
Learn the basics and take the first steps to successfully implement the McDougall Program.

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Postby asahmof5 » Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:16 pm


I am new to this whole new way at looking at the SAD. I am a diabetic on insulin and am looking forward to getting started. I am only 30 years old and a mother of 5.

I did not grow up overweight and after I had my first child I gained 80 lbs. I never lost the weight through 4 more pregnancies. So now I am 202 lbs.

I plan on starting this new "diet" next Monday. I am breastfeeding and would like any advice that has helped any other nursing mothers.

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Postby Faith in DC » Tue Sep 16, 2008 1:05 pm

Welcome aboard. Just so you don't feel bad, when I got pregnant I gained 60 and enjoyed every single one of those pounds going on. ugh, but coming off not so fun. That was before discovering Mcd.

You might want to search his website on breastfeeding. I know it is perfectly safe to do, but you do need more calories. Of course, you already knew that. Just keep it balanced. Since you are insulin dependent, you need to work with your doctor some too. BG should really drop.

So why are you waiting? Is it to clean the house out? Try and incorporate all the family into this. Remember it's healthy, it's not a fad diet.
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Postby asahmof5 » Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:03 pm

Its funny you posted about why I was waiting. I actually did start today. I do feel good too. I thought that I would not be able to survive without meat and dairy. I just need to get my B12 vitamins on Monday (payday).

I need to search the boards for the information on nursing my little one. I know that there are vegans who do it every day.

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Postby Faith in DC » Wed Sep 17, 2008 11:12 am

That's the way to take the bull by the horns. No risk of the B12 between now and monday. Get the sublingual type.
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Postby dlb » Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:20 pm

Ayana -

Welcome to McDougalling and the board. How is your family taking to it? Are you transitioning over the kids? Teaching them healthy eating habit from a young age is a wonderful gift for them. Is your husband joining you?

Let us know how you are doing.

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Postby catherine1305 » Wed Sep 24, 2008 10:01 pm

Hi all new here is have been doing McD but not fully committed. Decided to try Mary mini so I could drop below 200.

I need to see a lose have been stuck for months.

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Postby asahmof5 » Thu Sep 25, 2008 7:06 am

Cathy - I can totally relate to your post. Believe it or not I have not fully been following McD but I am still loosing weight. It is not very fast but it is coming off.

Donna - Thank you for asking about the family. My husband will not even look at eating a vegan diet ever. He loves his meat and cheese. I am learning that I can still prepare meals with a minimum of the extra junk.

During the day I feed the children what I have been eating. They actually like the food and don't even now that I'm doing anything different. We go to the farmer's market and get fresh vegetables to try. For instance last night I steamed green and yellow squash to go with my red beans and rice. The children absolutely loved the steamed squash!

I have found that by slowly incorporating these changes in my life help me more than going cold turkey. For some reason when I go cold turkey I crave everything I can not "have".

I want to thank all of those who welcomed me.

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thanks for encouragement

Postby catherine1305 » Thu Sep 25, 2008 7:52 am

Thanks Ayana for the encouragement. My husband has given up beef and pork. It is harder for him to give up chicken and seafood. I try to eat 2 McD meals a day and he cooks lunch for me. He knows what I eat and what I don't so it has worked out ok. He gets bored cooking chicken but thats ok. I have started cooking a little at night to help him incorporate into the daily lunch menu.

My hardest thing so far has been cheese. I have gone to reduced fat and have limited how I use it. We will see how this goes. No cheese or bread for 10 days.

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Postby Faith in DC » Thu Sep 25, 2008 10:57 am

If you have 200 to lose, why not go with the regular plan at first. You don't need the 'diet' kind of plans yet. You should lose just fine living his regular plan. Those other plans are diets to shake things up. I'm afraid you'll get so bored and frustrated you'll run away from this lovely plan and never come back.
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Postby catherine1305 » Thu Sep 25, 2008 1:12 pm

Thanks Faith

But I have been on a modified McD for about 6 months I have lost 18 but I am at a standstill. I have not been below 200 in quite a while and I have a defeatest attitude. I really think I need this all or nothing and with just eatting the potato as my starch and main part of my meal I think I can jump start this to drop below 200.

My biggest problem is my husband likes to have breakfast out on Sundays and I haven't figured out what to eat so I talked him into not eatting out this weekend. It just means I have to cook more and thats ok.
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Postby Faith in DC » Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:33 am

You never tried the regular plan without modifications? Usually what we modify it with isn't weight loss promoting foods. There is also pancake recipes and stuff that you can use to help your husband and you.

I just worry if you lower your calories that much now, what are you going to do when you get near goal and things really slow down.

MWL is great and that's what I stick with most of the time and nothing wrong with that, but I do like my pasta sometimes and breads.
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going cold potato

Postby catherine1305 » Fri Sep 26, 2008 1:15 pm

I guess I can't say going cold turkey LOL. Ok well I did the MM for 2 days and weigh in day was today I lost 2.5. I am below 200 which makes me happy I can now add back a few things but stay closer to the MWL plan.

I have tried to stay away from the processed foods stick with natural foods. It seems to be working will keep going until next Saturday Oct 4 then will change fully to MWL.

Thanks for your help Faith.

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Postby Faith in DC » Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:11 am

Good job. Yes, processed foods shouldn't be on the program. They are rare, very rare, on MWL. They are for special occassions or once you recapture your health and weight.

Eat simple, eat flavors you enjoy, and don't stress. You'll be surprised how quick it can come off if you just go about each day.
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