Nut Milks?

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Nut Milks?

Postby IslandNana53 » Sun Oct 04, 2020 9:07 am

I have used Almond milk, no sugar added or flavor. But when I was looking through the recommendations for Dr. McDougall's eating plan it advises Soy Milk or Rice Milk. Why no nut milks?
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Re: Nut Milks?

Postby Hal » Mon Oct 12, 2020 3:25 pm

Not sure, but it could be that nut 'milks' have more fat/oil than soy-milk and rice-milk.

The quickly absorbed fat in nut milk is a problem, and ideally nut-milk should remain a 'condiment'.

This is a disappointment for someone like me, who liked to drench my cereal in milk - three parts milk-one part cereal. However i have gotten used to barely wetting my cereal, in water because oat-milk had been hard to find lately. Oat-milk may be more WOE friendly than nut-milk, but will still contain free oat fat, so many suggest making their own oat-milk by powdering oatmeal and dissolving the powder in water to make 'milk'. Either way, the WOE suggests using milk as a condiment (small portions with cereal or for other uses.
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