Could Omega-3/Omega-6 ratio be too high?

A place to get your questions answered from McDougall staff dietitian, Jeff Novick, MS, RDN.

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Could Omega-3/Omega-6 ratio be too high?

Postby blueyesvegan » Sat Sep 01, 2018 1:25 pm

Dear Jeff,
Do you think that an omega-3/omega-6 ratio shifted toward more omega-3 could be detrimental to our health?
I know vegans tend to eat too much omega-6 fats, but those who follow a plant based diet without oils and nuts, and with just 1 tbsp a day of grounded flaxseeds, are in a situation exactly opposite to that of most vegans.
Personally, I've never heard of excessive amount of omega-3 essential fats in vegans, so I don’t know the possible consequences.
What do you have to say in this regard, based on your clinical experience as a nutritionist and on the scientific data available up to now?
Do you think a very high omega-3/omega-6 ratio could be as dangerous as the opposite condition (more omega-6 than omega-3)?
Thank you so much in advance for answering.
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Re: Could Omega-3/Omega-6 ratio be too high?

Postby JeffN » Sat Sep 01, 2018 2:51 pm

blueyesvegan wrote:Dear Jeff,
Do you think that an omega-3/omega-6 ratio shifted toward more omega-3 could be detrimental to our health?
I know vegans tend to eat too much omega-6 fats, but those who follow a plant based diet without oils and nuts, and with just 1 tbsp a day of grounded flaxseeds, are in a situation exactly opposite to that of most vegans.
Personally, I've never heard of excessive amount of omega-3 essential fats in vegans, so I don’t know the possible consequences.
What do you have to say in this regard, based on your clinical experience as a nutritionist and on the scientific data available up to now?
Do you think a very high omega-3/omega-6 ratio could be as dangerous as the opposite condition (more omega-6 than omega-3)?
Thank you so much in advance for answering.

I am curious as to why this has come up as a question as it sounds like another unhealthy vegan diet issue which isn’t relevant to us.

Yes, vegans who consume lots of oil and nuts/seeds could have omega 6/3 ratio’s as high as 15/1 or 20/1 or even higher especially if they consume certain oils (canola/flax) or supplements (omega 3). To have the “situation exactly opposite” would be virtually impossible for us. The reason is, If you follow our guidelines and you do add some ground flaxseed, we only recommend a limited amount and we do not recommend oils, lots of nut/seeds and/or supplements of fish oil, flax oil, DHA or EPA.

If you were vegan and did all those, then perhaps it is possible but again you would have to load up on flaxseeds, flax oil and/or Omega 3, DHA and/or EPA supplements.

So, I can’t imagine how anyone following our recommendation could end up with a 3/6 ratio anywhere near 15/1 or 20/1 or higher.

Vegan, maybe

McDougaller’s, no.

In Health
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