Back on Track and Staying there

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Back on Track and Staying there

Postby luvdachiess » Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:16 pm

Hi everyone~

So I have been trying to get back on track and to do this I need to have help. So with that said I want to start a Journal where we try to limit our Processed Food. Now when I talk about limiting it, if you have it just mark it as processed and we will move on. I will be posting here what I eat each day and would like others to post their food here each day as well. Together we can get on track and look awesome by the holidays. Any one with me??
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby luvdachiess » Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:18 pm

So here is my journal and any one joining me can just copy it.

7.24.11 Sunday
Breakfast -
Oats and cantaloupe
Lunch -
rice, beans and stir fry
Dinner -
More stir fry and a Potato
Snack -

7.25.11 Monday
Breakfast -
Oats and tomatoes
Lunch -
rice, beans and broccoli
Dinner - Corn tortilla, beans and veggies
Snack - Yellow pear tomatoes off my vine!! =) and

7.26.11 Tuesday
Breakfast -
Oats and berries
Lunch -
rice, beans and broccoli with a little soy sauce, I know processed!! :eek:
Dinner - mashed potatoes, corn and pea's ( my comfort food and since I have not been feeling well I need it tonight.) I don't put anything in my potatoes, just mash them and add the corn and peas
Snack - a coffee with soy creamer, I know processed again. Ok none tomorrow. =)
Exercise - walked 3.2

7.27.11 Wednesday
Breakfast -
Small salad, roll
Dinner -
Greek lentil soup over rice and spinach
Snack - Strawberries and Cherries, 5 Almonds and 5 pretzels =(

7.28.11 Thursday
Breakfast -
Lunch -
Tomato soup and boca on bread thin ( processed) =(
Dinner -
Chili with vegan corn bread baked on top
Snack -
Cherries and a little vegan chocolate =( 2 Vegan cookies, and about 10 peanut m and m. Why do I buy this stuff!!
ok I am done with junk!!! Vegan junk is not good for me!!
Exercise - walked 3.2

7.29.11 Friday
Breakfast -
oatmeal. cranberries, walnuts and splash of almond milk
Lunch -
Rice and broccoli
Dinner -
Guests over, so Pasta with homemade sauce, salad and sourdough bread Some processed there, but pretty good besides the bread

7.30.11 Saturday
Breakfast -
Oatmeal and Pinapple
Lunch/Dinner -
Chili with cornbread
At a wedding, did not eat there so came home and ate.

I am going to just write this day off!!

8.1.11 Monday
Breakfast - Oatmeal and berries
Lunch - rice, lentil, watermelon
Dinner - mashed potatoes, nothing added, peas and corn
Snack - banana
Exercise - walked 3.2

8.2.11 Tuesday
Breakfast - Oats with 1/4 banana,1T rasins, 1 t sliced almonds, 1/4 apple, 3 strawberries and soy milk not really MWL, but at least it is McD
Lunch - rice and beans
Dinner - Mashed potatoes with corn and peas and cantaloupe
Snack - Banana
Exercise - walked 3.2 =)

8.3.11 Wednesday
Breakfast - Rips big bowl again
Lunch - salad and potato
Dinner - salad, roll and pasta (roll and pasta were processed)
snack - watermelon

8.4.11 Thursday
Breakfast - Rips big bowl again. =)
Lunch - Taco Salad ( lettuce, tomatoes, onions, pinto's, rice, and salsa)
Dinner - bread roll and Latte ( both processed =()
Snack - Watermelon

8.5.11 Friday
weight 152.2
down 3.8 :shock:
Actually made it a week without weighing!!
Breakfast - Rips big bowl, love that stuff
Lunch - Taco Salad, love that as well
Dinner - Potato and Sloppy lentils =)
Snack - Watermelon and Cantaloupe

8.6.11 Saturday
Yikes how did I forget to post yesterday!!! Sorry!!
Breakfast - Rips big bowl.
Lunch - Sloppy Lentils and roll
Dinner - Taco salad, lettuce, beans, rice, tomatoes, onion salsa
Snack - Pretzels and Hummus and watermelon ( the worst watermelon I have had in a long time. =( )

8.7.11 Sunday
Breakfast - Rips big bowl
Lunch Salad and Sloppy Lentils, Potato
Dinner - rice, beans, tomatoes, onions, avocado
Snack - Banana and Honeydew
So hungry today, cant seem to get enough food!! :crybaby:

8.8.11 Monday
Breakfast - Rip big bowl
Lunch - coleslaw, potato, sloppy lentils
Dinner - rice, beans, tomatoes, onions, avacado
Snack - banana and Honeydew

8.9.11 Tuesday
Breakfast - Rip's big bowl
Lunch - fruit, sandwich thin, boca =( I know!!
Dinner - coleslaw with some peanuts in it and tomatoes
Snacks - None

8.10.11 Wednesday
Breakfast - Rip's big bowl
Lunch - rice with onion, garlic, pepper, beans and spinach saute
Dinner - Peanut Butter and Banana sandwich
Snack - honeydew

8.11.11 Thursday
Breakfast - Rip's big bowl
Lunch - Carrots and Hummus
Dinner - Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich
Snack - Cantaloupe

8.12.11 Friday
Breakfast - Oats, Almond, Cranberries and soy milk
Lunch - Baked Chips and Avocado
Dinner - Taco Salad - Lettuce, Tomatoes, Onion, Black Beans Salsa
Snack - Chocolate Sorb

8.13.11 Saturday
Breakfast - Rip's Big Bowl
Lunch - Rice, Beans and Broccoli
Dinner - Salad, Potato, Black Beans, Fruit, Hummus and veggies
Snack - Mango Sorb.


















