On the Road to Better Health

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On the Road to Better Health

Postby VegSeekingFit » Tue Apr 17, 2018 9:02 pm


I'm Stephanie and I love starch... I am forever grateful to Dr. McDougall for empowering me to take charge of my health back in 2003 - when I picked up his book on Women's Health (purple cover) at Half Price Books. I was seeking help - as I had a severe case of JRA from ages 3-17. When as an adult, I felt similar symptoms beginning to emerge, I promptly gave up meat, followed by dairy -- and ramped up potatoes and veggies (with some fruits and no added oil). This way of eating stopped aches and pains in their very tracks! I have continued to follow a diet that doesn't include animal products since I read Dr. McDougall's book. (Have also read as much as I can that he has written!)

However, I have gone through periods of eating higher fat plant foods and leveraging convenience vegan foods (which have continued to grow in number)! As you may imagine, this has resulted in my weight and general health fluctuating based on the concentration of these types of products in my diet. Over the years, I have "fallen off the wagon" and re-started to adhere to some of the core principles of the program (like minimize processed food). 2017 was an especially challenging year - where I did not have much energy or optimism.

For 2018, I made a commitment to myself to get healthier. I spent some time considering why my prior efforts were so successful in eliminating animal products (black and white for me), but not in sticking to whole foods (centered on starch), no oil. I came to the conclusion that I tend to get overwhelmed by something - work or personal circumstance, and then fall back on the convenience habit. This consistently results in a complete derail back to processed food (think eating a can of Amy's low fat soup instead of homemade soup, buying veggies in the cafeteria instead of preparing at home, eating meat analogs instead of making bean burgers).

So, for 2018 -- I have the simplest of expectations / strategies - to avoid becoming overwhelmed and continue to be mindful. I am making several "lazy" recipes and journalling in a hard copy notebook (food, exercise, miscellaneous thoughts). My objective is to follow the program by building habits that will become rote and require minimal thinking. This journal will be a positive expression or rambling of easy recipes, quotes, books, podcasts, etc. that I have found helpful.

I have spent the year so far making easy unprocessed foods and cutting produce to pack with me! The food has been good and I haven't been hungry. I've had my share of challenges and have overcome them without resorting to processed foods... Also, started walking on the treadmill in the mornings for 30 minutes on most days. Many more things to do, but my gig is not to get overwhelmed... :-D

Results to date: I feel great! Energized! Optimistic. Better relationships with friends, family, co-workers. Higher self-esteem. If I had to try to quantify, I would say that I went from a 2 to an 8 on a 1-10 happiness scale this year (without significant change in circumstances).

In 2018, I have lost 15.8 lbs. and gone from a 25.4 (overweight) BMI to 22.8 (normal). I likely have at least 20 more lbs. to lose to get to ideal weight (don't have a goal weight, but will know when I get there).

I am so grateful to all who post on this Forum. I have learned so much from others and hope that one of my future ramblings may help someone somewhere (if nothing else, not to feel alone on this journey!).

P.S. Today I bought Jeff Novick's 4 DVD's as my "reward". I bet there are some kernels of wisdom there to help me to make this easy and real.
I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: On the Road to Better Health

Postby VegSeekingFit » Thu Apr 19, 2018 8:15 pm


Just made this super easy recipe in my slow cooker. It's been one that I have consistently made and love!

Confession - My slow cooker is my favorite small kitchen appliance. Hard to ruin anything in it! Great to come home to a finished dinner! Can cut up veggies in advance and just dump them in the morning.

I like to tailor the recipe to what I have on hand and am a "flexible" cook with amounts and types of spices. Can use different veggies. Based on size of my slow cooker, I know that I can "fill up" a gallon bag of cut up veggies. Always try to fill it to the max -- love the leftovers. This makes 5 hearty servings.

Slow Cooked Vegetable Stew
(ingredients in order of adding to pot)

28 oz. Can of no-sodium crushed tomatoes
Minced garlic (usually use about 3 t.)

Gallon of veggies (usually use):
3 large russet potatoes - peeled and chunked
12 oz. mushrooms
8 oz. carrots (large chunks)
2 onions

4 cups low sodium vegetable broth

Herbs - rosemary, thyme, oregano, cayenne pepper

Water (usually 1 cup) - fill to almost the top of the appliance

Cook on high for 8 hours. Eat. Enjoy. Freeze or refrigerate excess.

