bunsofaluminum's journal

Share your daily McDougall menus and/or keep a journal describing your personal progress.

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby LyndaK » Tue Oct 05, 2010 12:53 pm

I sooo understand what you mean! I've become the crazy radical in my family but you know what? I'm almost down 40 pounds, feel great, all blood counts are down (within healthy range) and drumroll please...I tried on a size 8 pair of jeans and fit into them for the first time in FOREVER!!!! I was so happy and had no one to tell and my boyfriend could care less about such things. I called my Mom and told her and then....another drumroll...she called me back and asked if I could send her a copy of the McDougall plan! I was even more overjoyed by this than the size 8 because Mom is diabetic and has had several diabetic coma episodes. If she can make this change, even a little over time, it may mean that I have more time with her. I don't think she really wants to know where her food comes from either, but a little education can go a long way. I didn't want to know a year ago either and now I feel that a whole new world is opened up for me (both good and bad...there is some temporarily bliss in that ignorance).

Keep up the great work Buns!!!!
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Oct 06, 2010 8:38 pm

whew! I did it! One whole day on MWL, zero processed, ZERO off plan! woot! yahoo!

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby Mrs. Doodlepunk » Thu Oct 07, 2010 5:21 am

bunsofaluminum wrote:whew! I did it! One whole day on MWL, zero processed, ZERO off plan! woot! yahoo!

Go, Buns! You can do it!

Do you eat cooked greens? I think they really help me get rid of cravings. I'm even getting off of COFFEE. :shock:
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:30 am

hi mrs d

I do eat cooked greens, but probably not as much as I should, especially lately. Beans of all kinds became my standby over the summer. I just wanted that richer feel, you know? ...but I have a fridge full of spinach right now and I'm adding it to every meal, and eating it as a snack between meals, instead of chips. I've noticed a change in my digestion already.

Now, weighing this morning, I was down a pound. Is it really because I ate for ONE DAY without straying? or what is it? maybe I shouldn't weigh every day. At any rate, my weigh dropped four pounds really fast as soon as I started the processed foods challenge, then I "just tasted" over the weekend, and the lbs went back up. And yesterday I was 100% compliant and didn't eat anything processed, and LOST A POUND? :confused:

So I'm going to do an experiment. For the sake of science. This is my hypothesis: Eating 100% MWL and not "just tasting" even a little bit of off plan stuff, all day long, will cause me to lose weight in one day. Even part of a pound counts.

The only problem with doing a science experiment would be that I have to have a "control" which would mean eating SAD to prove if the scale moves UP on a day when I eat off plan. I will NEVER have a day when the majority of my food is NOT McDougall. But how can "just a taste" affect it so fast?

hm. At any rate, experiment or not, I will stick to 100% compliance today. Period. Having a couple of baked potatoes in my lunch box in the afternoon yesterday, helped at Junk Food Client's house. Today will be a long day, so I'm packing a big lunch and some portable food to munch. Cold baked potatoes, peeled carrots, sliced zucchini (I have LOTS of zucchini) just for munching on the hour long drive home from my pm client.

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby f1jim » Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:45 am

One day is too short a time period to measure progress with weight reduction. There are just too many factors that can shift weight up or down. While going all day and not eating off plan is commendable if you really want to see what the program will do go 30 days and see what the results are. You will see and feel the difference in a striking way. I'm not sure that 1 day or even two or three will tell you anything of significance. I encourage you to try the well worn path that leads to real change.
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:56 am

f1jim wrote:One day is too short a time period to measure progress with weight reduction. There are just too many factors that can shift weight up or down. While going all day and not eating off plan is commendable if you really want to see what the program will do go 30 days and see what the results are. You will see and feel the difference in a striking way. I'm not sure that 1 day or even two or three will tell you anything of significance. I encourage you to try the well worn path that leads to real change.

I know, I was being mostly facetious. But it's also strange that committing to 100% a week ago saw a four lb drop immediately, and then the lbs went back up after "just tasting" the bday cake, and "caving" to eat those M&M's, and then down a lb after ONE DAY of 100%? it's just strange how that worked out. anyway, something besides the scale has got to motivate me to stick to it 100%.

