Journal of my journey

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon Dec 09, 2019 9:40 am

December 9, 2019

Snowed in again today. It is snowing and blowing out there. I was to go to town and attend the care conference for my mom. but better safe than sorry. I have too far to drive to take a chance for a 20 minute meeting. Hopefully, my sister who lives in town will be able to make it.

I am now eating breakfasts and lunches compatible with the plan. But for some reason I blow it in the evening. I am getting the junk out of the house to lessen temptation. One time hubby and I decided that if we wanted to eat junk, we could do so only if we had to go out and buy it and eat it before we got home. That worked well for us back then.

I made a batch of pureed lentil soup using the formula from one of my Culinary Institute of Arts cookbook -- so could because it uses 3 - 4 pounds of starch (potatoes or squash) to 1 pound of dried lentils -- yes, it does make a lot. Plus I used the mirepox (onion, carrot, and celery) for flavoring and extra veggies to be added. Freezes well, and thaws well. I added curry flavoring - I think this is becoming one of my favorite soups, I add some corn to it when I reheat it. Yum! Our harvest of squash is not going to last much longer so I have to cook it up. I never did make that Butternut meatloaf yet. Too many demands on my time and I just cannot seem to stick with MY plan - I adjust to what others want too much.

Speaking of what others want, I told hubby that I will schedule one day for my parents, so I could visit and do any errands they want me to do without having hubby tagging along. Often when he has his doctor's appointment he does not want to take a few minutes to stop and just say, "hi" to them. So, I pick a day that he normally does not have any appointments so I could go to town and have some "me" time on the drive there and back, and perhaps stop and visit my sister. What does hubby do? He starts scheduling his appointments on that day. What's up with that?

I have been starting my days with:
orange, blueberries, banana, and spinach, sometimes I will add a nut, seed and dried fruit mix.

For my salads:
romaine, spinach, sweet kale mix, beet, orange and snow peas

I have been focusing on "eating the rainbow" - so many colors, tastes and textures. It has been helping with my constantly wanting to eat junk for snacks. Last night I just wanted to munch, so I decided I had to eat follow the advice I often gave my daughters as they were growing up, "You have to eat the good stuff first, then you can have dessert. " Works for me. Good advice for me to follow once again.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Dec 09, 2019 11:17 am

eating the rainbow! great idea

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Thu Dec 12, 2019 6:35 am

December 12, 2019

I am trying hard not to express my disappointment, hubby had his dietitian meeting yesterday and I tagged along. Hubby told his doctor that he was not interested in seeing it if it was going to be the typical USDA information being passed on. No, he was told this is specific to an anti-inflammatory diet. Read Mediterranean Diet here. So, we sat through an hour of the Mediterranean Plate on what to eat. No specific information given about foods that are inflammatory or not. I told hubby I ought to go to school and get my license and get paid for reading a script. So frustrating and a waste of my time.

Every time I contradicted what she said she agreed with me. WHAT! you cannot have it both ways. Worse thing is that she said nothing to convince hubby to eat better. Afterwards, we stopped to eat at a Mexican Restaurant - he ordered beef enchilada with cheese and sour cream - read here inflammatory foods.

I was hoping that the session would have kick-started him to eating better. Comparing the plate we were being shown, I told hubby he needs to follow McDougall's Maximum Weight Loss -- he won't do it unless I do. Unfortunately, I am way more active than he is and I need a higher starch diet. Not for sure how I will make it so we can both be successful.

He has a bad ear infection and was given and antibiotic that did not work, so he was given a stronger one. We stopped at the grocery store to get some probiotics for his digestive system and he comes out with a fried blueberry fritter. If he does not want to change, I'll just need to move on and do what's best for me.

I am reading the book "Secrets of the Eating Lab" - just finished chapter two where she is explaining how our bodies work against us and it is not all about willpower. I am calling BS on that -- I walked out of that grocery store WITHOUT putting candy, chips, or donuts for me in my cart. Yes, our bodies may have some functions built in to keep up from losing and maintaining a particular weight but that is also influenced by what we put in our mouth, which is a choice we make. In other words, what we will to eat. The power to be successful is in making the choice to eat the right kind of foods.

Oh, by the way, I had no will power to resist the chips but I ordered steamed vegetable fajitas with no dairy. I ate the "good fat guacamole" though on the salad and I am sure the refried beans were full of lard.

