New in California

Learn the basics and take the first steps to successfully implement the McDougall Program.

Moderators: JeffN, carolve, Heather McDougall

New in California

Postby healthymonster » Fri May 01, 2009 12:13 am

Hi Everyone, I'm new here. I have messed around with the McDougall plans a bit, but never did it full-time. As of tomorrow, May first, I do! I'm looking forward to a cornucopia of good health surprises! :)

I am pleased to be here to learn and make friends along my journey to success.

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Location: Bay Area, California

Postby Letha. » Fri May 01, 2009 8:05 am

Hi Jenni,
Welcome aboard. I was glad to also see you post over in the May 09 MWL thread. I look forward to hearing all about your McDougall journey. Best wishes.
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Postby SactoBob » Fri May 01, 2009 9:19 am

Welcome, and if you live in the Bay Area, you might want to attend the upcoming brunch. Hopefully, Dr. McDougall will participate via the internet.

Postby healthymonster » Fri May 01, 2009 2:42 pm

Thank you Letha and Bob for the warm welcome! I will contact the person hosting the get-together in Pacifica, that's just up the road from me!

So far so good today. Oatmeal, coffee and soymilk for breakfast. (Working on phasing out coffee).

Veggie rolls made with brown rice, Miso soup with veggies for lunch.

I will make a polenta, mushroom, green bean dish for dinner tonight. I feel better already. I can't weight to see the scale go down too!
I am pleased to be here to learn and make friends along my journey to success.

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Location: Bay Area, California

Hi Healthymonster

Postby f1jim » Tue May 05, 2009 11:38 pm

It would be great to see you at the upcoming brunch. I know how important it can be to have a support system and also to be able to ask someone questions. It's like tech support. Online help can be fine but nothing beats a real human being. Hope to see you there and to be able to have you meet Dr. McDougall.
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