Starting a new Journal

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Starting a new Journal

Postby rmjournal » Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:15 pm

First of all, a quick thanks to all of those that have contributed to the forums. I find the sharing of information both informative and encouraging.

My goal for this journal is primarily to keep track of my progress and self-motivation, because it seems to easy to forget what has really been accomplished and where we came from and what the ultimate goal is. Anyone that can gain insight from my progress/trials/etc... is a bonus.

Current: Male 51 5'8" at 244.5 lbs 7/26/2013

A little history and time line:
I've been overweight as long as I can remember. In 1979 I was a Junior in high school and approaching 200 lbs. At the time that seemed like a huge number (and it was). Right before the summer holidays started I was introduced to WW, they set a goal weight of about 135 lbs (I never obtained that weight). I was gung ho to lose weight though, so I followed their plan (including the weekly eating of liver) :crybaby: and with daily trips to the jogging trail I was able to get down to about 145lbs in the three months before my Senior year of high school.

I can tell you this for sure, being at the lower weight most definitely changes how people react to you. Our society is most certainly enamored with looks and first impressions. I can also tell you that losing the weight does not automatically change your self-image and how you react to the newly found fitness. Looking back I can tell that although my body changed my mentality was still the same.

So, over the years the weight crept back up. I would hit long stretches where it would plateau and then another 10 or so pounds would be added the total.

In 2007 I hit my top weight of about 280. I was feeling miserable, and looked the part. So, I remember the process that I did over the summer between Junior and Senior years and thought, it worked then, it should work now, and for a while it did... I started losing weight and feeling stronger. I did this for about three months and the gains were no longer coming, the weight was still coming off (around 250 or so at the time) but, I was starting to black out (my blood pressure was very erratic).

Worried, I visited the doctor's and they ran all sorts of test, sent me to a cardiologist for a stress test (which I couldn't compete), had to do a chemical stress test, and the results were inconclusive.
This continued for several weeks, I stopped the exercise completely and waited for some answers from the Dr's. They provided none. So several weeks later I couldn't even walk a block without almost passing out so they sent me to the emergency room for more tests.

Interviewing with the admitting nurse at the hospital, I could just tell she already had a good idea of the problem just by her facial expressions and the leading questions she started to ask after getting the preliminary information. They quickly moved me to a room and a simple blood test showed that I was anemic (4.1 if you know the numbers). I had driven myself to the ER and they couldn't believe I had really done that.

Since this was a satellite hospital, I got to experience my first ambulance ride to the downtown hospital.

With lots more testing, I finally got the diagnosis of colon cancer in November 2007.

So in December of 2007, it was time to go under the knife. Three small holes they claimed, one for a camera, and two for tools and extraction of the cancer. Oh, and on an off chance (very slight) we may need to open you up further... I guess I was the off chance. Waking up from the surgery I had a 12 in incision and various other holes that had been patched up. It was apparently more difficult than they realized.

This was early December and on towards the holiday times it was becoming apparent that one go around wasn't going to be enough table time. After colon resection surgery the most important part is the "returning to normal" which wasn't happening. My systems where shutting down and shutting down fast. An emergency trip to the OR provided even more holes, scars, and an ostomy since my insides were so traumatized.

Total time in the hospital about 5 weeks. Weight going in: 245
Weight coming out 199.

I actually felt pretty good, weak but felt flexible, the bloat was gone, and I could actually sit cross legged on the hospital bed.

So now that the cutting was done, it was time for the CHEMO. The advice leaving the hospital was to "fatten up", you'll need that strength for the chemo treatments. So following doctors orders I started putting back on the weight (was not difficult at all, scary actually at how easy it was). Sailed right through chemo without a problem and it certainly didn't help me take off any of the weight.

For what it's worth, I'm now cancer free for 5 years. It took 5 surgeries, 9 months of chemo, and several non-surgical ER visits to get there. While I'm grateful for all that was done, I also feel very lucky because it could have easily turned out very different. I now have a very different view, in that I believe you "survive hospitalization" despite their best efforts.

About 5 months ago I found the move "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead" which led to FOK and all the other utube vids that most here know about. And finally to the starch solution.

