
A place to get your questions answered from McDougall staff dietitian, Jeff Novick, MS, RDN.

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Postby foodaddict » Thu May 18, 2017 3:14 am

Hello Jeff,

Is it okay to take supplements of any kind either vitamin or mineral if an MD has taken blood tests and told you to take it?

I seen discussions about this on Facebook several times and people are told that dr McDougall say its okay. And I want to check out if it is true :nod:

Also on facebook now and then people say that its better to follow other plant based doctors advice sometimes and not just stick with dr McDougalls advice all the time.

I dont know what is true or not right now as I only read the starch solution and dr Esselstyns book about how to reverse heart disease.

which doctors are they talking about really? are the plant based drs food advice so much different from each others?
I dont want to buy anymore books and the library dont seem to have anymore except the china study and I already lent and read that one it was the first book I read until I could afford to buy the two other books.

My vitamin D levels are normal just from being in the sun. and I take vitamin B12 and folacine as I have to take it due to the fact my homo cysteine levels where too high.

Now I am scared the folacin tablets will give me cancer :(
I started to eat meat again to ripe the benefits of it. They eat meat in the bible. why should not we continue to eat it? I hate manipulated facts !
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Re: supplements

Postby JeffN » Thu May 18, 2017 4:52 pm

foodaddict wrote:Hello Jeff,

Is it okay to take supplements of any kind either vitamin or mineral if an MD has taken blood tests and told you to take it?

I seen discussions about this on Facebook several times and people are told that dr McDougall say its okay. And I want to check out if it is true :nod:

Also on facebook now and then people say that its better to follow other plant based doctors advice sometimes and not just stick with dr McDougalls advice all the time.

I dont know what is true or not right now as I only read the starch solution and dr Esselstyns book about how to reverse heart disease.

which doctors are they talking about really? are the plant based drs food advice so much different from each others?
I dont want to buy anymore books and the library dont seem to have anymore except the china study and I already lent and read that one it was the first book I read until I could afford to buy the two other books.

My vitamin D levels are normal just from being in the sun. and I take vitamin B12 and folacine as I have to take it due to the fact my homo cysteine levels where too high.

Now I am scared the folacin tablets will give me cancer :(

You can read my position on supplements here... ... ments.html

In regard to FB, I no longer maintain a professional presence on FB and haven't in several years. I have no SnapChat, Instagram or whatever else is the new thing. I do maintain a twitter only for tweeting new studies/articles. That should tell you something of what I think of it all.

I also don't practice Hallway Nutrition, Discussion Board Nutrition, Email Nutrition or any form of Social Media Nutrition and I don't recommend anyone to be a client of it.

My recommendations are to apply the principles and guidelines as outlined in this forum the best you can, adapting them to your own unique situation. Then fine tune as necessary.

If you are not having the success you think you should, you don't need another book, group, etc. You just need to speak to a qualified, credible, licensed, degreed health care professional with lots of actual clinical experience in the field. And yes, sometimes either medication, supplements or both may be recommended.

I am always amazed at how many people will say they following my (or Dr McDougall's or Dr Goldhamer's) advice to the tee but it failed them. Yet, they never communicated with any of us to actually see if they were actually understanding, following and implementing the recommendations correctly, or to see how to adapt it to their situation.

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Re: supplements

Postby foodaddict » Thu May 18, 2017 11:54 pm

Millions of thanks Jeff for the reply!

I started to eat meat again to ripe the benefits of it. They eat meat in the bible. why should not we continue to eat it? I hate manipulated facts !
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Re: supplements

Postby foodaddict » Fri Oct 13, 2017 6:24 am

Hi Jeff

now that I have used the cronometer for several months I can really see the reason why I had to take supplements in the past. there seem to be a good reason for eating beans peas and lentils as that is where most of the folate is located :D And in kale and cabbage as well. And raspberries and millet.

Good to find a way to get it without the supplement since it say on the bottle it may cause breast cancer and my mother had that :(

I am very happy to get these lifesaving advice from you and dr Mcdougall :nod:

And my body seem to still be healing. :D


I started to eat meat again to ripe the benefits of it. They eat meat in the bible. why should not we continue to eat it? I hate manipulated facts !
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