Starting 12 days

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Starting 12 days

Postby rebecca » Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:24 pm

Hi Everyone,
I have been trying to stick w/MWL but have been having a hard time. So today I have decided to do the regular program. I have about 50lbs. to lose and I am not in a hurry to lose it. I work out 6 days a week for about an hour doing weights and aerobics. I am also on high blood presure meds which I would like to be off of. I will start a journal too because I need the support. I know I can do this because of all the sucess other have had before me. Thanks,Rebecca :D
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Postby Zena » Fri Sep 26, 2008 3:25 pm

Hi Rebecca and welcome!

Good luck with your journey on the regular program. That's the one I started with and, if you follow it wholeheartedly, you can expect to lose weight at a steady pace. You'll probably lose more quickly in the beginning and then a little more slowly as you get closer and closer to your goal. That's great that you're working out with weights and aeorbics! The exercise will definitely help with your weight loss as well as keeping you toned and fit. Make sure to monitor your blood pressure closely as it may start coming down fast and your meds will need to be adjusted accordingly. I was able to get off 2 blood-pressure meds the first week I was on the regular program so I know it can work great for others dealing with similar issues.

I liked the fact that you said you're not in a hurry to lose the weight. That's a very positive attitude and if you just simply focus on getting healthy, the weight loss will come because that's the body's natural state. That's the best thing about the McDougall's about obtaining optimal health by eating the best possible diet, moderate exercise and a healthy lifestyle. Everything seems to just start falling into place :-)

Keep posting and I know you'll find a lot of support here on these boards!
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Postby rebecca » Sat Sep 27, 2008 9:24 pm

Zena, thanks for the welcome and support! :D
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Postby Faith in DC » Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:08 am

I think it's very wise for you to do the regular program. It's more of a lifestyle that one can live with, and that is what you need. Folks that jump into the plan using MWL or Mary's Mini worry me that they are looking for a quick fix. This isn't a quick fix program.

So enjoy and focus on good health.
I'm in training for maintaining
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