby f1jim » Wed Apr 08, 2009 5:32 pm

Congratulations on beginning the journey back to health. You are off to a great start. My experience here on the forums, as well as the people I met at one of the 3 day advanced nutrition seminars, convinced me that Type 2 diabetes is usually quite manageable with the McDougall program. I've see many stunning stories of diabetes reversal and have every hope you will be no exception.
You are attempting to do this in Texas(a state I dearly love!!!) and I am living proof you can do this even there. I travel back there about 4-6 times a year and even in the little tiny town I visit(near Abilene) it's relatively easily accomplished. You must be strong willed and be ready for a lot of explanations, but I am sure you are more than capable.
My wife has always been an amazing cook and she made the transition to McDougall style cooking pretty easily. Cooking without the fats and oils is a skill set any good cook can do.
Something tells me we will be hearing a lot more about you in the near future. Got a "before" picture for when you are the next Star McDougaller?
Keep us in the loop.
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Postby LJ » Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:54 am

Welcome Dale and congrats!! It always lifts my spirits to hear of someone take charge of their health and their future. We are all surrounded by sad stories of people who rely on traditional medicine and who don't know there IS a way to lead a healthy life...naturally. So happy for you and wish you all the health you can take!! I'll bet your wife will be completely on-board when she see's what a difference this will make in your life and your health. YAY FOR BOTH OF YOU!!!!
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