What got me looking for these vids? The weight was coming back full strength ahead. Triglycerides 1500+, BP 170/100 with 5 meds, I don't have lipid #'s the trig count was screwing with them so it said invalid.

Was feeling miserable, just like before with the cancer, and getting no answer's from the doc's, other than getting introduced to statins.

Found the vids and watched FOK multiple times, along with a Hawaii Veg Society talk about Oils, (hadn't found McD yet). And just adopted a whole food, no oil diet. My next apt with the doc was 6 weeks after I started. Results were 10 lb lost, trig - 360, hdl 30, ldl -.06 (yes that's a neg sign, obviously they didn't know how to calculate it) and bp 140/90. I have another 6 weeks or so before the next visit (I dropped the statin).

I've also since brought the BP down for the first time in 30 years to 120 over anything (around 82). Thanks Etstele sp? for your journal about caffeine. Not once in 30 years did I ever get advice about DDP being a culprit.

Running out of time, current:
Healthy but still have much to lose:
Better stats at next visit, the DR's didn't know how to calculate healthy chol levels.

245.5 down from 266(where I first started tracking)
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Re: Starting a new Journal

Postby Ruff » Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:47 pm

Wow, rm, what a story.
Thank you so much for sharing, and congratulations on beating the cancer. After that reclaiming your health with diet should be a doodle!

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Re: Starting a new Journal

Postby amgmmg » Sat Jul 27, 2013 4:38 am

Thanks for sharing your story. You can do it. Glad you found this site .
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Re: Starting a new Journal

Postby rmjournal » Sat Jul 27, 2013 3:27 pm

Thanks Ruff and amgmmg for the encouragement.

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Re: Starting a new Journal

Postby eshqua » Mon Jul 29, 2013 11:25 am

I'm rootin' for you! Hoping you will succeed in getting to great health! I'll keep up on your posts so please post whether successful or struggling. Many of us will try to help out whenever we can!
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Is it Friday Yet...

Postby rmjournal » Thu Aug 01, 2013 1:03 pm

Maybe somewhere, just not here.. :-(

Hi eshqua: thanks for reading.

I've been busy reading Disillusions journal -- What a read, it took several days and I found as interesting on the latest posts as well as the first few...

I hit a milestone this week - 25lbs down to 241. It's been quite a long time since I've been in the 230's but now it's just a matter of time.

I'm coming up on another anniversary, 1 year since cutting the cord on cable (direct TV actually). It was becoming absurd to pay these folks ridiculous amount of money to watch the same commercials that "air" tv was providing for free. Sure, I could watch cops 24/7 or parking wars 24/7 or Die Hard for the 342 time and I probably would still be doing so if they didn't do the one thing that really annoyed to the point of canceling. Increased volume on the commercials. :angry: You can barely hear the show and then you're afraid the neighbors are going to call the cops for noise when the commercial comes on. Ridiculous.

So about the time we cut the cord I ordered one of those flat digital antennas. Worked great when it worked. The problem with digital as opposed to the old analog system is your picture is all or nothing. With rabbit ears and an analog signal you could still watch through the fuzz when a cloud passed over or the idiot down the street with a ham radio mic'ed up. Not with digital... oh no... blam... nothing steaks of colored blocks like the Atari locked up again on Kaboom.

The antenna had about 8 feet of cable attached to it, so each time this happened, it was the rabbit ear dance from the 1960's where you put your left foot in and hold it just right, and bingo you can see Fonzi could infact start the jukebox with only his thumbs.

After getting tired of doing the rabbit ear dance every other night, it was time to get drastic, dare I say it... an aerial on the roof.
Yes, it was time, so off to Amazon I go and finally pick one that too many people don't hate.

Since Direct TV knows there equipment is worthless they didn't want the satellite dish back when I cancelled. They certainly weren't going to send out a tech to remove it. Which worked out ok for my new antenna, the mounting was perfect. But which direction to point it?

Since there is a rather large tree to one side, I thought lets go 180 degree from that, best chance of getting a signal right? Well no, It worked great on some station, but not so much on others. We lived with this for a week or so, just to make sure. Sure enough it was as bothersome as moving around the indoor antenna. So, get the ladder back out and move it 90 degrees clockwise.

