Greetings from Bloomington IN

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Greetings from Bloomington IN

Postby StringDancer » Sat Feb 13, 2010 1:53 pm

So glad I found this site! Just wanted to briefly tell my story.

Back in the 70s, I was a smart little hippie, and became a vegetarian. While not quite vegan, I was leaning in that direction, opting for yogurts, low-fat cheeses and yolk-free eggs. I stayed on the path for three years, when one day I was tempted by the smell of fresh fried chicken. I fell off my wagon, and for decades mixed animal products along with my preference for bean & rice burritos.

In 2003 at the age of 49, I was suddenly stricken with pretty severe angina. It got so bad that even kicking back in the easy chair I was popping nitro to ease the symptoms. My travels through the medical industry soon enough had my sorry butt on a gurney, having a stent installed in my anterior artery. I walked out of the hospital the next day a new man.

But that new man continued his lazy habits, and I didn't significantly change my diet. A few weeks ago (7 years after the stent), I started having sporadic, mild angina. Went to my new doctor (we had moved in the interim), who stress-tested me and proceeded to sell me on having another angioplasty/stent procedure. None too keen on again feeling that intense pressure in my chest when they inflate the hardware, I asked him, since my symptoms were sporadic and mild, if I shouldn't first attempt to address the issue via a vegan diet and measured increase in exercise. The good doctor allowed that would be insufficient, and again encouraged the procedure.

I went so far as to actually schedule the procedure, for a Tuesday. But over that weekend my intuition kept hounding me that I was being up-sold, and that if I were to return to my "hippie diet", and in fact up the ante by going vegan, I could perhaps gain control over my condition without surgery. I hit the web, and soon found Dr. McDougall's website, among others. My reading convinced me that my instincts were correct, and the following Monday I called to cancel the surgery.

This was three weeks ago. I've kept to a strict vegan diet, started walking the dog (nitro and cell-phone in my pocket), and started a full line of natural dietary supplements designed to bust my cholesterol levels. I'm swigging a shot of apple cider vinegar every day and continuing my research, reading product labels in detail before I buy my food.

The good news thus far is that my bouts with angina are getting fewer and farther between, and are also less intense, while my general energy is improving and I'm feeling much better overall. In about a month I plan to return to the clinic for another blood draw, and will be very curious as to my cholesterol and trig numbers.

My family was concerned about my decision, but as I explained my rationale to them, they accepted my gamble, laughing and singing "he does it... HIIIIS WAAAAY". lol

Anyway, that's an introduction to my path back to health, hopefully. I look forward to participating in these boards and increasing my knowledge into all these matters, and getting to know folks a bit.

Thanks for reading. :-)
8-) Foster (,@)===:::
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Joined: Sat Feb 13, 2010 12:47 pm
Location: Bloomington, IN

Re: Greetings from Bloomington IN

Postby Vegankit » Sat Feb 13, 2010 2:39 pm

Welcome to this site, I'm glad you found it. Since you clearly have heart disease, I strongly suggest you read Dr. Caldwell Esselsteyn's book "Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease" as well as books by Dr. McDougall. You may not be aware but you should be doing this under the care of your Dr. because you will need to make changes in your medication - some rapidly and some will need to be titrated down as your body begins to heal. Dr. McDougall discusses this in all of his books. This diet is more powerful than medications in dropping your cholesterol levels, dropping your blood pressure and aleviating your angina. I hope your family is supportive and hopefully they will join you in eating this way for better health.
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Re: Greetings from Bloomington IN

Postby Melinda » Sat Feb 13, 2010 2:53 pm

Welcome! check out the Star McDougallers, esp. the ones who have overcome heart disease, and that post on this forum ie Sactobob and Fjim for inpsiration.
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Re: Greetings from Bloomington IN

Postby fiber4me » Sat Feb 13, 2010 8:19 pm

Hi Foster,

Welcome! Glad you are feeling better.

Please be careful though. I thought I knew more than my doctor and came off my hormone pills following a total hysterectomy. I ended up having a complete nervous breakdown. I also killed my dog thinking I knew more than my vet. I learned some very hard lessons both times...listen to your doctor.

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Welcome! Love your website & music...

Postby veggiecat » Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:40 am

very impressive!Hope you will soon be feeling great!
Best wishes,Cat
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