10 Common Mistakes in Behavior Change

A place to get your questions answered from McDougall staff dietitian, Jeff Novick, MS, RDN.

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10 Common Mistakes in Behavior Change

Postby Spirit3330 » Wed Sep 12, 2018 12:11 am

I had a wonderful time at the McDougall 3 Day intensive Program. I absorbed so much information from the program...my head is still spinning. Each session caught my attention and enlighten my knowledge of good eating habits.

I was informed last week to attend a business trip in Illinois. I had to be there by Monday afternoon which means I had to leave Sunday on a red-eye. I had to leave the conference at noon on Sunday to drive back home and repack to catch my flight. Unfortunately I missed your last presentation on the 10 Common mistakes in behavior changes.

Would you be able to share that information with me as I feel it would be extremely useful in my journey.

Thanks in advance....
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Re: 10 Common Mistakes in Behavior Change

Postby JeffN » Wed Sep 12, 2018 7:42 am


Glad you had such a good time

The presentation your are interested in, we done by Dr Lim.

I will contact him and get an overview for you.

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Re: 10 Common Mistakes in Behavior Change

Postby JeffN » Wed Sep 12, 2018 1:01 pm

Here are the 10 points. He does not have an in-depth article on it yet, which he may eventually produce

I only caught part of the lecture so can’t fill in any details myself.

1.Focus on outcome vs habit
2. Too vague a goal
3.Unrealistic Expectations
4.Underestimating Power of Environment
5.Lacking Support/Accountability
6.Not Tracking Progress
7.Thinking Just a Little Bit is “Okay”
8.Neglecting Other Core Areas of Life
9.Allowing Thoughts/Feelings to Guide Behavior
10.Giving Up

I hope this helps
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Re: 10 Common Mistakes in Behavior Change

Postby Spirit3330 » Fri Sep 14, 2018 7:13 am

Thanks for the follow up....it is a big help.

Having an extremely hard time on this trip with sticking to a vegan diet as I was totally unprepared for how to deal with meals during travel. Giving up the meat is easy for me as I was never a huge meat eater. However, I’ve been eating out a lot and the oil and salt in the food in restauraunts is unbelievably high.

I have two more business trips planned within the next month one in Texas ( oh boy) and one in New York. My goal is to be better prepared on where and what to eat. Unfortunately, the company won’t pay for a room with extra amenities such as a stove/refrigerator in the room.

I hope to apply some of the information I received during the conference. I’m opened for any suggestions you may have.

Thanks again for the follow up.

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