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: On the Road to Better Health

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sat Apr 21, 2018 2:00 pm

Spent some time cutting produce - celery, cucumbers, cantaloupe, tomatoes - so that we eat it ! Planning to roast some vegetables and make some pumpkin muffins this afternoon (PCRM muffin recipe, adjusted by substituting oatmeal for 3/4 of the flour). The muffins are mainly for my son to snack on this week - I usually have 1 sometime during the week if any left (delicious, but not weight-loss food...)...

Today's Food:

B: Peaches and cherries
Large mug of vegetable stew
L: Watermelon
Oven fries (just plain baked on parchment paper)
Cup of red lentil chili
S: Roasted Cauliflower, Zucchini, Pepper (with balsamic vinegar and herbs)
D: Jeff Novick's Mexican Fiesta* (going to try this for the first time - thinking with Pinto beans and quinoa and will add some fresh jalapenos)

* Just watched his Fast Food #1 DVD last night. Excellent! Some great recipes that look super quick and easy. Also, seems easily adaptable to individual taste! Will likely try some version of each of the 5 main dishes shown over the next few weeks. The pasta primavera looked really good too and I haven't had pasta this year - so probably will try that one next week....

Happy Saturday!!!
I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: On the Road to Better Health

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sun Apr 22, 2018 7:39 pm

Fear is a powerful motivator.

While I love feeling good and losing excess weight (which makes me feel better about myself too), I know that I will stick to this WOE this time becuase I am absolutely terrified at the thought of becoming dependent on others as I age.

I think about this too frequently, as my mom is in a nursing home, bedridden - for over three years. My heart breaks every time that I visit her. For her - and for the other residents. There is no golden ticket out of there...

Also acknowledging that I tried to get my mom interested in changing her diet before she got to this state. She followed McDougall (kind of, sort of -- more on eliminating animal products) for a few months and flourished. Then, she couldn't stand not being able to order what she wanted when she went out to eat with her friends and completely dropped it. I know mentally that you can't make someone change - it has to come from within. But... will always be some guilt that I coulda/shoulda/woulda tried harder...

Personally, I almost think that if I had to eat hay to increase my chances of not becoming debilitated, that I would happily do so....

Food for thought...
I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose!

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Re: On the Road to Better Health

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Apr 24, 2018 1:02 pm

Hi there

I like that veggie stew in a crockpot idea. Going to get mine down when my big batch of minestrone is all used up :)

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Re: On the Road to Better Health

Postby VegSeekingFit » Tue Apr 24, 2018 8:04 pm

Hi Buns,

I hope you like it if you try it!!! I even eat it for breakfast sometimes... like today... (got a bit tired of oatmeal after about 90 days in a row... ) :-D

Minestrone sounds aweome... :cool:
I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: On the Road to Better Health

Postby VegSeekingFit » Tue Apr 24, 2018 8:19 pm

So, I was a bit raw on Sunday when I posted on even eating hay... :oops:

Since I feel a bit hypocritical, confession time....

Have many improvements that I can make to my health that I haven't started yet....
* Exercise more (have started with more walking and do some walking in the morning, but that's it)
* Reduce sodium (guess I skipped this in the past and am focusing on buying no sodium or low sodium stuff like tomatoes and beans, but can do better(
* Coffee (still drinking my AM cup of black coffee)
* More greens (need to work on !)
* Wine (still drink it, not sure if I give this up, but opportunity to reduce)
* Probably missed some... will need to think about and prioritize


Loved Dr. McDougall's webinar a few weeks ago featuring Doug Lisle. Paraphrasing -- but he referred to something like - Radical positive change requires meticulous planning. He went on to discuss coring an apple so that you will actually eat it.

The phrase "radical positive change" was very motivating to me and I related to the need to plan -- like preparing that produce so that it doesn't rot in your refrigerator. :-D Have since been cutting produce as I buy it. We have definitely eaten more good stuff here and reduced waste!!

Today's Eats:

B: Mug of veg stew and cherries/ peaches
L: Honeydew melon and red lentil chili
Cucumbers and tomatoes
S; Banana
Corn with tomatoes
D: Baked yukon golds with portabella mushroom, tomato, tomato sauce (very weird, but it tasted good - just didn't feel like eating any leftovers...)

Got in a 10 minute walk (outside) in the PM in addition to a 20 minute AM walk. Spring is finally here!

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose!

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Re: On the Road to Better Health

Postby VegSeekingFit » Fri Apr 27, 2018 1:10 pm

Friday is Red Lentil Chili Day ! :-D

My favorite simple - cut and dump - slow cooker meal... Actually, my favorite meal right now and am on about week 12 of making this.... lots of leftovers for lunch during the week!