Reading over my journal is eye opening, and also being in the processed food challenge is shaking me a little bit (more than anything, how I DON'T stick to it, not 100% anyway, and not for more than 10 days) Telling myself the truth is important in my life, and I've been lying to myself about my commitment to this. Sure, I'm choosing BY FAR the majority of my foods as McDougall and even MWL, but telling myself "no big deal" is a lie. Having two, three, or 10 days in a row of "just tasting" is NOT being compliant.

that's the truth.

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby Mrs. Doodlepunk » Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:59 am

Hey, buns, I think f1jim is right BUT I also think that when you have already been on plan, one day of tasting and SAD stuff can make fluids shift and you put on water weight. Something happens that is not good.

I also know from recent experience that really upping the greens does wonders. (there should be a jumping up and down emoticon to insert here.) I'm down a whole pound today and not about to take a foray into anything SAD to see if it stops this downward slide! I'm having too much fun! :unibrow:

I hope you keep posting on the challenge food journal so it's educational for everyone. I keep seeing in other places that people are lurking and reading about our challenge. It is a lot of fun and I'm amazed at what I didn't know about this program.

Not being able to afford going to the 10 day live in program, this is just what I needed.
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Oct 08, 2010 4:38 pm

Okay, cold baked potatoes are my answer. Seriously, carrying them with me, and having them at home to munch, is giving me success at staying away from "just tasting" any off plan or SAD food.

Today, so far, there has been zero of anything off plan, and so far zero processed at all. (I am not considering tea processed...honestly... tea?)

and I'm going to make a butternut squash stew for dinner, mmmmm looking forward to it :D I have lots of stuff to throw in there. gonna be GOOD.

B: saute'd zucchini, mushrooms, onions over quinoa
L: refrito soup over baked potatoes (slurrrrrp! Man, that stuff's good)
D: butternut stew over...??? a bowl? LOL

and it's looking like Day Three of really DOING IT! :nod:

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby nomikins » Fri Oct 08, 2010 5:26 pm

Buns, I don't know what I would do without my cold taters. Cold potatoes also have resistant starch, which I believe keeps one feeling full longer. I dunno. All I do know is that potatoes are the way to go! :D
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby janluvs2heel » Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:27 pm

Way to go, Buns. You are back on track. :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod:

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby Eppy » Sat Oct 09, 2010 6:50 am

Yeah, Buns!!!! :D
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby Mrs. Doodlepunk » Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:35 am

OK, buns, I want your refrito soup recipe.

Also, have you tried COLD baked sweet potatoes?! Oh. My. Are they ever good. Mr. D takes them in his lunch for dessert. I peel them and put into a container, he eats them with a spoon, no sugar, just plain.
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:49 am

hey Eppy! ltns, how're you doing? thanks for the good word, and from you, too Nomikins :)

Mrs D, I LOOOOOVE cold baked sweet potatoes! yum! Another reason I love fall is that the sweet potatoes are in season. And all winter long, I enjoy them. they are a terrific dessert.

The Refrito Soup, then.

1 large onion, diced
2 or 3 cloves garlic, minced (more if you like garlic :D)
1 can diced tomatoes (w/green chilies added is extra yummy, but plain is fine)
ground cumin
chili powder

1 can refritos
1 c or so of frozen corn (or a can of corn would work, too)
Fresh cilantro

Put the onion, garlic, tomatoes, cumin and chili powder in a 3 qt pot, over medium heat. Let them simmer together for 10 min until onion is softish. Add the refritos and one can of water or vegetable broth. Add the corn. Mix it all up and let it come to a simmer. Add the cilantro near the end for maximum flavor.

SLURP! this is SO GOOD and SO fast to put together. Good over potatoes or rice. or plain, eaten straight out of the pot :lol:

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby nomikins » Sat Oct 09, 2010 8:01 am

Thanks for sharing that recipe. On my list.

BTW, I also really enjoy cold sweet taters for snacks. Baked until almost caramelized (just in the skin, nothing added), they hit the spot when I crave something sweet.
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby ncyg46 » Sat Oct 09, 2010 8:34 am

curious? What are refritos? refried beans????
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