Potatoes and Diabetes: comment...

A place to get your questions answered from McDougall staff dietitian, Jeff Novick, MS, RDN.

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Potatoes and Diabetes: comment...

Postby geo » Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:36 pm

You know I can't let this pass. How much of an idiot do you need to be to not understand that there is a huge difference between eatiing a real unprocesed potato and eating highly processed, fried, potato "products". These kinds of genralizations are whats going to kill us in the long run.

I just wish, one of those study experts would take a look at my year journal and explain to me how I could eat tons of potatoes everyday for a year and yet cured my diabetic tendencies along with every other chronic disease I had and all those aches and pains of "ageing", etc... I can show them what I ate, every single day. I can show them what I did, every single day. I have the numbers. And I can show them the results over time. Real unquestionable results. Data far more accurate and far more meaningful than they will ever achieve from their study methods. Just once I wish these academics would get their heads out of their as...err their book learning and just try eating what they claim is bad for you.

Its amazing to me that these guys proclaim to be experts on the subject and yet have never tried it themselves. They have no first hand experience and don't seem interested in it. They just want to register their dum questionaires and proclaim they have done science and know the facts. When all they've really done is become fools.

In my computer world, the expression garbage in-garbage out is so apropo to a lot of this nutritional nonsence spewing out of the experts.

What will it take for them to listen? Somehow, Jeff, real experts like you and Dr McDougall need to teach these folks the truth, the real science. Us novices, know the truth from actual experience. And some of us can provide real data to push them in the right direction...more real, useful data than they will ever generate from their "study". And yet we are laughed at because we are considered just anecdotal... its a shame that the citizen scientist or amatuer scientists are just considered as jokes by those with degrees who wouldn't understand the scientific method or how to conduct proper science with useful and meaningful results...

I'm sorry but this kind of BS study just really pisses me off and the upcoming sh*t storm of negative publicity on potatoes is just going to further push the general population into ignorance, confusion, and stupidity.

Sorry for the rant..., I'll shutup now and just go live my ignorant simple life in health...

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Re: Potatoes and Diabetes: comment...

Postby JeffN » Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:40 pm

My main concern is irresponsible journalism.

1) how a piece of CRAP like this can get published in a decent science journal.

2) why do science reporters just echo the results without looking into the study and seeing the problems. It is an opportunity for them to do what I did and publicly question how this CRAP gets published and teach the public something about why this study is so poor and should never have been published.

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