Well, as I'm a newbie I will post here with my question!

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Well, as I'm a newbie I will post here with my question!

Postby deelightful » Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:05 pm

How do I add one of those weight ticker things to my page?

I am happy to have started McDougalling, I guess I am doing the MWL version, thou I have read both books... Am not eating pasta or bread right now, sticking with the veg, fruits and grains. So far it's been 9 days and it's going well. Some of it is very hard, like just passing by/ dealing with those cravings for FAT. But my body does already feel better and I feel like my digestive system is non existent compared to 10 days ago! No cramps, no stomach aches, no bloating, no constipation or diarrhea. I mean, I have lost some weight and that's been great, it's my goal... But the way my stomach feels NOW compared to how much I didn't realize I was making it work before? Priceless.

I started at about 305lbs, I'm 30yo, 5'6" and I am already down to about 293. I figure that's retention weight I've lost, but it's been effortless and that's great to me. I have a long way to go, my goal is to be under 150lbs/ wherever my body wants to be around there... So here goes!
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Re: Well, as I'm a newbie I will post here with my question!

Postby pinkrose » Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:18 pm

I am delighted that you are here and getting good results, Deelingthful, but I have no idea how to add that feature to your profile. I expect someone will give you a good response.

Keep us posted on how you are doing!
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Re: Well, as I'm a newbie I will post here with my question!

Postby TominTN » Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:21 pm

Hi, Deelightful, welcome to the forum.

Visit one of the ticker generation sites. Here are a few links:




There are others. You can google for "tickers" to find more.

Follow the instructions at your selected ticker site to design the ticker you want. Once you're done, the ticker site will present you a block of code representing your ticker. You'll want to highlight this block of information and select "Copy" from the "Edit" menu (or you can use the "Copy" keyboard short-cut -- typically Ctrl-C on a PC or Command-C on a Mac).

Come back to the forum and access your profile. You get to your profile with a link in the upper right area of the forum page named "User Control Panel".

In the User Control Panel, you'll see a vertical list on the left side of the page titled "Options". Click "Profile" in that list.

This will display an "Edit signature" link. Click on that and you'll get a text box to the right of the list. Click inside the text box and then past the block of code from the ticker site. You can select "Paste" from the "Edit" menu, or use the keyboard shortcut -- typically Ctrl-V or Command-V, depending on whether you're on a PC or Mac.

I hope this helps. Let us know if you still have questions. If I got anything glaringly wrong, somebody chime in and straighten us out. :)
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Re: Well, as I'm a newbie I will post here with my question!

Postby deelightful » Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:45 pm

Thank you very much both of you :) Day 10 down, weight ticker on my page... I appreciate it!
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Re: Well, as I'm a newbie I will post here with my question!

Postby pinkrose » Wed Jan 06, 2010 1:51 am

deelightful wrote:Thank you very much both of you :) Day 10 down, weight ticker on my page... I appreciate it!

Your ticker looks great! You have made a very good start! Think about the results you can achieve with a year of McDougalling! Wow! :D
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