28 Yr Old Mom of 2 with Arthritis-looking for help to start

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28 Yr Old Mom of 2 with Arthritis-looking for help to start

Postby shannonjoy » Thu Dec 10, 2009 8:35 am

Hello Everyone!
My name is Shannon and I am looking for some hope. I am a 28 year old stay at home mom of two little boys (a 2 yr old and a 5 mo old). I have had recurrent Iritis since 2001 with no other health problems. This fall, following the birth of our 2nd son, I started having major joint problems, starting with a swollen 4th toe. It has progressed to many of my jointsand is making life miserable. I'm treating with Aleve and lots of fish oil and supps.
My SED rate was 30 and my C-reactive Prot. was 1.4 I believe. These are indicators of Arthrtis. I saw a Rheumatologist and he thinks I have one of three arthrtises: Ankaloysing Spondalosis, Psoriatic Arthritis or Reactive Arthritis. The only treatment he could offer is Methadextrate-a chemo drug! And I can't start that until I quit nursing which I have no plan of doing yet. I asked him if changing my diet would help and he said NO!
I found this site yesterday and feel like there is hope for me now. Can anyone tell me where to begin? Should I start with the 12 day plan? Is there another plan that is more for arthritis? I am also nursing so want to be cautious of that as well. Are there any books that Dr. McDougall has written with arthritis info in it? Anything I should look at?
If anyone has any info or suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.
I need to do this for my sweet little boys!
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Re: 28 Yr Old Mom of 2 with Arthritis-looking for help to start

Postby momof4 » Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:45 am

Good for nursing--stick with it!!

Have you tried eliminating dairy? Doing any of Dr McDougall's plans would include that, so you're on the right track.

My neck had been sore for YEARS, and once I gave up dairy, I realized that the pain was gone. I was never diagnosed w/arthritis, but I don't have another explanation. Also, a lady in my CHIP class (Coronary Health Improvement Project--a plant-based, community program) saw a huge improvement w/her rheumatoid arthritis once she started the program, and she believes it was from dairy. She's eliminated a lot of her pain meds and is reducing other ones as her lab tests continue to improve. Her doctor is surprised and is becoming educated about the dietary connection.

Re: 28 Yr Old Mom of 2 with Arthritis-looking for help to start

Postby Faith in DC » Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:06 pm

just remember changing your diet to his program isn't going to hurt anything, so it's always worth a try.

He hasn't written a whole book on the subject but he does have articles on it. Here is the list of subjects - http://www.drmcdougall.com/newsletter/articleindex.html
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Re: 28 Yr Old Mom of 2 with Arthritis-looking for help to start

Postby shannonjoy » Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:56 pm

Hi momof4!
thanks for the comment. yes i do plan to eliminate dairy along with all the other things the plan calls for. i am a bit concerned because i am
nursing and want to make sure i get enough calories to nurse him. i do not supplement him with formula. i need to study the foods that i can eat and get my kitchen stocked up so i don't fail on this. i'm excited to hear that your neck pain went away w/ elim. of diary. it's also hopeful
to hear that your friend's RA has been alleviated as well. thanks for the encouragement!
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Re: 28 Yr Old Mom of 2 with Arthritis-looking for help to start

Postby shannonjoy » Thu Dec 10, 2009 1:01 pm

thanks Faith! you are right, it doesn't hurt to try it. i just can't believe that MD's would say "NO-changing your diet won't help"! it just seems like common sense. i will try to check out the articles too, i just don't see how you open them up on that page you attached....i'll keep looking.
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Re: 28 Yr Old Mom of 2 with Arthritis-looking for help to start

Postby Yomom » Thu Dec 10, 2009 2:24 pm

Hi, welcome. I just wanted to chime in about your concern about getting enough calories on this program. There is no problem with that, as those of us who are trying to lose weight, can tell you. Eat all you want of the whole grain plant-based foods, and to increase the calorie count add nuts, seeds, avocadoes - foods that a lot of us have to avoid or use sparingly.
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Re: 28 Yr Old Mom of 2 with Arthritis-looking for help to start

Postby Mrs. Doodlepunk » Thu Dec 10, 2009 2:39 pm

Shannon, I'm so glad you're here. The choice is yours to be well or not!

I have read about people having dramatic improvements with rheumatoid arthritis on this diet. I think you will be amazed at how much you improve. Do you know where the Star McDougaller's stories are located on the main page? There are several there for you to read.

