Gall Bladder Tales

A place to get your questions answered from McDougall staff dietitian, Jeff Novick, MS, RDN.

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Gall Bladder Tales

Postby Alaskagirl » Tue Aug 28, 2018 9:52 pm

Hi Jeff!

I just wanted to run this by you and see what you have to say about it.

I met up with an old family friend over the weekend. She told me that the reason that I cannot digest gluten is because I have no gall bladder. According to her, the reason that I got gallstones was because I was not producing enough bile, due to a low functioning thyroid,. which caused my gallbladder to become congested . She was trying to talk me into trying an ox bile supplement, stating that it has really helped her a lot. I have no intention in taking anything like that.

Now I really had to "bite my tongue" as she explained this whole thing. I know better, especially after all of the education I received at the McDougall 10 day program last year. I know gallstones are formed from excess cholesterol in the diet, but I'd never be able to convince my friend of that. She believes fat consumption, especially coconut oil, is actually beneficial.She never agrees with me on matters of nutrition and does not believe that a diet devoid of animal foods is at all healthy. I try to avoid conversations on nutrition with her, because it never ends well. Besides, I know she scavenges her information from unreliable sources such as the internet and one of her favorites, J.J. Virgin.

Anyhow, have you ever heard of any connection between low thyroid function and the gall bladder? I had my gallbladder removed two decades ago. I was diagnosed with borderline low thyroid almost a decade ago. I remember Dr. Klapper stating that it's not a problem, not having a gall bladder. My friend says it's bad, because any fat I eat, which certainly isn't much on this program, will not digest properly causing EFA deficiency and that the fat I eat will sit in my gut and rot without sufficient bile to digest it.

I am not looking for any medical advice here. I just wanted to rattle your cage a little and tell you about the absurdity I was fed last weekend. Your incites are always valued.

Thanks! Wendy
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Joined: Wed Oct 26, 2016 7:10 pm

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