The results were about the same and a week later It was time to try again, so 180 degrees now pointed it right into the tree I wanted to avoid. At first it was happy happy joy joy time. But then the wind would blow and HD would become big blocks of Picasso getting sick on the canvas again.

I was running out of options. One last time (I've got no other directions to try) and it's pointed back at the roof. It seemed the worst option but for a couple days the reception has been flawless.

Upon starting the WOE, I was on 4 BP meds. I've dropped two (dr. not aware yet) and been two days without the third. BP was climbing back to the 145/90 range so went back to using the second med. Just a matter of time though. These last two are fairly high dose, I need the dr. to step down the script. The first two were low dose, and they are gone for good.

Since I started the journal on a Friday, I'll have that be my official weekly weigh date. Looks like I'm on about a -4.5 lb loss for the week at 241.

Now I've got a potato calling, be back soon...
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Re: Starting a new Journal

Postby Ruff » Thu Aug 01, 2013 3:44 pm

You had me in giggles with the antenna dance. :lol: Oh yeah and the the rabbit ear shuffle! :D

The quakes took our ariel.....our TV too come to that matter.....and we still haven't replaced them. We can watch movies on the big computer, and we don't miss the TV at all.

Congratulations on the weight loss.

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Re: Starting a new Journal

Postby rmjournal » Thu Aug 01, 2013 7:18 pm

ruff: The last antenna my inlaws had was hit by lightning. Left a big charcoal streak down the side of the garage along the path of the wire. It also fried the vcr, tv, and other electrical devices if I remember right. I think Sunday I will install an extra ground wire now that I think about it.

Just posting a "before pic". This was about 6 weeks after starting this woe, so it's not my heaviest, but it's good enough. I find it hard to look at, because in my mind, I'm never as large as the pic suggests. The orange bag is a "dry bag" for kayaking. Yes, big folks can actually do that :nod: Saturday I have a paddle/sailing trip planned for about 4 hours. It will be early in the am. since temps are projected to be 100+

I'm actually wearing that same shirt now. Wore it to work tucked in and it stayed tucked in. Before I would have to re-tuck it after every third of forth step. Yea, I think I was stretching it's limits.. :oops:
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Re: Starting a new Journal

Postby rmjournal » Fri Aug 02, 2013 10:17 am

Friday weigh in. 240 even down 5.5 for the week. :shock:

This has certainly not been my typical week of loss. So, let's see... what did I change? :!: The only thing I can possible relate it to was the elimination of DDP (diet Dr. Pepper). I dropped it because of the caffeine and wanting to lower BP (it did). DDP has been a dear friend for 30+ years (before that it was Coke (the real stuff)) and it's been torture to admit that such a friend could be so harmful.

I used to carry a mason jar around work with the stuff, and would occasionally get a comment about moonshine or such. It seemed funny at the time. A while back, I started noticing but just didn't want to admit that all the extremely large (yes bigger than me) folks that I work with seem to have the "BUBBA" jugs. Not sure what they were all filled with, but I expect that a lot, if not most were filled with some sort of Diet soda.

It didn't dawn on me at the time that they need all this Diet crap (or thought they did) to quench their thirst brought about by diabetes. I know that was my situation.

I used to dread work related meetings, especially those that went over an hour. First, I would have run out of the dear friend and be "jonesing" for more. Secondly, with all the water pills I was on, my legs were dancing like a kindergartener (needing to go pee) under the table. It always seemed like there was some joker who just wanted to get in his last comment before letting the meeting adjourn, and I could have strangled them.

Watch at your next office meeting and see how many participants first stop is the rest rooms. It's nice to have returned to some form of normalcy. I didn't notice how absurd it was when I was in the same predicament, but it is so obvious looking back. I would give the DDP a proper send off, but that would be showing it some honor instead of just abandoning it like the traitor that it was.

Well, it's midday and time to go walk, I think it's about 98+ expecting 100+ today. Funny it doesn't seem so hot at a lighter weight (but I've been doing the lunch walk for about 15 years) and the shaded parts a not bad at all. I have about a 3.2 round trip the river that runs downtown (and which I plan to kayak tomorrow) and it takes about an hour with all the traffic lights and such.