28 oz. can crushed salt-free tomatoes
4 c. Low sodium veg broth
16 oz. bag red lentils
3 chopped bell peppers (like to use red, orange, yellow)
3 chopped jalapeno peppers
2 chopped onions (like to use 1 red and 1 yellow)
minced garlic
chili powder
cayenne pepper
water to fill up the slow cooker to the top (usually about 2 cups)

Cook on high from 6-9 hours (depending on your slow cooker).

It smells good....


Weighed in today. Down to 135.6 from 152.8 on 1/5. So, 17.2 lbs lost. BMI 22.6 (normal) from 25.4 (overweight).

I'm happy with the pace I'm losing, even though many would consider too slow. Have been feeling great and getting in about 30 minutes of walking first thing in the AM on most days. When pressed for time, have done what I could (say 15-20 min) and made up for the rest over lunch or in the PM. Definitely have an opportunity to ramp up the exercise. With the weather changing to Spring (finally!), that will be easier!

Happy Friday to all!
I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose!

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Re: On the Road to Better Health

Postby Skyscraper » Sat Apr 28, 2018 3:32 pm

I think your pace of weight loss is fantastic. You're getting amazing results. I guess it all comes down to your commitment and the choices you make on a daily basis. So good job!
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Re: On the Road to Better Health

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sun Apr 29, 2018 6:06 pm

Hi Skyscraper! Thank you so much for visiting and your encouraging words... :cool: Wishing you the best on meeting your goals !!!
I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: On the Road to Better Health

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sun Apr 29, 2018 6:36 pm

Have been nursing a Spring cold this weekend and luxuriating in some reading....

I don't know how I missed Dr. Pamela Popper's "Food Over Medicine" until now, but this is a book that I borrowed and will purchase. Classic! Great message! She references Dr. McDougall several times in the book as a pioneer on curing disease with food. She clarifies so much on the money and the politics of our health system - in a very easy to understand way. Fact that I learned for the first time - in the first chapter of the book - how different nations may have different BMI thresholds for "overweight". For instance, India starts at 21 BMI. WOW! I can't recommend this book enough if you haven't read it... Read it!!! (Great recipes too!)

Change for better health:

Taking the sodium thing seriously this time. Think this is one of those details that I've missed following in the past (probably like to hear good news about my own bad habit). I have stopped using salt at the table (about a week and a half ago). Have purchased lots of no salt added herbs to flavor the food without sodium.

Going to stick to Jeff Novick's Top 10 list for processed foods (including sodium recommendations). Thinking about what processed stuff that I use as a "condiment". Probably not as much as the average bear, but the ones that I like, I use too much to consider as a condiment.

For salsa, I am going to either make my own OR use the no salt added one from Trader Joe's. (Can't wait for fresh tomatoes in the garden and jalapenos... that's the best salsa!!)

For barbecue sauce or A-1 sauce, these are probably products that I should never buy again. Going to look for a recipe -- but will just stop using them until I can find something. I like both... especially for dipping oven fries. Maybe find a home recipe for "occasional" use as a treat?? For now, I am eating the fries without dipping OR eating with a chili.

For low sodium vegetable broth, I don't think there is a good substitute. The one that I am using has some sodium (and olive oil added, as one of last ingredients, but box shows 0 fat).... Going to look for a good recipe to make my own. I have found a couple for the slow cooker, just want something easy. I need about 8 cups / week.

For beans, I am going to donate my inventory of beans to the food pantry. Have a bunch of dried beans that I'll cook and need to start a no-salt added inventory (because I like having small amount of various types of beans). Always thought that rinsing would get rid of sodium, but have seen that rinsing only gets rid of 30% (ish) of sodium! (UGH!)

For tomato sauce, will make batches with the no salt added crushed tomatoes and Italian seasonings with garlic.

I need to throw away my seasoning grinders that have salt....going to do that now before I overthink it....


Happy Sunday!!
I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: On the Road to Better Health

Postby VegSeekingFit » Mon Apr 30, 2018 9:16 pm

Happy Monday!!! Weather is so great here (finally) that it's wonderful to spend some time outside! Thinking more on Garden 2018.....

Kind of a strange eating day. Had to dip into my "emergency" work stash due to working late. Keep a couple of McD Cups of soup and an oatmeal in my desk for when I have to stay late. Also, had a bag of shredded wheat and puffed Kamut - which I have since found is not ideal from calorie density standpoint. Of course, that was the easiest bag to reach for -- so kind of a crummy dinner. I did avoid all of the candy dishes and the big jug of peanut butter pretzels -- so it could have been worse.....