Other than the 3 chocolate covered cherries (Cella's brand - my favorite). I did no snacking yesterday. The cherries were planned, so it was no unplanned snacking -- I am calling that a win for me.

What I plan to eat today:
tri-grain flakes with blueberries, mango, apple and flaxseed

High Carb Hannah's Easy Vegan Dal
red rice
a huge salad (romaine, spinach, sweet kale mix, beet, orange)

I have been getting lazy with my exercising and need to get more consistent with it: treadmill run Robert Ullery's Podcast for the Couch to 5k Week 7 day 2 -- 5 minute warmup, 25 minute run, 5 minute cooldown. I'll finish with a bit of strength training and stretching.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri Dec 13, 2019 8:14 am

December 13, 2019

I think I mentioned that the nutritionist recommending the Mediterranean Diet as the anti-inflammatory diet for hubby to follow - (I wish he'd be serious about it) He has not even looked at the papers she handed out that showed the pyramid and plate. That is because he expects me to plan and prepare the meals for him. He even stated that in the meeting.

But, I remembered that some time ago. maybe 4 or 5 years ago, I bought Juileanna Hever's book The Vegiterranean Diet. I pulled it out for hubby to read - yeah right! I have to not think about that because it frustrates me and then I do not do what is right for me.

Speaking of what's right for me - I made that Easy Vegan Dal by High Carb Hannah - I used a red pepper in it and that was so good! That will definitely be on the make again list. I served it over potatoes instead of rice. My potatoes are starting to get old so I have to use them up.

I read some one's post on a facebook thread that follows Dr. Gregor's Daily Dozen and they were asking how to get in those servings of beans - someone said they add chickpeas to their potatoes when they mash them. I am going to keep that in mind when I make mashed potatoes again. For me, I need to do that 3 servings because it is more sustaining for me and helps me not to eat between meals.

We went to GS2's Christmas concert last night - it was a last minute decision to go. For a small town out in the middle of nowhere, there sure were a lot of kids - kindergarten through forth grade. I found it interesting that the older the kids were the heavier they were getting. However, I did not see the ratio of 1 out of 3 being overweight. Thinking back to when I was in school there were always some kids that were overweight.

Plus my mom is going through her photos and I was looking at them and realized that I was seeing a lot of overweight people in those photos. Thinking back on my childhood, my sisters always had a weight problem and my parents always supplemented our meals from the garden. I did not have a weight problem as a child, but then I was more active than my sisters, I was always going for walks and bicycle trips and I was the only one in my family that joined sports in high school.

I don't know why I am putting this in my journal other than reading that book The Secrets of Eating Lab is getting me thinking. My sister and I all ate pretty much the same food, except I binged more often on the junk food. I guess I moved more to keep me from gaining weight. And those years when I did pack on the pounds were the years I sat on my butt more and moved less.

Well, enough of the random thought. I am still attempting to eat the rainbow colors - So many colors, so many tastes and textures. So far I have not yet found a combination that put a "party in my mouth". That happened one time when I was in cluinary school and for a special event, they hired Ragahavan Iyer (author of 660 Curries and Betty Crocker's Indian Cooking) and he created an appetizer that has so many tastes and textures that just exploded in my mouth when I ate it.

But, what I plan to eat today:
Easy Dal with potatoes and spinach

peanut butter

Salad (romaine, spinach, sweet kale mix, beet, orange, and snow peas)
?? - have to go to town - not sure what hubby is going to want to do (it'll depend on if he eats before we leave or not)

My exercise will be what i planned yesterday - we did not have enough snow fall so in addition to shoveling the patios and my tarp shelter, I had to shovel around the cars so when we walked to them we were not getting our shoes full of snow. It took me about 1 -1/2 hours, then I spent some time sliding down our sliding hill and got in a small workout going back up the hill. IOW - I did not do my treadmill workout. So I will do it today. I found some videos on you tube by Tall Sky Walker where I can do a "virtual hike" - he has some beautiful photography.

Just a note: I am cutting way back on the junk food and I am in a much better mood, just having a few bouts of frustration and feeling blue - but am able to snap out it. Must be the food.

Happy starchin' and have a great day!
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Dec 13, 2019 11:06 am

Just a note: I am cutting way back on the junk food and I am in a much better mood, just having a few bouts of frustration and feeling blue - but am able to snap out it. Must be the food.

Amazing the difference it makes. Because we don't keel over and pass out from eating garbage, we don't notice, but sure enough, the junk will drag you down. Glad you are able to pull through the doldrums.