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Re: Starting a new Journal

Postby luvmyveggies » Fri Aug 02, 2013 10:24 am

Congratulations on giving up diet dr. pepper!!! That's a big one! I know many who love the stuff and wouldn't dare part with it! Your now stronger for it!
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Re: Starting a new Journal

Postby Ruff » Fri Aug 02, 2013 12:54 pm

Well done on ditching the diet soda.

Your journal always makes me smile. :D

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Re: Starting a new Journal

Postby JulieS » Fri Aug 02, 2013 1:14 pm

The dark stuff in dark sodas is what often leads to a type of kidney stones (the type my DH had last year. he was and still is a Diet Coke addict) :-( besides animal products that contribute to stones as well. Good job!
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Re: Starting a new Journal

Postby rmjournal » Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:36 pm

I know that there are some non-US readers here, so I'll offer a bit on an explanation about a public service advertisement that was prevalent some years ago. It was an ad (primarily on billboards) that depicted a mature native American Indian with a stern sadden look and a tear running down his cheek.

In the background or foreground it depicted litter and destruction of the native beauty of the homeland. It was quite a popular ad and I hadn't thought about it for quite some time. Well this weekend, I got the chance to visit the river with a kayak (Ladybird Lake) and the advert came back to me.

As I was paddling down river, I ran across bulldozers, back hole drillers, concrete and steel, and all the noise associated with "progress." Our city (in it's infinite wisdom) has decided that we need a river walk, that actually runs for miles across the top of the river and not just along side it. All this concrete and steel, will beautify the city and we need it since Austin has attained the rank of the 11th most populous city in the US.

Not only have they destroyed the view from the river, I'm sure when it's finished it will become launching points for more garbage to be tossed into the lake from careless passerby's and we have a completely new canvas for the local graffiti artist to "tag".

The lake has a hydrilla infestation, and despite the best efforts of our government to manage this by bringing in non native fish to eat the lake clean, it becomes worse every year. It's now to the point where you can actually get stuck in the stuff and swimming has been banned in the lake for many years.

In preparation for the new influx (I'm assuming to gawk) at this monstrosity the city has graciously installed parking meters to further diminish what used to be a leisurely trip to the lake for some relaxation.

I'm wondering how many tears the Native American is now shedding for destruction of natural beauty for the sake of progress.

To say I'm unhappy about this progress is an understatement at best. Even despite the city however, it was an enjoyable weekend. I clocked in about 8 hours of kayaking time over two days and stayed on plan eating.

I did however have a setback on the DDP addiction due to improper water planning and had a reunion with the old friend. We said goodbye again though and it's back to water for now.

Lot's of exercise and vitamin D creation, but no movement on the scale.

It's time to find a new watering hole.
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Re: Starting a new Journal

Postby Ruff » Mon Aug 05, 2013 7:31 pm

I am so sorry your river trip is being spoilt by a concrete walk. I hate it when things like that happen.

I shall reaffirm how lucky I am to live in New Zealand....despite the earthquakes!

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Re: Starting a new Journal

Postby rmjournal » Fri Aug 09, 2013 6:45 am

This week has been uneventful. Stayed on plan eating, continued the daily walking of 3.2 miles to the river. I knew last weeks lost was unusual. This week it's back to the norm. Down 1 for the week to 239.

I signed up for the free Netflix trial this week. I had been a customer years ago back when it was a 3 dvd out plan. I don't plan to continue the service past the trail period. The selection is just awful. I have Amazon Prime and it looks like almost the exact same selection. However, Prime is basically free when I account for the free shipping on Prime purchases. If it weren't for the documentaries, I wouldn't even finish the month trial.

So far, I'm like the "Under the Dome" series on regular broadcast TV. I hope it continues to have an interesting story line. If it's too interesting though it will surpass the typical viewer mentality and get cancelled to make room for another reality show. Can we just have one new reality show? Big Brother vs. Hell's Kitchen. Let them beat the pulp out of each other until there are no more characters and the shows just pass away.

Whatever happened to the Sunday night Movie? I must be dreaming, was there ever such a thing....
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