For Running's Sake(and mine)

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Re: For Running's Sake (and mine)

Postby SARunner » Fri Sep 05, 2014 9:23 am

Thank you so much for your input Lynn, I really appreciate it!
It is very tough living surrounded by goodies; before my running injury when I was running very seriously I had iron willpower, when the injury occured (it was nearly 18 months of ongoing issues) it was like I literally gave up. Which is exactly why I am here, trying to get a grip on my eating so I can experience that freedom you get within boundaries.
I have been trying to be more prepared, as you say, especially with potatoes because they seem to keep me satiated for hours. It's exactly like you say in that as soon as I focus in being satiated, the cravings stop and I can experience that calm for 4-5 hours.
I will say that I am more of a 3 meals per day type of person, snacking for me seems to make me think of food a lot more, ideally I like to go 4-5 hours til the next meal. Also with running, contrary to some of the wisdom I've been given by "sport's nutritionists" I find I run much better when several hours have passed, and I don't bother with sports drinks or energy food. Simple meals and water seem to suit my running very well, it's amazing how our minds can trick us into thinking otherwise when there is some processed or baked treat in front of us!
I was reading Cloudy Rockwell's star mcdougeller story and something stuck, which was that she had to look at all the off-plan foods as "not food". Well that has really helped me today, if something is in front of me now I just tell myself it's not real food. It's actually a very similar to a method I used to use back when I had my 'iron will'.
Today has gone great, and will continue to go great as I refuse to drop the ball!

B: Oatmeal and sliced banana
L: Smoked paprika spiced potato "fries" ( ala Potato Strong) with broccoli and mustard
S: apple (to stop my 4pm munchies)
D: Will hopefully be leftover potato "fries" with a mixed vegetables
Waiting to see if I'll be running with a friend or have to head out on my own.
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Re: For Running's Sake(and mine)

Postby SARunner » Sat Sep 06, 2014 5:04 pm

Today was another good day!
I hit a few bumps, but I recovered well I think. I stayed home today, which usually is a dodgy place to be because I'm home alone with a lot of temptations.

B: Oatmeal and 3/4 banana
L: Passata mixed with butter beans, peas, corn and broccoli (I ate the whole batch, but it kept me from snacking or reaching for things)
D: Baked beans(no sauce) with broccoli (I was in a hurry)

I ate quite a lot of beans today, but this doesn't happen too often, I just wasn't in the mood for potatoes today.
Exercise today was a 7 mile multi-terrain run. I have to go to sleep now, I have a long run early tomorrow and I'm really hoping I get a good night's sleep tonight, I've been struggling with insomnia lately.

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