bunsofaluminum's journal

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby ncyg46 » Tue Sep 14, 2010 6:05 pm

wish there was that stuff here! We signed up a few times for a Bountiful Foods basket of veggies but when you share it, I got most of the stuff other people didn't want. I gave it up... :(
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby Mrs. Doodlepunk » Wed Sep 15, 2010 2:37 pm

Hey, buns! You are melting away, I see! I love your ticker, I am going to try to get one.

That sure is nice of those people to put stuff out for free. There is someone near us who does that too.

That refried bean soup sounds good, right up my alley too. Have you ever tried sprouted corn tortillas? They are SO good! The other night I baked some into chips and they were by far the best chips we've ever had. They are expensive though so I don't buy them real often. I think it's Food for Life brand. By the case they are a bit cheaper, our HFS will give a discount when I buy a whole case of something, which is nice.
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Sep 15, 2010 6:52 pm

mrs D, I've seen you mention those sprouted corn tortillas before. I'll have to see if I can find them, maybe at the health food store. But, I have a Mexican bakery right down the street with fresh baked tortillas every day...not sprouted, but SOOOOO stinkin delicious.

oooh, now I want some :-P <<<drooling icon

Doing good today...oh, oops. I had a Reese's miniature :( at work. phooey. Gotta get on that. Working with women, I'm confronted with chocolate pretty often. *sigh*

Otherwise, wonderful. Took a lovely walk with Mr M, up the road to a place where a large garden is growing. We walked down a lane a few steps until I saw a fruitful grapevine, and stopped to snap a pic with my camera. Then I noticed an elderly couple sitting in the shade of their porch and we went over to say hi. Mr M saw some apples and asked if he could have some, and we ended up picking a dozen delicious from a tree....:nod: NIIIIIICE walk. Sunshiney warm day with enough cool in the air to make it just perfect.

Shopping for a client, I noticed how lacking in nutrition their cart was. Milk, ice cream, frozen yogurt, cashews, frozen lasagna, white bread, ensure. (believe it or not, the ensure was the most nourishing thing in that cart, and that only for people who can't swallow well...and my client needs it or he loses weight. I used to poo poo the idea of drinkable nutrition, but I watched him go from emaciated and weak to energetic, with healthi(er) skin and more interest in the world around him.) anyway...

which brings up the question: When I say I'll pray for people who are suffering with lifestyle health problems (like IBS or gout) and I've already told them about McDougall or...even vegetarian eating...and they don't change their diet...do I still pray for them?

maybe pray for them to open their eyes about their eating habits. Huh. Because God didn't cure my depression or my IBS or any other diet related ailment, until I changed what I ate and then...the body that He created to be healthy and well, when it was properly nourished and receiving enough fiber and enough carbs? It became WELL! and is becoming moreso every day.

is God going to do a miracle on a body that has been abused with rich food every day? For a person who smiles politely and says "i could NEVER live without my red meat/cheese/sausage/cream/name a rich fatty food" while knowing how I've benefited from it and agreeing that it's the healthiest way to eat...? but not willing to change anything? arrrrgh!

hm... that's where my mind went, so i followed it :lol:


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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:12 am

woot!!! I am wearing, and sitting down in, size 14 jeans!!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

yeh. these are my skinny jeans, and I'm wearing them! they're tight, but not unbearable

:lol: I remember when the long, lean 18's were my skinny jeans (and I still wear those. Isn't that funny? Prolly my fave pair of jeans) and I was rejoicing to get into THOSE. Heck, I remember years ago when I was in a very tight size 26 slack (jeans were out of the question, and I wore those stretchy, baggy pants from shopko) and thinking I'd give my eye teeth to fit into 18's. I would go on a diet and say "size 14 is okay, if I can get there, I'll be happy."

well, I am very happy, but I'm NOT DONE YET! :D yayaaayayayayaay!

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby ncyg46 » Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:55 am

yeah! way to go! :D :D
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby Mrs. Doodlepunk » Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:59 am

That is SO nice.
It IS the food! :unibrow:
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Sun Sep 19, 2010 8:30 am

k I hung up the size 14's and will start wearing them in earnest again after another 10 lbs drops. Went to the store and tried to get 14's on hahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :\

I couldn't get them over my thighs! ha! but I was trying on Misses so... 14 W is different from 14 misses, eh?

and this morning I'm feeling reclusive and introspective and I don't want to go to church, and I don't want to go minister in SLC, and I don't want to do anything but read and possibly some garden work. In fact, I feel a little bit bored and boring and possibly depressed.