B: Oatmeal w/ blueberries & raspberries
S: Banana
Celery & carrots
L: Lentil chili
Honeydew melon
S: Cucumber & tomato
Corn w/ Italian seasonings & dried minced onion
D: Shredded wheat & puffed Kamut


I have tried to encourage my husband to give a change in WOE a try. Rejected every time. I think that I am about done with bringing it up. One of the most disappointing things about this way of life is that it is so different than the mainstream that it is like talking to a wall to try to get anyone to understand the power of it. Even smart people who live on facts (but aren't interested enough to take initiative to review). I know that you can't change anyone who doesn't want to change but it is horrific to know that if you could persuade someone to listen that they would be in a better place....

Tomorrow is another day.

Going to make pinto beans in the slow cooker with lots of spices and then mash them... :-D
I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: On the Road to Better Health

Postby VegSeekingFit » Tue May 01, 2018 8:20 pm

Pinto beans were awesome! I am going to tweak a bit and add more heat, but for first time making in slow cooker - giving them a big thumbs up!!

Beautiful weather today and got a 20 minute walk in at lunch in addition to the 30 minute treadmill in the AM. Excited to be able to move from treadmill to outside too!!

Listened to the PCRM podcast - Is Oil Really Healthy? (Spoiler - we here probably all know the answer, but the exploration is cool!) Really like these podcasts.


Today's Food:
B: Potato / corn / mushrooms / tomato sauce
S: Carrots & celery
L: Cantaloupe
Lentil Chili
S; Cucumber & tomatoes
D: Pinto beans with potatoes, tomato, purple onion
I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose!

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Re: On the Road to Better Health

Postby VegSeekingFit » Thu May 03, 2018 7:43 pm

Have found that I LOVE slow cooked, seasoned, mashed pinto beans! They have been calling to me for breakfast! Best breakfast ever with a couple of small Yukon Golds... :D Going to make more this weekend! They are awesome!

Happy that I have lost 1.2 pounds this week, down to 134.4 / 22.4 BMI. I'm small framed - so this is still pretty heavy for me, but incremental progress! Feeling great -- so much better than before I started which is more important, but change not quantifiable?

Been doing good with reducing sodium - avoiding processed foods and haven't eaten out or added salt at home. My body is probably in shock that it hasn't been "salted" recently... I'm not too much of a sweets person, but definitely salty ... :D My rings are even feeling loose / flopping around - and one of them was from 20 lbs. lighter ... Hmm...(I don't think it stretched because band is still circular??) Still need to make easy veg broth replacement - have found a few recipes, but nothing seems easy enough. Will keep looking. Or maybe this will be my sodium - it's 120 mg per cupt. 4 cups total 480 mg.... Done. :?

Have struggled with trying to make freezing foods (and using them) a habit. I am great with handling what's in the refrigerator, but freezer could become No Man's Land. I may just keep to cook & eat - refrigerate method - except for stuff like muffins or bean burgers.

Going to get beds ready for planting garden this weekend.

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose!

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Re: On the Road to Better Health

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sun May 06, 2018 7:19 pm

Had some wonderful weather this weekend! Yesterday was bordering on hot. :D Not complaining.

Have read so many posts / articles / recipes about the banana ice cream tasting like soft serve thing. Didn't really believe them. Tried it yesterday - just frozen banana and frozen dark cherries in the blender... OMG! Decadent! Hit the spot for reading on the deck in the sun. Will definitely be making again for a chilly treat!!!

Got in a great walk outside today. Happy to move my treadmill routine to outdoors! Even jogged a bit - more to cross the streets than anything, but running is something that I used to love and I haven't done in quite some time. Maybe after I lose a bit more weight, will change some of the walking to run or run / walk.

Today's Eats
B: Oven fries
Peaches & Cherries
L: Lentil chili
S: Apple
Celery sticks
D: Brown rice, smashed black beans, tomato, onion, salt-free salsa

Have found that I can easily make oven fries before work. Can almost time them perfectly with the routine... Have been just cutting a Russet potato and baking on parchment paper with nothing. No condiments. Potato in its own glory. Have been taking a break from oatmeal - which I still love, but not my favorite for every day breakfast.

Still searching for some good condiment recipes. Want to enjoy every once in awhile BBQ sauce. Even teriyaki sauce. I can give up on the A-1, if I can find something else ok... Some of the recipes have tons of sodium or sugar too. Hmm.... Still will search it out - don't want to give up these things for life. Also, still reading on the homemade veggie broths. Still using low sodium one that fails the Jeff Novick processed food test. It is really the only overt source of sodium that I am still consuming. (I am not making excuses, just prolonging the search for something not too onerous to prepare.... )

Happy Sunday!
I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose!

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