bunsofaluminum's journal

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby Mrs. Doodlepunk » Sat Oct 09, 2010 11:01 am

Thanks buns, that looks so simple and easy. I'm going to try it soon.
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby Mrs. Doodlepunk » Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:08 pm

Buns, I made your soup! It turned out great. I used frozen refried beans I had made last week with no salt, a quart of my own tomatoes with no salt, and a can of green chilies with no salt. It is a large batch, it was 4 cups of beans. :eek:

But then I got crazy and put in a couple packages of frozen broccoli! And a couple handfuls of corn. It is SO good, and I got my greens into it! ;-) Thanks!
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Sat Oct 09, 2010 9:22 pm

ncyg46 wrote:curious? What are refritos? refried beans????

yup. Refritos= refried beans

Mrs D, I love that broccoli in the soup! great idea. I have thrown spinach in it, which is yum. Bob questioned me on the processed foods journal about the refrieds, though. Canned, they probably have been through a blender. the beans I have are only three ingredients, BUT if they've been blended, we should count them as processed, eh?

ate a lot today. Going to bed with a full stomach, which i don't like. But I think eating a lot of good, healthy food is better than M&M's or potato chips so, I'm not kicking myself. However, I would like to get in the habit of not eating anything after about 6:00. I love the feeling of flat, when I got to bed without food in my stomach.

Also, I did eat some canned split pea soup, for which I AM KICKING MYSELF simply because I ate it without thinking about the processed food challenge. Again, the ingredients list is decent (except the NATURAL FLAVORINGS which is code for MSG or some other bizarre unnatural thing) but I heated it up and tossed it on some rice, not even considering that HELLO? pre-made soup? Durr da hurr.

That'll be the last time I do anything like it, though. And with that, I think I'll hit the hay.

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:01 am

I'm bored with all this thinking about food. I think I'm just going to eat nothing from a can, unless it is whole beans or vegetables. Nothing from a box (which I don't, anyway) in short, avoid anything that has been packaged, and eat more slowly and stop when full. I'm tired of thinking about food.

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:19 pm

Hi deb

I'm having so much fun at the processed food challenge, I haven't been paying attention here! And I'm so wiped out at the end of the day lately, I post what I must and then hit the hay, pretty much. It really is simpler to just grab a few carrots, a zucchini, some potatoes and a bag of spinach...maybe a can of beans...to take for lunch. Not worried about recipes or anything.

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby sksamboots » Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:46 pm

You are doing great!!! :nod:
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Oct 14, 2010 6:08 am

okay, down two lbs! That makes two in one month, btw. The last time I weighed was 9/14 and it was 186. Since then, I have weighed every weight between 186 and 190 and today, I was under the 185 mark so I'm claiming it :) even though this isn't Tuesday.

Still not planning on obsessing about my foods. I've released myself from that by choosing only "non-packaged" eh? The only packaging are the skins the veggies come in, and if they happen to be in a bag (as in a 5 lb bag of carrots)...okay.

In fact, I'm going to get up and roast some vegs this morning. As wiped as I am by the time I get home from work, I haven't been cooking in the evenings. And the kids don't have school today, so I'll just use the extra time of NOT hauling them up and out the door, to probably do Bob's yummy looking veggie roast that he's been boasting about around here :)
Okay, getting dressed for work, I pulled out one of my favorite sweaters, a hot pink v-neck number that looks terrific over a white long sleeve or turtleneck...and it was HUGE on me. Uncomfortably too big! Like, baggy around the neck and slouching over one shoulder. Not good :(

this makes me feel like DANCING! and yet, it is a bittersweet thing, to say good-bye to that wonderful old piece...and it makes me think I may be needing to buy new winter tops in MY NEW SIZE :unibrow:

so I put on a T-shirt and will be wearing a cardigan over it. So be it, baby. I'm GETTING THERE!

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:36 am

Well, I just went back over my journal, skimming mostly, to find the date that I went under 200 lbs. That was March 29. Six months after I started. That is to say, it took me six months to lose 35 lbs :nod:

I've lost another 15 lbs since then. That is to say, it took SIX MONTHS to lose 15 lbs :? That is because I "just a tasted" nearly every day over the summer, and also "had a bite" of many off plan and SAD things and EVEN ate popcorn several times. I know this nibbling and "just a biting" slowed me down tremendously. I'm hoping it will go down faster from here, as I'm being very compliant now, much more than even at the beginning a year ago.

but, I'm also not worrying about it too much. I know that as I continue eating this way, the weight will come off. this isn't a crash diet nor some fad...this is how I eat now, and will for the rest of my life. I may even have stupid, silly times when I think "oooh, skinny. I can afford and I deserve that...pound of chocolate." Or whatever it turns out to be.

Meanwhile. I'm noticing that I'm catching the eye of guys around and about. This is VERY pleasant, indeed. In fact, a friend and I are going out tonight to a coffee shop that has open mic night. He's a sweetheart and we get along real good. He is not "matchup" material, but he's nice, cute, good personality, and fun to hang with.

Is it a date? My 16 year old daughter is coming along, too. she loves stuff like that, and might read a poem or two. whatever it is, I am looking forward to it HUGELY. First "night out" in absolute ages. Seriously. Like...five years?

