I'm new, too

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I'm new, too

Postby heffies » Fri Feb 02, 2007 1:44 pm

Hello all! I've been McDougalling for 2 weeks now and I'm really excited about it! I'm following the MWL program. The first week was great, but now I'm feeling sad about not having my usual foods. I MISS butter so much, and cheese, too! I can live without meat, but it's also HARD not having soy products. I'm hoping that this is all worth is and that I will lose weight. I'm going to stay on this program for 6 months to see what happens, then reevaluate it from there. If it doesn't work or I'm completely miserable, then I'm going to jump ship!

I'm a 32 year old female, married with no kids. I weighed 217 last week, and lost 6 pounds. I'm currently 211 and am hoping to reach a goal of 140. I'm 5' 7", so I figure that's probably my ideal.

One question: Are the Right Foods allowed on the MWL?
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Postby happyalyssa » Fri Feb 02, 2007 2:48 pm

Hello New McDougaller!

Perhaps allow yourself some of the regular McDougall program as well? I've only been doing this since January first but have already lost 10 lbs by following the regular program. I do try to eat whole grains at least as much as I eat refined products, but at the same time I allow myself to bake a goodie (whole wheat vegan carrot cake, zucchini bread, etc.) once a week as well. So I feel like I still get treats and this doesn't seem so much like a diet.

Anyway, what I'm getting at, is that it seems easier (at least for me) to give up dairy if I don't have to restrict myself as much as the MWL program calls for. I figure once I hit a plateau in my weight loss, I'll switch over to MWL for a while to kick back into high gear again. But you should be able to lose weight simply by using the regular program

Also, Mary does have several recipes using low fat tofu, so don't think soy is totally forbidden. It seems as though you've completed your 12 days (hoorah!) so you should be in the position where you can allow yourself the occasional soy treat. Mori-Nu silken Lite tofu, for example, has only 0.5 grams of fat per serving. I like to use it in baked goods or mixed with stuff for a creamy salad dressing. I've also used regular non-silken low fat tofu for a meatier texture.

This board is also a big help, and great source of information. If there's a goody you're craving or you need ideas for snacks. Ask about it! The people here have been very helpful with me making the transition, I'm really enjoying this, it doesn't seem like any diet I've ever tried before ;)

Nice to meet you & hope to see you around!

PS - Congrats on your weight loss!!!
Start date: January 1, 2007
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Postby slugmom » Fri Feb 02, 2007 3:08 pm

Hello Heffies!

Nice to have you join us.

One thing I've noticed is I waver back and forth between excited/committed to the program and for me what is indulging in self-pity, longing for SAD foods. LOL! :oops: I ate to admit it. What I'm starting to see, though, is that those longings come and go ~ they're not there all the time. When I indulge them with off-program food, I always feel just as bummed afterwards, and often physically feel worse. They might taste good going down, but they don't really seem *worth* it in the long run, you know what I mean? I am always frustrated that I let a *momentary* craving derail me. When I stick it out, I usually find that soon I'm feeling better and excited about the program again.

I don't know if it's hormonal or what, but I just wanted to encourage you to stick it out when you're feeling down, and see if you don't appreciate not giving in more than you would've appreciated the SAD food.

6 months is a great goal to be committed to the program!

If you can, you might want to have a doc take your bp/ cholesterol / etc here while you're starting, so you can compare those at the end of 6 months, too. Sometimes the BEST changes are the ones you can't see (without a test, LOL)
- Kim

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Thanks for the welcome!

Postby heffies » Fri Feb 02, 2007 7:31 pm

Hello Slugmom and Happyalyssa! Thanks much for the warm welcomes and great advice.

I think that I may start including regular McDougall foods, but not for a while. The problem is that i've been struggling with an eating problem for the last year. I've gained 50 pounds in only 14 months! Before that, I went back and forth between 170 and 195 for about 3 years, and before that I maintained a comfortable weight for 10 years! But, the only reason I was able to do that was because i was a smoker. Since I quit 4 and a half years ago, I've been struggling to establish good eating habits. I'm afraid if I let myself have a little, I'll have a lot! A dash of soy milk will lead to a pint of Soydream. OY!

I'm also afraid that I won't lose on the regular. Carrying around this extra weight has really brought me down. It's been hard to feel good and clothes shopping is a nightmare. I'm not even sure how to dress as a plus size woman! I've been wearing a lot of loose shirts.
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Postby hope101 » Fri Feb 02, 2007 8:18 pm

Hi, heffies, and welcome! :D I like your 6 month outlook. It will give your palate long enough to adjust to a fresher, cleaner taste and give you a chance to learn some new favorites so that you actually look forward to eating a lot. At the end of 6 months if you do decide to jump ship, I hope you just jump to the regular program rather than back to the Standard American Diet (SAD).

Have you read "Breaking the Food Seduction" by Dr. Neal Barnard, who is endorsed by Dr. McDougall? Because if knowledge helps you move forward, I would encourage you to read it. It explores the addictive properties of certain foods, including cheese. The good news is that the physical addictions you are breaking by eating low fat vegan will be gone in a matter of weeks. The bad news is that, like smoking, you will have to build new associations for healthier foods that provide the same satisfaction as a previously unhealthy habit. But if you can quit smoking, you can do this!