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon Dec 16, 2019 9:09 am

December 16, 2019

I cannot believe how quickly the days seem to go by so quickly. I seem to be a bit more tired than normal, I even took a nap the other day in the afternoon, slept deep and hard, work up looked at my watch and thought it was in the middle of the night and told myself it was too early to get up - went back to sleep for another 1-1/2 hours. Woke up only to realize it was afternoon -- So my sleep schedule has been all messed up; as if it weren't that already.

We have been having a cold snap - but it is a normal Minnesota winter and not really too bad for the season. Looking forward to 30° again so I can get out there and do a run on the road.

I am dealing with bad snacking again - I cannot figure out why I keep doing this to myself - I am going to blame it on the cold and I need to fatten up for the cold - seems like a good excuse huh? NOT. I do it because I am making bad choices and do not really seem to care much about it. I think it is because I have been eating those candy bars and some of them are starting to taste good to me again - I need to get back to retrain my brain AND my tastes so that stuff will taste nasty to me again.

Other than the junk, What i ate yesterday:
tri-grain flakes with blueberries, mango, flax seed and cinnamon

Thia Chili Salad mix - (that dressing is HOT HOT HOT - at least for me)

mashed potatoes with Rich Brown Gravy (a Neal Barnard recipe)
green bean mix with onion and walnuts

Today I plan to eat:
multigrain mix with blueberries and mango, flaxseed

Salad: romaine, spinach, thai chili salad mix, orange, beet, apple
whole wheat pita bread with hummus and tomato

lentil chili
company muffin
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Tue Dec 17, 2019 8:14 am

December 17, 2019

My quote for today: It is simple: either you do it or you don't.

Not sure what else I can add to that.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Dec 17, 2019 11:19 am

Morris wrote:December 17, 2019

My quote for today: It is simple: either you do it or you don't.

Not sure what else I can add to that.

That is kinda the way it is though. As much as we'd like everything to change overnight, it never will. Day by day, doing it will change things over time. Which you already know :) Keep up the good fight! As always I'm impressed with your stamina.

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Wed Dec 18, 2019 9:05 am

December 18, 2019

I am in a frustrated relieved mood this morning - I am in this SparkPeople Challenge and today, Wednesday, is weigh-in day. I am down from the beginning of the challenge but I found a spreadsheet to track my weight and for me to get to my goal, I am not on track. I am dropping the weight too slowly to get back to where I want to be for my target weight.

It is all because of that stupid mini candy bar binge I went on these past few weeks. I am regretting doing it, but it is in the past and I must move on. I know better and am really trying hard not to beat myself up over it. The stupidity of it is really getting to me because I am feeling ~bleh~ bloated and downright uncomfortable.

Hubby is supposed to go on an anti-inflammatory diet and he is not showing interest in doing it on his own - he is expecting me to do all the research and then figure out the meals to make. I posted the list of foods from the handout they gave him on the fridge, but they are of no concern to him. And to make it worse, I have to listen to him talk about how much he hurts.

I am in a mood today and feel like crap. Have to go to town today for my mom's discharge meeting from nursing home and hubby has a doctor's appointment. I was surprised that my dad said he'd rather go play bingo than attend the meeting. My mom said she'd join him at bingo after the meeting. At least they are keeping busy. They both looked good when I visited them yesterday.

Let me switch moods:
I have been attempting to do that 30 Day strength routine of 5 exercises that was suggested to do 10 times throughout the month - I have not been tracking how many times I have done it but am working on doing the routine 2 -3 times a week. Exercises include:
Plank with leg raise
reverse lunges
arm rows

For each set it has a ladder of the number of repetitions 8 - 10- 12 - 10 - each day I do it. take a 2 minute rest and repeat. I did that 12 repetition twice so far; so I must have done the routine at least 7 times so far. I cannot do the pushups on the floor and so I do them on an incline - some days are easier than others. But when I do 10 I am nearing failure and it is hard to keep good form.

I need to work more on stretching and flexibility. And I need to eat more of the non-starchy vegetables. I have no idea what I am going to eat today - It is mid December and I am going to get my act together. I am tired of feeling like crap and I am tired of eating crap.