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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby kirstykay » Tue Sep 21, 2010 8:26 am

Hope you're feeling better. Maybe you just needed some time alone. We all go through the doldrums once in awhile where we don't feel very social...

Thinking about you and praying you'll have a joy-filled week! :)
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Sep 22, 2010 6:52 am

It's been a better week so far this week. Thank God! and thank YOU, Kirsty, for your prayers. I know they make a difference. I have been fighting this doldrum for a few weeks, and it's nice not to have it bearing me down as much.

I have fallen off the MWL wagon completely, though I'm 95% McD compliant, still I ate several handfuls of Ruffles at work the other day. And a sliver of my daughter's brownie from the store. and a few bites of potato salad. Ugh.

still plugging along though. I'm not blowing this off, and continue to eat overall VERY healthy.

I made a huge pot of rice last night, and just now put a ten lb bag of yukon gold potatoes in the oven to bake, so I will have lots of starches around. There were several little yellow crook neck squash on the "FREE" table on my way to pick up Miss H, which I shall saute with garlic and onion and slather over EITHER the rice OR the potatoes for dinner tonight.

I'm craving carrot soup. Better find me a recipe. :D

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:53 pm

wow, I haven't visited here for almost a week. I've been enjoying lots of posts on other forums, though.

MOST NOTABLE: the testimonies and success stories forum. OH WOW. you should see Katydid! :shock: 8) ;-) :unibrow:

also, nomikins and Mrs D have posted there, and Mrs D looks just like I pictured her, nomikins...I didn't picture her, but she and I are at about the same weight and want the same goal weight by Jan 1, so maybe...and everyone on that thread looks TERRIFIC...really, really GOOD...

but honestly, Katydid BLEW me away! And inspired me and has motivated me BIG TIME. I love before and after pics. Want to figure out my laptop so I can upload my pics. I took one a year ago, and I went to the same exact place and took a pic last week or so...I know there's a difference, but would love to see it side-by-side and REALLY get energized about doing this 100%.

potato chips still call my name, but I'm not answering at this point. I think last week's PMS/menopausal PIG OUT was an aberration, not normal for me and I needn't kick myself. Must move forward now. :nod: My weight is no longer 186, but 190 :( so, I gotta get on it.

ugh, I have bad gas today. I thought I'd adjusted to beans by now. Guess not. My poor kids :lol: :lol:

so...tomorrow's plan

B: oatmeal w/banana cooked in; rice milk; tea
L: cold baked potatoes w/saute'd crook neck squash n onions;
D: dal and rice; steamed vegs
Snack: carrot and cuke sticks. Maybe some savory garbanzo bean dip.

One day. One day of 100% compliance. That is my current goal.

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Sep 29, 2010 8:34 pm

okay, I started the processed food challenge today. The idea is to document how much processed (but I like the word refined, better) foods we eat. My goal in the challenge is to eat all my foods as close to the way God made them, as possible.

that is, beans must be cooked (processed) but they don't NEED to be blended, right? Garbanzo beans taste pretty good, as is without a lot of seasonings...so why not eat them without a lot of seasonings added?

For the most part, the starches pretty much must be cooked, but left "looking like what they are" and the veggies can be eaten raw, cooked, fresh, canned, frozen...however it is that a person enjoys her veggies. And if I eat processed (such as mashed w/vegan brown gravy) then note it. Be aware. I really REALLY don't want to eat anything refined for 30 days, and want to keep it close to how it grows naturally. :nod:

Posted some pics on the "Success Stories" forum, and feeling REALLY GOOD right now :) hmmm, maybe I'll make those pics my wallpaper on the computer! yeah!

I am super motivated now. Gonna get er done! woot!

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:28 am

Okay, still going strong in the processed food challenge. I'm shaking my head a little bit at the "controversy" over what constitutes processed. IMO, if you start with whole foods and do something to them, but don't REFINE them...that is, no taking away any of their nutrition, no adding any weird ingredients...

wait a sec. I know! I know JUST EXACTLY how to define processed for myself: If it comes packaged in a box, bag, or other packaging (with the exception of frozen or canned whole vegetables) it is PROCESSED. But I also prefer the word "refined"...so, IOW...if I make mashed potatoes, they will be from whole potatoes, boiled and smashed, not from flakes out of a canister, but they ARE NOT processed/refined. If I eat refried beans, they will have two or three ingredients: Beans, Water, Salt. I mean, I can make refritos, by boiling them for an afternoon and then mashing them w/my masher, right? So canned, smashed beans ARE NOT REFINED.

