New in need of help

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New in need of help

Postby azfrostqn » Tue May 05, 2009 4:56 pm

Hi everyone,

I've been reading about Mcdougall for a while, but until recently have never really been serious. Some background. I am 34 I just found out I have high cholesterol 205 and low so called good cholesterol-can't remember what the number was. My doc also took an A1C test (all I know is that it's a diabetic test not sure what exactly) He told me I was a 5.9. I was told if I don't do anything I will be a diabetic within a year or so. I am almost 300lbs and sick of it. If that wasn't bad enough the icing on the cake (pardon the pun) a good friend of mine died of a heart attack at age 37. This was my total wake up call, but I am stuck. I don't know where to start. All the info out there is overwhelming. I am so scared I know I have to change it around now. Azfrostqn
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Postby TominTN » Tue May 05, 2009 7:41 pm

Hi, Azfrostqn! Welcome to the board.

A good place to start is with Dr. McDougall's free online program here:

Read through it and start thinking about how you could begin implementing it in your life.

When my wife and I started McDougalling, there were basically two things we had to figure out: 1) how to get rid of the unhealthy food we had and were eating at the time, and 2) how and where to acquire healthy food that would support our health and help us achieve our goals.

We found that it was important for us to get all the "trigger" foods that tempted us to overeat out of our house. Our house had to become a "safe" zone with nothing to derail us or make sticking with the program more difficult. That meant getting rid of all the chips, sauces, meats, etc., etc. We threw some away and gave some away (and postponed beginning so we could eat some of it, probably not the best choice in retrospect). It also meant stocking our cupboards with potatos and oatmeal and brown rice and veggies and fruit and all the healthy, unprocessed foods we enjoy.

Karen and I were lucky in that we started McDougalling together and were able to support each other. You didn't say anything about your living circumstances. It's easier if you have the support of your partner or roommate, but even if you don't, you can do this.

You don't have to do it all at once. Some people find it easier to ease into changes gradually while others prefer to go cold turkey. Do what works best for you. Take your time. Keep posting and reading here on the board. We're here for you.
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Postby Faith in DC » Wed May 06, 2009 11:46 am

TominTN - I just hit myself up side the head. I'm blond and sometimes it shows. I never put two and two together on you and Karen. Duh on my part.

Azfrostqn-First off, congratulations. You did maybe the hardest part, and that is open your mind, and thought outside the box. YOU didn't do what 99% of the folks do, seek pills to 'fix' the symptoms of your problems and order another round of buffalo wings.

We have lots of free resources on this site, and I stress you need to order his heart book and I'd order his 12 day also. Also the dvds are fantastic. But if you can afford it, seeing the man in person really sticks well. He's a great speaker as are the others on his staff.
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Postby azfrostqn » Wed May 06, 2009 4:57 pm

Thanks so much. This will give me a few things to chew on over the next couple of days.
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checking in

Postby ambrrrrr » Wed May 13, 2009 12:27 pm

Hi az! Just wondered how you were doing so far.

I am on Day 3 right now, and the eczema I've had for a while has totally cleared up. So weird! But good. :)

I hope you're doing okay.
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