Private FB Groups

A place to get your questions answered from McDougall staff dietitian, Jeff Novick, MS, RDN.

Moderators: JeffN, carolve, Heather McDougall

Private FB Groups

Postby VeggieSue » Sun Apr 08, 2018 4:29 am

Are these private FB groups that only past participants in one of Dr. McDougall's live-in program can join or are they open to anyone?
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Re: Private FB Groups

Postby JeffN » Sun Apr 08, 2018 6:17 am

Hi Sue

The following FB groups (that we endorse & moderate) require prior attendance & approval. They are all free for their respective alumni.

The McDougall 10-Day Program Alumni

The McDougall 3-Day ASW Alumni

The McDougall Travel Adventure Alumni

We also maintain a closed FB Page for each of the private companies we work with and one for the graduates of The Starch Solution Course. These also require prior attendance & approval.

So yes, only open to those who have attended the respective program.

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