Now...I agree w/the consensus over there, that if it's been in a blender, it is processed. That is, calorie dense. That, I will concede. Also, with the condiments, because they amount to only flavorings, I will not consider using them (like, vinegar, mustard, curry paste, etc) to be "illegal"...

there. That settles it. :nod:

In other news: I've started wearing cute undies :cool: I still have a lot of granny panties around (they really are comfortable) but yesterday I bought three pairs of "boy shorts" underwear in bright green and blue patterns. There. along with my VS bras, and girly blouses with scoop necks or shaping, or ruching, or V necks, I'm starting to feel feminine and pretty, which is good.

and, I bought a T-shirt for Hallowe'en in size MEDIUM! ha! it's actually a numbered size 8-10 :unibrow: and it's actually a pretty shirt. It's black, with a pale blue shimmery background. There's a spooky tree on it, next to some little haunted-looking shacks, and some glittery bats flying around. Purple, blue, white, and yellow stars and a bright yellow moon in the sky. The whole effect is black, with subtle pale blue and glitter, with the bright yellow moon and windows from the haunted shacks. it is quite form fitting. I'll probably wear it once or twice in October, especially to the Punkin Party. :nod:

today I'm going to clean house, bake a birthday cake for my ANGEL BABY SWEET DARLIN PUDDIN PIE girl who turns one in a few days, go squash shopping at Carlo's Produce (and I'm going to walk there and back. It'll be good exercise)

Oh. And I'm down to 186 again :D after surging back to 190 after the potato chips last week. So the processed food challenge is getting me back in the game yayayaaayayayayayay!

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby Mrs. Doodlepunk » Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:11 pm

Buns, I totally agree with your definition of processed/refined. I personally can't touch sugar, and particularly sugar and fat together. Yikes.

But potatoes and greens lately are just doing great things for me. Who knew? ;-)

That is so cute about the underwear and new clothes! You go, girl!
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:00 am

yesterday was a birthday party, where I ate some refined, just a bite or two. Very aware, and the bite of bday cake I had was SO SWEET. But the baby had fun playing in the orange frosting! ha!

When the party was over and I was leaving, my mom gave me a hug and told me she was proud of me, how skinny I am. Then she said "I wish I could be as proud of myself" and I said "Well, try a low fat, no animal product diet. It'll fall off" and she said "But I love my butter"

:roll: which I DO understand, completely. But everyone in my family has "pudge" except my athletic petite sister and her husband. All of my kids are at the very least "Soft" (all but one has some significant weight to lose) My brother has a gut on him, since quitting smoking; my mom has those "bra strap rolls"...etc. And they've been watching me for a year.

But none of them wants to even know where their food comes from, even my environmenental-nazi sister who scolds me for using plastic grocery bags (which I DO re-use as garbage bags, while she buys garbage bags for her kitchen trash can. What's the difference? Mine are free :P ) yet, I am doing more to protect the environment by buying and eating only vegetables even if I do carry them home sometimes in plastic bags.

ah, enough rant. Everyone in my life who sees what I'm doing and knows I am healthier, thinner, and happier...well, I wonder how long they will settle for living with blinders on.

Meanwhile, I'm happily cruising on the Processed Foods Challenge. Hoping a pound or two comes off this week. It's funny how adjusting even within the McDougall Program, like from "95% compliance" to "Reducing processed foods" will cause a few pounds to drop at first. Just like any "diet": when you first make those changes, a few lbs drop. Mine did, from 190 to 186, and now up again to 188 :confused: but that's just a daily fluctuation, not to worry about. I just want to stay below 190 now, FOREVER AND EVER. AMEN!

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby Anna Green » Tue Oct 05, 2010 9:51 am

Hey Buns, good job on doing the no processed. I've been lurking and watching y'all and it's starting to impact how I eat too. This morning I chose not to have the ww bread w/ my soup. Anyway I love how you sound. You seem to be enjoying this. I understand the frustration with the family. We want them to be healthy because we love them.

Hope you are having a good day.
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