Don't worry about getting enough calories, you will. Eat when you're hungry, and I would say the 12 day plan is fine for now. Your biggest problem will be finding a good 100 percent whole grain bread with no added oil.

Burgess Laughlin is a board member who has considerable experience with elimination diets, and because of some of his problems he follows a stricter subset of this program than most of us do. You might end up later on needing to eliminate gluten, for instance, and want to pick his brain on what to do. You can always email Dr. McDougall too. He has grandchildren who have been gestated and nursed by a 100% McDougall mom!

For now, just focus on eating a starch based diet with no animal products and added oil.

Milk production will not suffer on this program as long as you eat when you are hungry. Why are you supplementing? I don't say it to be critical, but if there is no reason other than feeling like the baby needs more, you should consider eliminating the supplementing, as it will decrease your own milk production. The more you nurse, the more output, you know!

I personally know that my minor arthritis symptoms are mostly gone since starting this program, although it was osteoarthritis and not rheumatoid. My mother also had dramatic improvement of her arthritis, along with her asthma, within just 4 or 5 DAYS of eating this way.

I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to read about all the improvements.
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Re: 28 Yr Old Mom of 2 with Arthritis-looking for help to start

Postby shannonjoy » Thu Dec 10, 2009 4:43 pm

:) Thank you for the warm welcomes, yomom and Mrs. Doodlepunk! Thank you for the info too. I am praying this will work as I can't bear to lose the zest for life I normally have. My children are far to important for me to let them see me miserable all day!

I have been supplementing for most of my adult life, but recently ratcheted it up with fish oil and tumeric, along with my other supps. I understand there is no need for supps on this plan. I am stopping the fish oil, as I have been on it for about a month with little or no improvement. I may do my other (multi and calcium) once a day until I have a good handle of what I am going to eat. Any suggestions where to find this whole grain bread with no oils? Would the whole-foods section of my grocery store have it? I will be running there tonight to stock up on many foods once my DH is home. What do you all use on your cereals or oatmeals?

Wow, again, thanks for the encouragement! I've had some doubts today (thinking about how I will make this work) but I think I can do it and I really believe this will work. I'm just not giving in to a life of misery and a future on horrific medications! My beautiful children deserve their mom to be full of energy and excited about our life together! Hows that for motivation! :D
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Re: 28 Yr Old Mom of 2 with Arthritis-looking for help to start

Postby Letha.. » Thu Dec 10, 2009 5:06 pm

shannonjoy wrote: What do you all use on your cereals or oatmeals?

Hi Shannonjoy,
When I started out last year I was putting rice milk on my oats but soon I dropped that and just started making my oats a little thinner with extra water and topping them with frozen blueberries and a spoonful of brown sugar. The blueberries thaw out in the hot oats. Now I prefer steel cut oats to oatmeal. They have an interesting chewy texture but they do take longer to cook. If you haven’t already, give them a try. :-D
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Re: 28 Yr Old Mom of 2 with Arthritis-looking for help to start

Postby Mrs. Doodlepunk » Thu Dec 10, 2009 5:26 pm

shannonjoy wrote:Any suggestions where to find this whole grain bread with no oils? Would the whole-foods section of my grocery store have it? I will be running there tonight to stock up on many foods once my DH is home. What do you all use on your cereals or oatmeals?

The best place to find good bread is make your own! You might find some, but it is expensive to buy. I look for terms like glyceride, lecithin, and of course oil in the ingredients list.

I've had some doubts today (thinking about how I will make this work) but I think I can do it and I really believe this will work.

OK, you need to know, that at least for me, changing to this way of eating was the most difficult thing I had ever done up to that point. It was really hard for me to get over NOT feeding my children meat and milk, and we were doing this as a family. So just be aware that it is probably not going to be easy. Just keep it simple, very simple. Have the same thing for breakfast once you find something you like. Find two or three recipes or dishes that you like, and make a lot of those things to reheat when you're hungry. Bake up a 5 or 10 pound bag of potatoes, or sweet potatoes, to keep in the fridge. Also cook up some brown rice. Other things can go on top of the potatoes or rice, like thick soups or stews.

Don't make a 3 course meal every night. Find something to base your meal on, like potatoes, and think of something to put over the potatoes. If you feel you need more, have a salad or a plain vegetable side dish. Trying to be fancy and make recipes every night gets really exhausting and frustrating. Again, keep it simple! Sometimes I just cook a bag of lima beans with some chopped onion and eat it. Or, put tomato soup on brown rice.

