Intro post - starting MWL today

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Intro post - starting MWL today

Postby singingbird » Fri Nov 28, 2008 8:56 am

Hi everyone - I'm new to the forum and I'm starting the MWL plan today. The day after Thanksgiving seemed to be an appropriate day to start in terms of motivation to stop stuffing myself. ;)

I've been a vegetarian for the past seven years, and gone through on/off phases of following a vegan diet. So I try to keep eggs and dairy to a minimum already. But I went vegetarian/quasi-vegan for ethical reasons, not health reasons, so my diet isn't always fabulous. There's plenty of vegan junk food to be found if you want it.

I'm 5'9" and I've never been what you'd call skinny - in high school I hovered around 175 pounds - but I have definitely seen better days. My freshman year in college I was put on an antidepressant that made me gain about 60 pounds. After getting off the medication, I lost about ten. The remainder of it will. not. budge. I would lose 15-20 pounds on various attempts at dieting, but after going off any of the diets, I gained it back immediately. I'm a big eater and I can't stand calorie counting or severely portion-restricted diets. I also dislike the hassle of trying to veg*nize an omnivorous diet plan. So I kind of gave up a year or two ago.

A friend who was cleaning out her bookshelves and knows I'm interested in veg*n cooking gave me the MWL book a few weeks ago for the recipes in the back. But I read the rest of the book and decided to give it a shot. I'm deeply skeptical of diets at this point, but I love carbs, and a diet that allows me all the carbs I want with no portions or calorie counting sounds like a plan I can at least stick with. And it will certainly be healthier than the way I've been eating. goes nothing. My weight as of this morning is 225, and I'm hoping to get down to 160 for starters - the lowest I was able to diet down to in high school, and pretty close to trim body weight for me. (I think I probably could have gone another ten pounds back then.)

Allright, enough rambling from me...good to be here. :)
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Postby MadcityVegan » Fri Nov 28, 2008 9:16 am

Good Morning Singingbird!

Good luck to you. The best part about MWL is your treats can be from foods on the regular program.

Here is a link to the regualr program.

I found MWL too restrictive to stick with so I eat meals from both plans and loose about 1lb a week. Keep us posted on your triumphs and trials.

Also, keep in mind eating this way takes practice so don't get discouraged if you have some ups and downs just keep going.
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Postby Letha » Fri Nov 28, 2008 9:43 am

Welcome Singingbird,
It’s good that you are already a vegetarian. It will make the transition so much easier for you.

Please join us for our December MWL challenge/support group discussion thread.

You can also check out the November MWL challenge/support thread here.

For menu ideas, visit Roberta’s corner here.

I look forward to getting to know you in the coming weeks. Take care.
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Postby Sher » Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:45 am

Hello Singing Bird! What a happy name! Welcome to the forums!!

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Postby Faith in DC » Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:41 am

I was going to suggest reading his site, because yes, MWL this time of year especially is difficult, and it would be better to do something than get depressed at the restrictions for holiday time.

Slow steady wins the race. I've lost 60lbs or more but it's been over three years (many holidays, vacations, sadness, etc).

I pretty well concentrate on whole foods like MWLP but always have some things around to help me feel like I'm part of the real world.
I'm in training for maintaining
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