veggie soy cheese?

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veggie soy cheese?

Postby lilmomma » Sat Apr 18, 2009 9:54 pm

What type of "veggie" soy cheese is permitted, & what are some brand names I can look for at the market? :-D
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Postby Letha. » Sun Apr 19, 2009 7:48 am

Hi Lilmomma
Here is a link to Dr. McDougall's list of acceptable packaged foods; Dairy.

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Postby TominTN » Sun Apr 19, 2009 7:50 am

Anything you want to eat is "permitted". :) (But I know what you meant.)

In his April, 2005, newsletter Dr. McDougall recommends against using soy-based fake foods like the "cheese" products you're asking about.

Many of us enjoy nutritional yeast as a condiment. It can lend a cheesy flavor to foods.

(edited to add:) I was not aware of the list of dairy substitutes you posted, Letha. Thanks! The first statement on the page Letha links says, "Most of the cheeses contain a very small amount of isolated soy protein." It's the isolated soy protein that is the issue discussed in the newsletter.
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Postby serenity » Sun Apr 19, 2009 12:06 pm

To add a bit more to what has already been posted, keep in mind that this is a predominantly whole foods food plan. Commercial "cheese" products are far and away from whole. That said, Mary has a lasagna recipe that uses Follow Your Heart brand that is high in fat, but I use it for that occasionally.

But the primary reason I avoid the commercial stuff is that it all tastes awful!!! I much prefer some of the cheeze recipes you can find on this site or from Jo Stepaniak or Bryanna Clark Groggan.

But I did find that first I had to lose my taste for the dairy stuff. I just avoided it all (dairy and substitutes) for the first several months. After that, the commercial stuff still tasted awful but I enjoyed the homemade cheezes based on nutritional yeast. Since you are new, you may find some taste challenges as well at first. Don't be discouraged if that turns out to be the case. It gets much, much easier.
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Postby lilmomma » Sun Apr 19, 2009 2:05 pm

Thanks everybody! Never heard of using nutritinal yeast to replace a cheese topping. Gotta try it. We're not addicted to cheese, but once in a while, we get a craving to have a sprinkle of it to top off a dish.
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