Re: Exercise, Health & You: How Much Is Enough? - Comment

A place to get your questions answered from McDougall staff dietitian, Jeff Novick, MS, RDN.

Moderators: JeffN, carolve, Heather McDougall

Re: Exercise, Health & You: How Much Is Enough? - Comment

Postby geo » Wed Jul 11, 2018 12:36 pm

So basically the result of this latest review of 30 studies on Physical Activity is:

GET OFF YOUR ASS AND MOVE! Your health depends on it. Even if its only light physical activity!

Kind of what Dr McD and you have been preaching for 40+ years :nod:

But even beyond that, we already know to be at your "best bang for buck" physical health strive for 150 a week of moderate activity or 75 mins a week of vigorous activity and that activity can be done in 10 min bouts.

The one statistic that I found interesting was the amount of time we spend in a day doing various things, specifically:

"...within a day (24 h), adults spent an average of

1. 7.7 hours in sedentary behavier <- thats basically sitting!
2. 7.8 hours in light physical activity <- pretty much your normal daily routine...standing, walking normally, doing laundry, dishes, getting dressed, showering, etc...
3. 0.2 hours (thats 12 mins!) in moderate to vigourous physical activity
4. 8.3 hours in sleep

So if we could just convince people to take another 10 mins a day off of our typical sedentary time, we could all be in quite good physical shape.

Think about that... on average we already do 84 mins a week of moderate to vigorous activity. So just 10 mins more a day not sitting and instead doing some 4 mph "brisk" walking will get you that 150 mins a week of moderate physical activity goal and the wonderful health benefits it confers! A simple brisk walk around the block or two everyday instead of watching TV will do the trick!

How hard is that?

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