skeptical n00b

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Re: skeptical n00b

Postby Kime » Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:52 pm

Well, he uses the word pure-vegetarian instead of vegan. Why? I imagine because many people who come to his site don't know what vegan means or he feels it would scare them off. What's the big deal about that? If you are looking at the site you it is easy to see he is trying to get people to eat a plant based diet, not with milk and eggs.

It's true that there are plenty of sales pitches on the site. Big deal. There is plenty of free information, too. And I have seen many of his books available in the library, so you don't need to buy them to read them.

I haven't read much of the medical information on the site, but I just looked at my copies of The McDougall Plan and the McDougall Program and they have the medical references in them.

Dr. McDougall is not against eating animal products for moral reasons, only health ones; I guess that will disappoint you.

Since you feel that two references to a creator and no reference to god is throwing god into everything and is sufficient reason to call him a quack, I have to conclude that you are an atheist who can't tolerate any reference to God or a creator. Why is it important to you whether a person believes that we evolved to eat a plant based diet or whether they believe we were created to eat a plant based diet, or a combination of both? The medical evidence and the resulting advice is the same either way.

I personally have benefited greatly from reading Dr. McDougall's books, and so have many others.
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Re: skeptical n00b

Postby SactoBob » Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:41 pm

Yes, Dr. McDougall as a money grubbing quack - what insight. You've got that exactly wrong. IMO he deserves the Nobel prize for medicine. Before retiring, I was trained as a medical scientist, and then as a state attorney, and worked many years with my state's medical board and dealt with physicians on a daily basis. I personally revoked the licenses of many physicians who were quacks.

If there is a more brilliant, competent, or generous physician in the world than Dr. McDougall, I have yet to meet or even hear of him. I am going to ask the moderator to remove your ridiculous post.
Last edited by SactoBob on Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: skeptical n00b

Postby hlkolaya » Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:52 pm

If I've got that exactly wrong sactobob, then I'd like some evidence of that. I thought "wow, a doctor who actually promotes veganism"? but what kind of doctor throws religion into everything? Or even talks about the perfection of evolution (when we all know evolution is far far from perfect). He seems to think we evolved to be perfectly healthy which is obviously a fallacy. This site just doesn't read like it's legit. Like the post says, I'm new here.. so maybe I'll find differently- but so far I haven't. Even the experts in the discussion board seem like paid salesmen/women.
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Re: skeptical n00b

Postby Dechen » Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:56 am

I thought "wow, a doctor who actually promotes veganism"?

You thought that he promotes Veganism and that is not what Dr McDougall promotes. He promotes a plant based diet which is different to Veganism which has loads of ethical and moral stuff attached to it. So, please, do not blame The Doc for your erroneous thought.

but what kind of doctor throws religion into everything?

Two points here. 1) Religion...If he is convinced that a plant based diet has been established for us, as the diet that is best for us, by a divine being then a) that is his right (Freedom of speech) and b) what does it matter if the diet actually is shown to be of benefit and it works?
2) ...into everything? ... Hyperbole is not going to help you make your point.

perfection of evolution (when we all know evolution is far far from perfect)

Cars for example are designed to be as perfect as can be for the car to last as long as possible given the materials used in the production. Yet there are outside influences like rain that contains components that will wreck the pain job. Stones flying up from the ground busting a screen and so on. You have no power over those but you have power over what you put into the gas tank.
Wrong fuel and your engine goes bye-byes.
Evolution...there are influences over which we have no power like the air we breath with all the car and industry fumes for example, accidents we may have that damage us but we do have control over what we eat, how we fuel our selves. And that has a great impact on our engine. Loads of diseases and dis-functions are caused by our diet. We eat an optimum diet and we have a better life, relatively speaking, taking things out of our control into consideration.

He seems to think we evolved to be perfectly healthy which is obviously a fallacy.

He seems to think... How do you know that this is what he thinks? Or is it what you think he thinks? Nowhere have I ever read that Dr McDougall has ever said that we were designed to be perfectly healthy because if that was so there would be no issue about health because we would have perfect immunity and the body functions that would make obesity, and all its spin off ailments, none-existent. And The Doc would be out of a job.
But you are right, that if anyone was, indeed, to think, we evolved to have perfect health, s/he would be believing a fallacy.

This site just doesn't read like it's legit

That is your opinion and you are entitled to it but, please, explain what makes it 'read not legit'?

Even the experts in the discussion board seem like paid salesmen/women.

I do not know if the experts are paid to take part in the running of the forum but I would have thought they are, since they are devoting time and effort to this.
But if you have a problem with them why don't you approach them and Dr McDougall and talk to them. Go to the horses mouth, so to speak?
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Postby f1jim » Sat Jan 16, 2010 10:40 am

People read into Dr. McDougalls writing what they want to. It really is that simple. If you are looking for an issue you will find it. It's sad that this gets in the way of Dr. McDougalls real message.
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Re: skeptical n00b

Postby JeffN » Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:46 pm

Dechen wrote:I do not know if the experts are paid to take part in the running of the forum but I would have thought they are, since they are devoting time and effort to this.

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Re: skeptical n00b

Postby Dechen » Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:54 am

JeffN wrote:
Dechen wrote:I do not know if the experts are paid to take part in the running of the forum but I would have thought they are, since they are devoting time and effort to this.

Not a penny nor do we ask for any.

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I hope you did not take it as a criticism because none was intended. Far from it. I merely meant to say that, even if you were being paid, there is nothing wrong with that. After all, you are giving time to this and your expertise.
If I have caused you upset I wholeheartedly apologize.

Thanks for all you do here.
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Re: skeptical n00b

Postby JeffN » Tue Jan 19, 2010 8:09 am

Dechen wrote:I hope you did not take it as a criticism because none was intended.

Oh, not at all. Was just responding to your question/comment, which I thought was more than fair.

Dechen wrote:Thanks for all you do here.

Thank you!

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