
Learn the basics and take the first steps to successfully implement the McDougall Program.

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Postby DWerth » Mon May 04, 2009 3:15 pm

I was given DrMcDougalls' site address recently. I am a Type2 diabetic and was hoping someone could give me their recipes or maybe the book(s) from this site that worked for them. It sure would be helpful to be able to share this information to a newbie! I am 56 and overweight and have been T2 since 1996.

If you would prefer to just email me instead here is my address:
[email protected]

Thank you to everyone in advance!
Dennis in WI
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My Answers

Postby SactoBob » Mon May 04, 2009 3:27 pm

With apologies to the McDougalls, my favorite recipes were in the Dr. Esselstyn's book "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease."

But you will need a lot more than recipes. Some of the dvds that Dr. McDougall sells here were key. In particular, Doug Lisles's 'Pleasure Trap' and 'Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind' and the dvds of the guest lecturers like T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Esselstyn, and of course, Dr. McDougall. Also, Jeff Novick's dvd on how to read food lables is extremely important and can be obtained directly from him.

If you can get the knowledge, and then focus on the hard part (at first) of adhering to the program, you can really turn your health around.

Postby DWerth » Mon May 04, 2009 3:33 pm

I forgot to mention before but now I will ask you personally; Is any or all of these recipes 'vegan' (which seems to be DrM's preference)?

If so, are any items in the vegan recipes hard to find? We live in a town of only 20k and do not have many grocery stores.

Thanks in advance.
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Postby SactoBob » Mon May 04, 2009 3:57 pm

All of the recipes are vegan, and all are McDougall legal. In fact, Dr. Esselstyn's recommendations are a bit more strict than the regular version of the program recommended by Dr. M.

You can learn to buy anything you need, I would think, in your town. And if not, for example, I buy gluten free oatmeal via the internet. But one of the first things to learn is that going vegan does not necessarily mean going healthy. There is plenty of vegan junk food available that will derail your plans.

Dr. McDougall has a number of books and lectures that you could purchase, and they are all excellent - even the cookbooks. I just like the Esselstyn recipes better for my own taster.

BTW, on this program I have reversed my diabetes and am off meds. I am optimistic that you can do the same. But it will take some effort. There are plenty of people here who will help. If you could afford to attend one of Dr. McDougall's 5 or 10 day programs, that would be optimal. But everything you need is here for free or next to free.

Postby DWerth » Mon May 04, 2009 7:04 pm

"free or next to free"?
I'm guessing the books and/or lectures are not free.

So, what is my next step?
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Postby TominTN » Mon May 04, 2009 9:26 pm

You could start with the free program here:

This link will take you the first page of a series that presents the complete McDougall program in summary form. If you can afford books and DVDs, they add inspiration and more details, but everything you need to know to follow the McDougall program successfully is presented in the sequence linked above.

From there, you could move on to Dr. McDougall's archive of newsletters:

There are informative and inspirational articles and recipes for each month of the year beginning with 2002.

Another great source of free inspiration is the collection of Star McDougallers:

Some have written their stories, others have recorded short videos in which they describe their experience of learning to use the McDougall program to heal themselves and recover wellness. They have overcome a wide variety of diseases and conditions using the program: diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular disease, obesity, migraines, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, and others.

Next, there are the low-cost options -- books and DVDs. Here's a link to Dr. McD's online store:

Many of his books are also available through

Finally, attending a program in Santa Rosa, California, is the most expensive (and probably most motivating and effective) option. The various programs are described here:

I hope this helps. Let us know if you have further questions.
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Thanks, Tom

Postby SactoBob » Tue May 05, 2009 12:46 am

That is a great and well written post. We should find a way to make it a stick for newcomers to see. It seems to be a frequent question.

It seems that after doing this program for awhile, it is easy to forget how much information there is to learn at the start.

Postby TominTN » Tue May 05, 2009 5:02 am

Thank you, Bob. I've added a link to the post from the FAQ page in the mcdougall-friendly-recipes wiki:
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Your groceries probably have evrything you need to start....

Postby veggiecat » Tue May 05, 2009 6:46 am

Which stores do you have? I'm sure they have regular oatmeal & fruit,beans & rice,potatoes & squash , canned tomatoes & frozen vegetables. Do you have any farmer's markets nearby?That would help a lot..or maybe you could grow a few of your own veg?
What kind of foods are you used to eating? Maybe you can adapt some of your recipes.
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Also,if you search Jeff Novick's posts

Postby veggiecat » Tue May 05, 2009 7:12 am

for Update:quick recipes,there are things you can cook in one pot in 20 minutes..Have fun!!
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Postby DWerth » Sat May 09, 2009 2:28 pm

I was discussing this with my wife today and she brought up a good question; what is allowable to drink on a vegan program. The reason why is because at this time I drink caffeine free diet 7up and Diet Rite Pure Zero Cola. And water. Am not a coffee drinker and when I do drink beer it is Micelob Ultra, which is lowest in carbs(2.6 carbs).

Thanx in advance for any timely responses.
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Postby TominTN » Sat May 09, 2009 3:51 pm

Hi, DWerth, welcome back!

Step 4 of the free program contains a link to a page of Foods not allowed. The last item in the list is, "colas and un-colas". The suggested substitution is mineral water or seltzer (flavored or plain).
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Postby ambrrrrr » Wed May 13, 2009 12:26 pm

Hi everyone -

I bought my Mcdougall MWLP book for about $3.00, used, on amazon. It took about a week to get to my house and just a few days to read. It was well worth it.
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Postby DWerth » Wed May 13, 2009 4:03 pm

I did not see anything on the 'foods not allowed' about artificial sweetners, unless I missed it.
Is SPLENDA allowable?
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Yet, another question

Postby DWerth » Fri May 15, 2009 8:30 pm

Besides the question above, I have been using Maple Grove Farms Organics Multigrain Pancake and Waffle Mix and covering them with Vermont Sugar Free Low Calorie Syrup.

Are these acceptable on the program?

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