Simply Amazing from a newbie

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Simply Amazing from a newbie

Postby crosj » Mon Oct 20, 2008 1:27 pm

:-D Type two diabetic for 15 years with a weight problem. I am on oral meds and insulin. I came across Dr MdDougalls plan and I actually signed up for the 10 day live in for January. I wanted to get a head start so I hung out on these boards and read the books and watched the dvds. Armed with all this information I went to the store and loaded up with "good stuff". After two weeks I am so pleased!! My blood sugars are outstanding. My weight is slowy coming off. I am eating brown rice, potatoes and pasta among other great foods and I can't believe the results in only a couple of weeks. I found out that I like soy milk in my cereal and don't miss all the oils I normally would use in my cooking.
My goals are two fold- Blood sugars in control and weight off (40 lbs). I am well on my way. Can you tell I am excited? Well I am!!!! :-D
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Postby Love the Lorax » Mon Oct 20, 2008 2:37 pm

Excellent!! It is truly amazing how fast our bodies respond to some good nutrition. I absolutely love reading others accounts of how they are improving with a change in diet. It is great incentive to keep on doing what's right, especially since I am still fighting cravings for foods that I absolutely shouldn't be eating.

Has your doctor seen your improved blood sugar numbers? We'd love to hear what he says about them!
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Postby crosj » Mon Oct 20, 2008 3:28 pm

I had an appointment with my diabetes mangement team this coming Monday but I canceled it. I want to have a few more weeks under my belt to show them what can be done and to prove that its not a fluke. When I do go (Nov 17) I fully expect them to decrease my insulin and hopefully my oral meds. Of course by them I will have dropped a few more lbs which is more proof to them that this lifestyle change has many benefits. I also will be seeing my cardologist before the year is out and I expect a decrease in my heart meds also. I will be checking back in everyfew days to let everyone know how its going. Now my next goal is to give up half and half in my coffee.. I have tried soy but its not the same. Then give up the coffee. Well thats another story.. LOL :-D
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Postby hope101 » Tue Oct 21, 2008 9:30 am

Crosj, have you tried Chocolate Silk in your coffee? IMO, it's the best substitute for dairy in this application. Also, if you switch to Teecchino later, they go really well together.
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Postby fulenn » Tue Oct 21, 2008 10:59 am


When I was still drinking coffee, I really like unsweetened almond milk, very rich tasting to me. I drink teeccino now and still use the almond milk.

Good Luck!
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Postby crosj » Tue Oct 21, 2008 8:15 pm

hope101 wrote:Crosj, have you tried Chocolate Silk in your coffee? IMO, it's the best substitute for dairy in this application. Also, if you switch to Teecchino later, they go really well together.

I have not tried chocolate silk yet in my coffee.. But I will!!!
What is Teecchino????
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Postby crosj » Tue Oct 21, 2008 8:16 pm

I have some unsweetened Almond milk both the vanilla and the chocolate. Worth a try.. thanks!!!
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Postby Pat » Wed Oct 22, 2008 5:12 am

Teeccino is an herbal coffee. Some natural food stores carry it, however, I bought mine on the internet directly from the company.

I love it and have no urge for coffee now. I like herbal tea, but there's something about brewing a hot, black cup of coffee in the morning that a tea bag just couldn't do for me. :-D
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Postby Faith in DC » Wed Oct 22, 2008 11:00 am

I never thought of chocolate silk in my coffee either. hmmmm sounds good.

I use to use Coffee Rich, which was vegan back then. NOW I'm not sure if it still is, nor am I sure about added oil. I was vegan but not mcdougalling. CR is usually frozen.

good lord, the main reason I wanted to respond was to say Congrats on the progress, and a big hug for being open enough to try something drastic. So you are going this january?? Lucky you.
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Postby crosj » Wed Oct 22, 2008 1:06 pm

Thanks everyone for tips!!! I am doing so well that I am getting my deposit back for my January 10 day visit. The big test will be thanksgiving!!.. Then a couple of weeks later I am going on a cruise for 8 days. So........ wish me luck and send hugs!!!
Right now my biggest problem is EXERCISE!! I hate it. And we know that the more over weight we are the harder it is to exercise. I must admit that I have a lot more energy and I am thinking about dusting off the WiiFit...

:-) :-) :-)
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Postby Faith in DC » Fri Oct 24, 2008 10:41 am

you know, even us seasoned mcdougallers get a lot from seeing the program. Maybe sign up for one of their shorter ones. Or buy the different tapes. I use them all the time.
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