I am not using anything with gluten in it these days, so I don't eat cereal. When I was eating it, I used apple juice or cider. Same with oatmeal, I cook mine with some cider and raisins and cinnamon. Also, there is the crock pot pie series of recipes over in the recipe section! Cherry pie crock pot oats is 2 cups oat groats or rolled oats, 4 cups tart frozen cherries, 6 cups or so of water, and some almond extract. Plop it in the crock pot overnight and in the morning you will have breakfast all ready. If it's just you eating, this will last all week! From there you go on to Apple Pie crockpot oats, pumpkin/apple pie, etc. Put in what you like and let it cook.

You can use the rice or almond or hazelnut milks, but they are expensive. I now only buy hazelnut milk because Mr. D likes it in his co**ee, and it's good in mashed potatoes believe it or not. Makes them taste real rich, but I only put it in when I'm not eating them, too high in fat for me to use and lose weight. I also use it in a soup that my younger son likes that has a small amount of fausage (fake sausage at our house) and KALE. This is the first green vegetable he will eat liberally so I make this often.

One supper we love is burritos. I have refried beans, either canned or I make some (I can find fat free refried beans canned in the store here) and corn tortillas warmed, with dishes of chopped onion, cooked frozen corn, salsa, mashed potatoes seasoned with chickn flavor and garlic powder, taco sauce, chopped lettuce, chopped tomatoes, and olives. Everyone eats just what they want, making their own burrito at the table. Same thing with sandwiches, sliced vegetables like onion and tomato, pickled beets, sometimes the sandwich spread made with garbanzos, or hummus, etc.

Oh, and one thing that I wish I had let myself do in the beginning. When you're hungry, EAT. Don't think about what to make, or that you have to wait for supper. It's too late, just grab a potato and eat it. Then fix supper for the family, whatever. I eat all day long now and back when we first started, I felt guilty about eating between meals.
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Re: 28 Yr Old Mom of 2 with Arthritis-looking for help to start

Postby shannonjoy » Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:24 pm

wow-thanks for the great ideas letha and mrs. doodlepunk! i love the sound of the oatmeal with frozn blueberries and brown sugar. also the crockpot thing sounds yummo! i didn't have a lot of luck with the bread at the store. there was some Ezekiel 4:9 bread but it was super duper expensive. i'm not sure what i will do for that. is soy milk not ok for cereal because i bought some of that....eeep!
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Re: 28 Yr Old Mom of 2 with Arthritis-looking for help to start

Postby Mrs. Doodlepunk » Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:30 pm

Soy milk is OK, but check the ingredients! Is lecithin or oil an ingredient? Or corn syrup? I don't know much about soy milk, I have never bought it. I think it's higher in fat so I don't use it.

Lots of people here use soy milk though.

Have you ever made bread? It is so easy. All you need is whole wheat flour, yeast and salt and a couple strong arms. Or a nice mixer with a dough hook! 8)
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Re: 28 Yr Old Mom of 2 with Arthritis-looking for help to start

Postby Yomom » Thu Dec 10, 2009 9:41 pm

What to put on oatmeal? To put my answer in perspective, understand that I used to put milk or cream and brown sugar on it! Now, to make it sweet I mush up a really ripe banana, add the oatmeal (steel-cut, made in rice cooker), chop up and add an apple, then squeeze a fresh clementine orange overtop. No milk, no sugar, so filling and tasty, and plenty sweet!
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Re: 28 Yr Old Mom of 2 with Arthritis-looking for help to start

Postby stephanie » Sun Dec 13, 2009 3:42 pm

I just wanted to chime in with something that another poster alluded to: gluten. I would suggest trying the McDougall program to see if it helps, and if it doesn't, stick with the program but eliminate gluten, too. Several years ago, I started having incredible joint pain all of a sudden, particularly in small joints (feet and hands). When I cut out gluten (along with soy and corn, which I also turned out to have a problem with), it got better pretty quickly. If I eat something non-McDougall or one of the things I'm intolerant of, the pain comes back immediately, but if I'm careful to avoid those things, I have basically no problems.

You might find that just doing the program is enough, but if you give it a try for a while (several weeks or maybe a month?) and don't feel a significant difference, you might look at gluten. Just something to keep in the back of your mind in case the program itself isn't enough. (And if that's the case, trying the elimination diet and contacting Burgess as I think was suggested is a great idea, too.)
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