Sudden motivation!!

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Sudden motivation!!

Postby ThatGirl156 » Sun Jun 07, 2009 6:38 am

Hello everyone! I'm a newcomer to the discussion boards as far as posting goes, but I have been creeping around and reading for quite some time now - a couple of years, at least.

I am farmiliar enough with the program from reading posts here on the boards, as well as reading the Maximum Weight Loss book that I purchased. I also have the Quick & Easy cookbook. The problem is, I've never put any of this knowledge to use. I kinda just daydream about being healthy and having the body I want (& deserve for that matter).

Anyhow, my recent motivation comes from the fact that my lovely fiancee (then boyfriend) proposed to me on Friday evening. I have never been bigger, fatter, and unhealthier than I am right now, and I do NOT want to start our new life (marriage) together that way. I'm so fat that the size 9 ring he proposed with does not even fit my ring finger!!! We are planning to get married on a warm sunny beach somewhere in March or April of 2011. So I have a little less than 2 years to lose half of my weight. I currently tip the scales at about 315 - 320. SCARY!!

I've been on anti-depressants since mid 2006, and have gained an enormous amount of weight in the past two years (about 150 lbs). I'm hoping to lose at least that much (150) before the wedding, and was wondering if this is too drastic. I do not want to set myself up for failure, which I have a tendency of doing a lot, even in other aspects of my life.

I know it sounds like all I care about is the weight right now, but I really want the health benefits too. I am already a vegetarian, and would not dream of eating flesh ever again. Okay, so that's a bit of a lie... I do crave SOME flesh once in a while... but I'll never give in. At the moment cheese and ice cream are my weaknesses. I know they are bad for me, and that's why I want them to go away. I already have no trouble cooking without oils. I actually prefer to taste my food. When hubby sautees or stir-frys anything, he LOADS on the oil, and I find it quite gross. Eating oily, soggy vegetables doesn't appeal to me. Blech.

Anyhow, that's enough rambling for now. I just want to say hello to everyone!! May we all rejoice in the health and happiness that the McDougall program brings into our lives! :)
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Postby eaufraiche703 » Sun Jun 07, 2009 1:53 pm

Oh, CONGRATULATIONS, Thatgirl! What wonderful news!

And here're the best parts about your plan to be your best healthy self the day of your wedding - you are already vegetarian, you've got resources (books) for the project, AND you've found the forum - you've got us!

OF COURSE you're gonna be wildly successful!

(He's crazy 'bout you, so naturally he'll learn to feed you w/o the oils. Share those books!)

Best wishes for your success here and your happy future, Thatgirl!
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Postby Shackwacky » Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:45 pm

Congrats on your engagement! From what I have read, you just need to get on the program and stay on it, the weight loss will follow and you will be on the road to being a thinner healthier bride :)

I am not sure about the target weight....maybe someone here with more experience can answer that one. But I think you have to consider how good it will feel to be picking out a dress in a much smaller than now size, and not worrying too much about the exact number on the label :)

I am starting MWL next week, have been loosely mcdougalling for the past month and I am noticing a HUGE improvement in my mood and my desire to get out of bed and get moving. I have developed a taste for starch, and I am starting to crave microwaved spuds instead of crackers and cheese. It just feels good to make the change, that is what will keep you going I think.

Best of luck, keep us posted.
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Postby MilesA » Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:47 am

Dr. McDougall has said elsewhere people see average losses of 6 - 10 pounds per month. Remember, this is an average. It is normal for people to lose faster when they first start, then the rate slows down. In general, women lose weight more slowly than men.

If you do the math, that works out somewhere between 15 months and 25 months for you if you can manage that average rate of weight loss. It's possible to reach your goal by April of 2011, but you will have to average a bit over 7 pounds per month.

If I had one piece of advice for you, it would be this: to keep losing weight at a steady, fast rate, it's necessary to exercise. Changing the diet is usually not enough. If you have a lot to lose, you'll need to exercise frequently (like 5 days/week), for an extended period of time (like 30-40 minutes) and a moderate level of intensity (breathing hard but able to hold a conversation). Without exercise, your rate of weight loss will slow down tremendously over time.

I was not a big exercise fan for most of my life. But I have found it improves my mood and gives me more energy. I don't feel right anymore unless I do it. I now look at exercise as a prescription I am taking for long-term health. This prescription is free and all the side-effects are good ones.
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Sudden Motivation

Postby library momma » Sat Jun 13, 2009 2:10 am

Wow, I have a similar story. I was about 175 pounds when I got married more than 10 years ago. Most of my weight gain was from medication for depression and anxiety, too. Luckily, I joined a great self-help program around that time and was able to decrease most of my medication and lost 30 pounds.

My vegan husband inspired this vegetarian gal to go vegan, and that helped me lose the rest of the weight, another 20 pounds. I've maintained most of the weight loss (with the exception of a pregnancy), but can't seem to lose that last 10 pounds, which is why I'm here.

Good luck. If you want the name of that self-help group, I can post it later.

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