Hello from the Northwest

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Hello from the Northwest

Postby winky453 » Wed Nov 11, 2009 12:41 pm

I really need some help getting started. I've been looking at all the posts and I'm very encouraged. I'd like to know more about Mary's Mini. Where can I get info. I'm really glad there is a place to post questions. Looking forward to being one of the successful people!!
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Location: Portland, Oregon

Postby sksamboots » Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:34 pm

Welcome, glad your here :-D

Mary's Mini guideline or where to find them incase you don't know. So here are the 2 links:

http://www.drmcdougall.com/misc/2006nl/ ... 0marys.pdf
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Thanks so much...

Postby winky453 » Wed Nov 11, 2009 2:52 pm

I'm going to get started right away!
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Location: Portland, Oregon

Hey Winky, you're in Portland!

Postby Raine » Fri Nov 20, 2009 9:41 pm

How are you doing? Need any tips? Wanna meet up for oatmeal sometime?

I'd love to do Mary's Mini with you, too.

Please spay and neuter your cats and dogs.

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Hello from Eugene

Postby spicerack64 » Mon Nov 30, 2009 6:43 pm

Hello Winky453 from your neighbor down I-5. I have been off and on with McD and really wanting to restart the program. Nice to know I have a local friend. How is the program going for you?
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Hi Raine!

Postby winky453 » Tue Dec 01, 2009 1:59 pm

The holidays were very hard, but I'm back on track with the Mary's Mini. I have a sweet potato for breakfast and one for lunch, then I have a nice salad and some kind of potato for dinner. I need to expand my choices, but just wanted to get back on it right away. Since potatoes are my starch of choice, if you have any good ideas of ways to make them, let me know.

Are you doing Mary's Mini also? How's it going for you? It's nice to know someone else is facing the same issues.
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Hello SpiceRack64

Postby winky453 » Tue Dec 01, 2009 2:04 pm

Glad to meet you! I'm really just getting started after the holidays but so far so good. I need to find other ways to prepare potatoes since that's my starch of choice for the Mary's Mini I'm doing. I've purchased a lot of the books, but won't use those until I'm well on my way. I'd really like to stick to the Mary's Mini for a while. Do you know of any books about it? I guess I'm just not creative enough to come up with ideas on my own. Never really was a good cook (still not actually). Let me know if you have any great ideas. It's always nice to have other for support!!!
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Hi Winky 453!

Postby Worfie500 » Wed Dec 02, 2009 1:22 am

Since your "new" here, I thought I'd point out something that JeffN recently (I'm pretty sure of this) wrote, so you do not feel like a failure if you suddenly eat a bowl of oatmeal instead of potatoes, and throw the whole thing out the window. Mary's mini, if weight loss is really your goal, is pretty much the MWL scheme, but with one starch as your choice (that's the JeffN note). THe idea of Mary's mini is that a person become bored eating the same thing over and over and over, and eventually you end mindless over eating and the less choice(s) people have, the less they seem to eat - people over eat at a buffet table even if they are not hungry. Mary's mini is no magic rapid weight loss diet - so don't feel you failed if you follow the one starch choice for a while and don't lose 10 pounds in ten days! Read the two articles re: Mary's mini and the one on Volume Eating article, November 2005 Newsletter.
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