I may even have stupid, silly times when I think "oooh, skinny. I can afford and I deserve that...pound of chocolate." Or whatever it turns out to be.

another thing that struck me about my journal was how SICK I was for two months. Seriously, aches and pains, head colds, cellulitis...sheesh. It was one icky thing after another for the first two months that I McDougalled. And I have had other colds, coughs, and aches over the year, too. One thing that is gone, is the ankle pain that came out of nowhere back in the fall last year. and my knees aren't as bad, either...unless I get down into a crouch.

well, anyway. It was a good thing to go over the old journal and see where I've been. Almost as good as seeing those "then" and "now" pictures :)
Last edited by bunsofaluminum on Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Sun Oct 17, 2010 9:19 pm

kewl, thanks Deb I'm glad you're still going for it. Sorry about the drama. I am too wiped to get involved, but Bob also isn't getting on my case as much as he was.

I did good again today, but it's THAT TIME OF MONTH grrrr...seriously, didn't I JUST go through this?...and so I'm on the alert for Out of Control Appetite and Craving Attacks.

and now I'm way sleepy. Gonna hit the hay. I plan on baking a ten pound bag of russets tomorrow, so I'll have plenty for the next few days. Prolly make some simple soups for toppers on those: ta da! simple meals! :nod:

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Oct 21, 2010 5:20 pm

Well, I've been busy enough with the processed food challenge, that I haven't posted here, so I thought I'd give it a bump and report

that I'm doing GREAT! :D When I started this, I was wondering to myself "Why don't I have the energy that I had at the beginning (when the detox was over, anyway)...." last year, I couldn't keep still. Always out in the garden, the house clean as a whistle...and here I was, a year later, and feeling tired again. But I knew I haven't eaten any meat, dairy, eggs, etc. and no added oils...BLEEP...wrong.

the processed food challenge is showing me a few things. First of all, I HAVE been eating deep fat fried foods. Tortilla chips are NOT whole grain health foods (which was my thinking, seriously) they are DEEP FAT FRIED. Eating them IS consuming added oils. Not that I ate them that often, but a nibble here, a handful under veggie chili, there. Are they healthier than potato chips? No. they actually have less nutrition than potato chips, and equal amount of fat, almost as many calories. I was deluded to think they were ANYTHING I want to eat, if I'm going to be healthy and get to my proper weight. I lied to myself, saying "they're whole grain, so it's okay" :roll:

Now I'm even going so far as not to add any salt to my cooking. :shock: (btw, just so ya know: grains don't do that well without a touch of salt in their cooking water. HOWEVER, I am still not going to put any in my grains for the rest of this month) (I'm also not going to choose oatmeal for brekkie for the rest of the month :lol: :lol: :lol:) And I feel pretty good. My energy is up again: I went for a little stroll the other day, and ended up going 4 miles, up hills and everything, hauling a granny grocery cart behind me full of produce. :D Yup. This challenge is doing me GOOD.

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:19 pm

okay, my ticker is down THREE POUNDS. I last weighed on Oct 14, and my weight stayed between 183 and 185 that whole time so i didn't adjust the ticker. But today, when it showed 181, and it's Tuesday, my usual post day...I decided what the hey and did it :)

I really think I can get to 170 by the first of the year. I have a plan...

I will continue with this wonderful challenge, which really is 100% MWL, with a focus on consuming as few processed foods as possible. For Thanksgiving, I will do what I did last year, and bring my own gravy and a dish or two of fat free traditional foods...especially the greens. Anyone ever notice, there aren't many green vegs on a Thanksgiving table? After Thanksgiving, I will continue with this challenge.

Because I make toffee for everyone, I will have to have a battle plan in place. Like...how about, make it all early in Advent, all over one weekend. Get it made, packaged, and put up in the coat closet awaiting the giving.

and for Christmas Day, which is also my birthday, I want to eat pistachios, popcorn, pomegranates, chocolate (will find slavery free chocolate, and it will be dark. I LOVE the very dark, 85% cacao chocolate out there) hm...nuts. I will sit in my recliner with my nuts and a nutcracker and crack them and nibble them :nod: and read and listen to the radio :)

well, anyway. I will continue eating this MWL way. The secret to success for me REALLY IS: cold baked potatoes. Period. If I have them in my car between clients, I keep my tummy full and temptations are reduced. Also, the hominy yesterday at work wouldn't have been even an issue, if I hadn't come in so hungry.

this is awesome, going into this particular season with this kind of boost on me! Nine pounds in four weeks. aaahhhh. feels good.

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby nomikins » Wed Oct 27, 2010 6:40 am

I'm SOOOO happy for you, Buns!
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby Anna Green » Wed Oct 27, 2010 9:38 am

Buns! Buns! Buns! You are rockin it! So pleased for you.

Yes that potato thing in the car or my purse as this is the south and hot, is key.
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby woods38 » Wed Oct 27, 2010 9:51 am

Congrats on the weight loss! I enjoy reading your journal.
You sound so pumped up about the processed food challenge that you make me want to jump in, almost. I'm not quite there yet but you make me think more about what I'm putting in my mouth.
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Oct 27, 2010 9:16 pm

thanks, Anna, Nomikins, and woods...WOODS :shock: Haven't seen you for absolute AGES!

today was a good day, but I must report "a bite" :( of potato salad that I was dishing up for a client. Off plan AND processed. though homemade of whole foods. Not happy with myself. AT ALL. :angry: :cry: :mad:

Long day at work, some fun times with friends, and now I'm wiped out. Time to hit da hay!

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