Getting my foot in the door

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Getting my foot in the door

Postby CelebrateFreedom » Wed May 27, 2009 1:15 pm

Hi everyone. I'm new to McDougall. I was turned on to this program while recently reading The China Study.

I'm about 50 pounds overweight - 30 of it I put on in just one year after I started working nights at the hospital - too much junk food available at my weakest moments, at 3am and staying awake at any cost. Night nurses in general, are terrible junk food eaters.

Over the past year I've noticed increasing shortness of breath on mild exertion and some pressure in the left arm. My blood glucose has been usually over 120 fasting. This is not good. I'm a 46 year old female - too young to let myself keep prematurely digging my own grave. I have a 9yo son at home. I want to be well for him also, and to provide a good example. He doesn't know it yet, but he will be assimilated - muahaha.

I think this program will be perfect for me. I'm terrible at measuring and keeping track of calories and points. And the best part is that the McDougall plan has all my favorite foods. I will love not feeling like I have to force myself to eat animal products. My challenge will be to cut out the sugary, fatty, processed junk foods.

I'm looking forward to interacting with everyone. I'm really glad you guys are here.


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Postby Faith in DC » Thu May 28, 2009 10:45 am

welcome aboard. I imagine the working nights is hard. Be sure and pack your own food. The bag I use to haul in all my food is large. I get teased and laughed at. Well, they aren't laughing now since I've went from a size 20 to a 8. So don't be ashamed. Maybe you'll start a new trend there with the nurses.
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another night nurse

Postby seestorcoo » Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:24 pm

I'm very aware of the problems with working nights in the hospital. I work a very busy unit in Oregon. I've discovered a couple of things - one is that I absolutely must have some kind of appealing finger food available or I will go for the snacks others brought or get a candy bar. This finger food has been at various times: pretzels with mustard, cut up vegies with homemade hummus, home baked McD goodies, cut up fruit, a banana. Often, what I've done is bought a bunch of McD friendly food and put it out at the nurses station - everyone grazes on the run and as they've seen how good it tastes, they've begun bringing healthier food in themselves. It's been quite a transformation there as far as the snacks go. Also, when I stay strict on plan, I'm less tempted by the abundance of chocolate and baked goods that are available. Also, if you make a big deal of the eating plan you are on, others get on board and will help you avoid the bad stuff (assuming you have good people to work with). And, whatever you do, stay out of the break room.

Good luck. It can be done!
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