Last edited by luvdachiess on Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:42 pm, edited 25 times in total.
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby luvdachiess » Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:19 pm

We are in there and going to make this work for us. Guess nobody wants to join us, but I really am ok with that, as I just need 1 person to keep me focused!! And knowing you are going to be reading what I eat and I made the commitment to write down everything I will be a head of the game. =)
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby luvdachiess » Sun Jul 24, 2011 6:15 pm

True! I am not worried about it. I am happy to have you checking out what I am doing. I know you probably read my journal, quite often any way, but now I know you are. It is exactly what I need. =) Thank you my friend.
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby Rosey » Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:06 pm

Hi girls didn't read this till just now. I think most of us are trying not to used process foods or should be. The Circle of Friends journal is for everyone but I understand wanting to have one directed just at avoiding processed. HUGS!!!
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby luvdachiess » Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:16 pm

Your day looks excellent!! Good job!! I think we have this under control!! And yes I agree I am looking for something way more then what the circle of friends is, I need accountability!! Thank you for being there for me!
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby janluvs2heel » Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:39 am

Okay you guys,

I will join you, but starting tomorrow. I am on plan but I am busy today doing stuff & will not be around to get my log ready.

So let's not call this a challenge, okay? I do not well on Challenges, as they tend to end & so does my challenge. Ha, ha.

For me it will just be a continuation of what I have been doing. I know what works for me now. NO FAT!!! My food is pretty much unprocessed. I bought a bunch of frozen veggies yesterday so have those ready. However, I am not going to be so anal about the processed stuff, like if I put beans in the food processor, I am not going worry about it. That kind of thing.

I am a little amazed how people say they are on plan but dont lose any weight, especially when there is a lot of weight to be lost. While I know the summer heat has me a bit more puffy than usual for whatever reason, I also know that my weight is dropping. You just can't keep blaming things for the weight not coming off, if you are on plan, it will come off!!
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby luvdachiess » Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:43 am

Yeah, Jan is with us!! You did notice I did not use the word challenge. That word turned on us last time. Deb and I just want to stay on track and know that we have to report to someone. You can use the word unprocessed really however you want. And if you use something you think is processed then label it as that. We are not really trying to get all processed out of our diet, just wanting to be aware of how much we eat. I personally don't think I eat any, but then again we will see!! =) see you here tomorrow!
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby Rosey » Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:42 am

knowing how much you eat that is processed is always a good thing. I have decided to start adding my drinks to my journal as well as my food since I've noticed I'm drinking to many juices and tea with honey in it.
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby Rosey » Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:07 pm

Debbie. wrote:That seems to be a reoccurring theme. People don't consider what they drink as calories. For me, outside of my 1 cup of joe, I drink only water. But I will sometimes squirt some lemon in it. In my thread in the testimony forum, Sue talked about her diet soda habit and how when she stopped drinking it, she dropped quite a bit of weight quickly. Frozenveg then gave a good example of "self reporting". Check it out.

We never consider the bites, licks, nibbles or drinks as calories, but they can certainly add up faster than we ever expect.

I will have to check that out. Yeah I was checking out the calories in my juices and went wow if there is 4 servings in the bottle and 120 calories per serving that's 480 calories just for the one bottle. and it's so easy to drink it all in one day and maybe part of a second one. So definitely need to drink more water then juice.
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby Rosey » Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:28 pm

I think I might have read it that's why I went and looked at my drinks and went oh my I need to stop drinking those.
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby Rosey » Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:08 pm

Debbie. wrote:Yeah, if one were to drink that much every day, it comes to over 3300 calories in a 7 day period. And thats not including if you've had a second one or part of one or the honey in your tea.

For reference, it takes 3500 calories to make a pound of fat.

I'd be willing to bet if you got rid of the juices you would drop weight fast. Try one week juice free and see what happens.

Yeah I started juice free this morning actually. Have had a glass of water next to me every since this morning. Did drink peppermint tea but I put less honey in it then normal. I only drink 1 or 2 of those a week because I'm not a big hot drinker. prefer cold drinks.
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby luvdachiess » Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:17 pm

Rosey~ yeah for getting rid of the juice it does have a ton of calories in it. I only drink my coffee in the morning, plain nothing added and then water the rest of the day. So drinks are not an issue for me. Sometimes I will have iced tea in the afternoon, but nothing add to it as well. so I don't usually put any of it on my journal, since there are no calories. I would love to get off the joe, but can't do it right now.
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby janluvs2heel » Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:33 am

Okay, I am here. Got up a little late this am. I usually never sleep in past 530, I remember waking up, looking at the clock, it said 530, next thing I know it was 630. The good thing my fingers are not swollen anymore.
I am glad we are not using the word challenge. For me, I just want to be able look at what I am eating on a day to day basis, see where I could tweak things a bit. I dont normally snack, but on occassion I will have a fruit.

