New to the boards, glad to be here but hesitant too

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New to the boards, glad to be here but hesitant too

Postby tea » Fri Feb 02, 2007 7:14 pm

I'm a huge fan of Dr. McDougall, and have been for years. I actually consider myself a bit of a groupie, both to him and to other doctors and activists who espouse the health benefits of a vegan diet. Of course, that might imply that I've followed a vegan diet longer than a few days, and unfortunately I haven't. I think the longest I've done is a week.

There are many reasons for this failure to launch, but the simplest is that I'm a hugely picky eater who has historically loathed most veggies. I've tried to work on this, and over the last couple years have greatly increased my taste for and intake of some veggies. I still have a long way to go though.

I'm here mostly to see if I can learn things that will help me make this adjustment for life. My husband is only 33 years old and already suffers from high blood pressure. I'm pretty frightened by that. I want him to live a long time, and I know that won't happen if we don't make some changes. My health is okay at the moment, but I'm about 40 pounds overweight and would like to change that before it becomes an issue down the road.

I think what I meant by "hesitant" in the subject line is that I'm really afraid I can't do this. I don't mean to be pessimistic, but I'm VERY addicted to certain ways of eating. I've managed one giant step on my road to veganism; I gave up dairy over a year ago. Past that though, I feel stuck. I'm worried that we won't be able to make this change. I guess all I can do is try!
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Postby Callalilly » Fri Feb 02, 2007 7:45 pm

I can totally understand you, you sound just like me. I hated veggies with for so long and I am trying to train myself to love them, this diet helps and veggies are so important. What a great step you are taking, I wish you the best of luck. I find this board so motivating and I am always happy to answer questions.
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Postby hope101 » Fri Feb 02, 2007 8:30 pm

Hi, tea and welcome! I just wrote a few suggestions to heffie you might want to peek at. When you are ready, come to the boards for suggestions in what people cook as veggie options. I am sure between all of us we might be able to come up with a few options to help you get over your veggie phobia.

I think most of us have gotten to McDougalling by a circuitous route. For myself the meat went first, then the dairy, lastly the fat. I am still working on learning how to make old family favorites without fat and am, for the most part, quite pleased with how things come out. Don't forget that your palate will truly change with time, and as you begin to see success in your weight loss, have your skin clear up and gain more energy, the payback for your efforts will hopefully begin a positive feedback loop.

Anyway, I am off to watch a movie with my daughter. Welcome again! Don't worry if you don't get a lot of replies--this board is significantly slower on the weekend.
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Postby tea » Fri Feb 02, 2007 9:45 pm

Thanks you guys! I really appreciate the welcome. From what I've read so far, this board seems full of very warm and friendly people. I'm happy to be here!

And yeah, hoping the veggie phobia lifts. :) I do think my tastes will change over time. They certainly did with the letting go of dairy (I also let go of about 10 pounds without even trying when I made that change...).
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Postby slugmom » Fri Feb 02, 2007 10:36 pm

Hi tea! Welcome!

We're in a similar boat, I've been skirting in and out of McDougalling for years but recently found out that my husband (early 40's) also has high blood pressure, so we are trying hard to change. He has significant weight to lose, and I have 30-40 lbs to lose, myself.

Are there a *few* veggies that you DO like, or can tolerate? I'd say focus on them. It's okay to eat the same few things again and again. I am not a big fan of *cooked* veggies, especially big chunks of them in something else, LOL ... but I like asian-style salads with cabbage and such, and am learning to add darker green leafy bok choy and things to it.

See if you can list a few things you DO like, and build your menu from that.

- Kim

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Postby happyalyssa » Fri Feb 02, 2007 11:30 pm

Welcome to the board!

I think slugmom hit the nail on the head!

I love almost all veggies, but my husband loathes them. It has been interesting to say the least trying to incorporate them into our diet in ways that we both like.

For example, if you like potatoes & carrots, make up yourself a big pot of soup with lots of potatoes and carrots. Make carrot salad. Make ff vegan carrot cake. Make baked and mashed potatoes. Make potato soup. Then maybe commit yourself to trying something different once a week. There's such a huge variety, it would take you a very long time experiment with them all. Try parsnips with your baked carrots and potatoes. Or add a leek to your potato soup. Maybe go out on a limb and try something totally bizarre like japanese eggplant or beet greens.

This website and I use often for inspiration and ideas.

Best of luck :)
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Postby noodle » Sun Feb 04, 2007 9:53 am

Hi tea, and welcome. Everyone here is very knowledgeable and helpful. I won't try to add anything to what has already been said.

Just keep posting on your concerns, struggles, and progress!

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