Also, if you haven't read it, I highly recommend "The China Study" just to help you get clear on your motivation for following this program. I too am working on my weight (and, BTW, I am on the regular program and have still gone lower than I was able to ever to on Weight Watchers), but in the weeks where the scale doesn't cooperate, what I learned in "The China Study" convinced me 100% that this is the right lifestyle to avoid so many typical Western illnesses that are unnecessary. So I stick with it (for the most part ) even if the scale doesn't budge for a short while.

Anyway, stick around and ask lots of questions. This is a very supportive place. :D
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Postby heffies » Fri Feb 02, 2007 8:52 pm

Hello, hope101!

I'll have to get copies of those books!

Hopefully, McDing will make me feel so good I won't jump ship! I have a history of both starting and stopping lots of things AND making true committments, like getting married, finishing college, and quitting smoking! I'm hoping McDing will be here to stay. My sister has been vegan for 6 years now, so I'm pretty familiar with what does and doesn't contain meat and dairy. She's shocked that McDing is even stricter than her diet.

I tried Weight Watchers, too, and HATED it. I tried it over the summer and when I stopped gained even more weight because I felt so deprived. With MWL, I miss the SAD foods, but at least I can have LOTS of potatoes! Yippie! I'm not going hungry, which is great.
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Postby chrisv » Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:24 am

Heffies, Welcome, I have been here a few months, and I thought the things I would miss most were butter and cheese. It is amazing how much your tastes can change. I bought a lot of butter substitues, and tossed them all out except for apple butter as a spread and pured prunes for baking. The idea of spreading butter on bread now seems completely unappealing. Cheese still looks good, but I would really rather have some of my new favorite foods. Good luck to you. Chrisv
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Postby heffies » Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:43 am

Thanks, Chrisv, that's good news! Right now I can't imagine not wanting either cheese or butter. *sigh* But I do want a healthier body and a normal weight. I haven't had children yet, but will be having them in a couple of years so I'd like to feel great! Plus, by the time I have children, I'll be in my mid-thirties, so I'd like to remain fit well into my seventies so I can enjoy my grandchildren someday!
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Postby serenity » Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:01 pm

heffies wrote:Hopefully, McDing will make me feel so good I won't jump ship!

Welcome, heffies.

I think you will feel so good that you will want to continue to eat this way! One thing to keep in mind is that this way of eating is the healthiest way to eat whether or not you lose weight. So, if you jump ship, where would you go?

If you are overweight, then you are at higher risk for heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Eating a low fat, plant-based diet reduces these risks. And, if you follow it, you will lose weight. But it may not be in the time frame you are expecting. It can take time to make the lifestyle and taste bud changes, and you are sure to make mistakes along the way. I think it's safe to say that we all have (and I can say personally that I still do.) Even Dr. McDougall says that every year he does the plan better than he did the year before.

I guess what I am trying to say is, please hang in there and don't give up. I would recommend that you try the regular plan until you have a good handle on the change you have made. Then, if necessary, change to the MWL.

Best wishes.
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Postby heffies » Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:29 pm

Well, if I did jump ship I'd probably follow my sister's vegan diet, which includes olive oil for cookie, lots of soy, bread, and vegan margarine (without trans fat.)

My idea behind the six months is that this will actually work and I'll stay with it. If Dr. McD is right, I'll be fine. As far as doing the regular McD program: I'll begin that when I get to my breaking point with MWL. But, if I lose weight as it states, I'll stay with MWL. Dropping sizes quickly will give me motivation to stay on.

I hear what you're saying about not being perfect...just now, I ate beans and rice without eating green and yellow veggies first.

Serenity, how long did it take you to lose weight?
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Postby noodle » Sun Feb 04, 2007 9:56 am

Welcome, heffies!

You will find everyone here very helpful and knowledgeable.

I have found that things I used to LOVE, like dairy products, no longer have that pull and appeal to me. So just stick with it, and I'm sure it will get easier and easier.

Take care,


Postby heffies » Sun Feb 04, 2007 10:44 am

Thanks, Noodle! I think you're right--I truly believe that if I stick with the plan that I will no longer crave dairy so badly. However, the trick will be sticking with the plan! I'm at a crucial point. I really wanted to cheat yesterday. Luckily, my husband talked me down. Today, I feel stronger.

I've been reading these boards and everyone does seem helpful and friendly! I'm glad this board is here so I won't have to do it alone!

Thanks for the warm welcome!

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Postby Sunny » Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:19 pm

Hi Heffies and welcome to the board. The great thing about McDougalling is not only the weight loss but other changes such has more energy, better skin, hair, etc... I noticed I started craving different things, healthier foods, so be patient and come here for help when needed. :-D
Hope to see more of your posts soon. :-D
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Postby heffies » Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:07 pm

Thanks, Sunny! I think you're right about the other benefits. I do feel better already, but other benefits haven't kicked in yet. But I'm impatient, it's only been 2 weeks!

I see that you have 66 pounds to lose, too! Here's to us and an extra 132 pounds back to the universe!

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I'm new too

Postby Carol » Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:06 am

I've tried many diets and have come to believe that I cannot loose weight. I am 52, and believe me, it doesn't work like it did in my 30's. I've been on the regular program for 3 weeks and I've lost 10 pounds. So perhaps I could loose even more if I went with MWL or Mary's Mini. I am more than trilled at this progress, though.

For me, the reason for going back on this diet (did it in the 80's) was not for weight loss, but it's a fabulous side effect, ya know?

I'm sleeping better and require less sleep now, which is nice. And I DON'T CRAVE CHOCOLATE ANY MORE!

I miss butter, too, and olive oil the most....but I'm sticking to it!

You can do it!
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