Tues. Aug. 26-Day 1

B-Cherry Pie Oatmeal (no almond milk as I am out, probably a good thing, dont have to report it as processed :lol: )

L- potato, 1 large one, microwaved, frozen veggies, (cooked of course) about 1/4 c. mango peach salsa. No sodium in that. Didn't eat lunch until about 230 or so, I ate my breakfast late. At 6, I am meeting some friends for dog training so not sure what I will eat for dinner. I may not be hungry, I will have to wait & see.

D-Didn't get home until after 8, so by the time I fed my dogs, it was too late, but I wasn't hungry anyway. Ate a fresh peach though, it was good!!

July 27--Day 2

B-Cherry Pie Oatmeal

L-Same as yesterday, I am so original. I really wasn't even that hungry, I am just sort of not feeling that well either.

D-large salad, about 1/4 c. of kidney beans, mango peach salsa for dressing. Fresh strawberries.

July 28--Day 3

B- Fresh Strawberries, hash browns with baby bellas, a little ketchup (processed)

L- Large salad with cherry tomatoes, carrots, celery, spinach & 1/3 c. kidney beans (I guess processed, oh, well) I am not a bean cooker!! :lol:

D-Hash browns, onions & I threw in some frozen peas & carrots. Topped it off with some mustard. It was soooooooo good.

July 29--Day 4

B-Cherry Pie Oats

L-same as yesterday.

D-I just had some fruit, not real hungry as I ate lunch late. I did wake up about 3 times during the night to pee & my hands were much less swollen this am. Thank goodness.

July 30--Day 5

B-Oatmeal with a cherry-berry blend I got at TJ's yesterday.

L-None cuz I ate breakfast so late. I did eat 1/2 a peach, it wasn't that good though so didn't finish it.

D-Large salad with kidney beans

July 31--Day 6-I am going to make myself eat more regular today. I want to eat 3 meals a day today. Not starting out good though as it is almost 730 & I have not even fed my girls this am yet. Gotta get going!!

B-oatmeal with cherry berry blend, forgot to add I had about 1/4 c. of almond milk from TJ's.

L-bowl of brown jasmine rice, but it was around 415. My daughter caught me drinking a diet coke when I was talking to her, she heard me slurping, I was almost to the end of it. . Well, every once in a while I just have this craving for diet coke. It has to come from a fountain, not out of the can or bottle, so I just stop at jack in box & get it. So I will report that as processed. I never finish it & never crave it more than once, maybe 3 times a year at the most. Have no idea why.

D-Probably more rice & some veggies. It was pretty good. It isnt as strong tasting as basmatti rice, but still smells good while it is cooking.

Aug 01--Day 7

B-bowl of jasmine rice, ear of corn-not sure it is going to stay with me, have a busy am of dog training. I havent' tried this for breakfast yet. We'll see.

L- Did not report, coming down with the flu or something similar

Aug 02--Day 8-Did not report, not eating today.
Aug 03--Day 9

B-Cherry Pie Oatmeal with a splash of almond milk (see how I do today after the flu). I feel weak but not sick anymore, thank goodness. I will just play it by ear today, starting with breakfast.

Aug 04--Day 10
Aug 05--Day 11
Aug 06--Day 12
Aug 07--Day 13
Aug 08--Day 14
Aug 09--Day 15
Aug 10--Day 16
Aug 11--Day 17
Aug 12--Day 18
Aug 13--Day 19
Aug 14--Day 20
Aug 15--Day 21
Aug 16--Day 22
Aug 17--Day 23
Aug 18--Day 24
Aug 19--Day 25
Aug 20--Day 26
Aug 21--Day 27
Aug 22--Day 28
Aug 23--Day 29
Aug 24--Day 30
Aug 25--Day 31
Aug 26--Day 32
Aug 27--Day 33
Aug 28--Day 34
Aug 29--Day 35
Aug 30--Day 36
Aug 31--Day 37
Last edited by janluvs2heel on Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:40 am, edited 15 times in total.
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby luvdachiess » Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:20 am

Ok all, I have had a very upset or I should say gassy stomach since Saturday. =( Yesterday it hurt so bad and I had a headache with it. But I am up 2 pounds today!! :eek: What is up with that, which goes without saying I am now somewhat depressed about it. =( So I want you two to look at what I am eating and tell me why oh, why would I be up. It just seems like I can't get to 150 or below, I get close 151.8 or so and then up I go again. I have been walking 3.2 miles 2 times a week started a few weeks ago, but it does not seem to be helping. Ok, I am on track and staying that way. Funny when I saw Jan lost 7 pounds in a week by cutting out the oil, I thought sweet I am doing that, and not that I ate that much oil any way, but all I have done is gain since I cut out the oil, what is up with that. :crybaby:
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