But, right now I am going to get off my butt and go do a 30 day shred routine - ...
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Wed Dec 18, 2019 9:09 am

Well, that's depressing - I just updated my weight on my ticker and came to the realization that I am up over a pound from a month ago. :( My little frog is hopping backwards
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Thu Dec 19, 2019 9:15 am

@Serene - I wish that both hubby and I can get out acts together and stick with a plan so we can evaluate if some of his pain will be reduced by diet. But, it will have to be his decision to do so, If he'd at least follow the food list that was given to him. But he won't. Yesterday, when we stopped for gas, he went and announced that he wanted a donut. He asked me if I wanted one also and I replied, "No, it is an inflammatory food." His response, "I think I'll buy two."

December 19, 2019
Well, I did the 30 Day Shred level 1 workout ~~ ouch ouch ouch man, am I feeling it today. And, to think I used to do that workout as a warmup before I'd go for a run. That is a Jillian Michaels workout, I cannot stand her personality, but I live the 3-2-1 method that she uses in these circuit training. It was very effective for me in the past.

Then, hubby had a doctor appointment and my mom has a discharge meeting from the nursing home - that was a trial because she was in one of her moods again. I have such a difficult time dealing with her when she is like that - it is so hard not to let her negativity settle on me.

My eating went well yesterday. I ate:
oats, blueberry, mango and flaxseed

pita bread x 2
raw: carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, and snow peas
curry squash soup

raspberry tea
black bean zucchini brownie

1 package trail mix

I feel good about my eating that I did yesterday. The trail mix has some chocolate candies in it, but I resisted buying some junk at the gas station. Again, I did not eat a lot of sugary fatty junk and my mood is better today. Yeah, I am beginning to fully understand that phrase: Eat C.r.a.p. and feel like crap.

C- carbonated drinks
R - refined sugars and grains
A - artificially sweeteners, flavors and colors
P - processed foods

I cannot wait until I get my mindset back to where I can not want the c.r.a.p. anymore and if I should eat it, it will taste nasty to me again. It makes it so much easier to resist when it does not taste good to me.

I have a couple sweet potatoes left so I think I'll cook up some black beans and even look for a black bean soup recipe. I'll start my day with the usual oats, blueberry, mango and flaxseed.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby AnnetteW » Fri Dec 20, 2019 7:28 am

Life would be so much easier if both spouses were 100% on board. Mine is not either, though he's really doing a good job and it's a bit of a mind blow. He is learning, but refuses to study.

He's bringing a chicken apple white chili to a Christmas Eve dinner and asked me if there was a "fake" chicken meat he could use so I could eat it and another family member who is vegan (and she just doesn't eat a thing at these events.) I said there would still be cheese in it, so not to worry about it. And chicken broth. It's a totally different dish then. I told him I was planning on making a compliant soup to bring, a small one.

He's flat out told me he will not give up meat, yet he's being kind to me about it. The longer I stick with it, the more it WILL rub off on him too.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon Dec 23, 2019 8:04 am

@Annette Yes, I agree that it would be so much easier if we were both aiming for the same goal. Part of my frustration is that I have memories of when we were both on board with our eating and it was so much easier without all the temptations. Best of all, we supported each other. Now, it is he is told to do an anti-inflammatory diet and he is not interested in making the necessary changes. Just the other day, we went grocery shopping and the first thing he throws in the cart is chocolate bars, then he tossing in 2 bags of chips. Then we come to the freezer section and he says that he wants to get more vegetables because he has to cut back on grains. :duh:

@Serene - I think it is a combination of both. I try not to take too much personally because he is in a lot of pain and he did not have a good father figure and he does what he knows. But for all the lecturing he does to other people, sometimes I wish he'd take his own advice. I follow his mother's advice and have learned to pick my battles. This journal is my venting and I am sure he feels I bring as much baggage to our relationship as I do him.

And now I have added my parents into the mix -- my mom is so infuriating because she is, in general, not a very nice person to be around. I am learning that negativity is a much stronger force than being positive. When I am around her when she is in her mood, it takes me a while to shake it off. Fortunately, I am making that connection that if I eat C.R.A.P. I will feel like crap.

December 23, 2019
I exported my data from fitbit and realize that I am a bit on the chubby side from this time last year. UGH! I am on week three of that Spark People Challenge and the little changes that I am focusing on seem to be good for getting my mindset where it ought to be.

The other day, I saw hubby getting into my stash of dark chocolate and I got so upset. I think my revenge side of me took over because I then started eating his stash of potato chips. Yeah! That really hurt him. So stupid. I was doing so well these past few days. Now, I feel like I have to start over again.

It was close to 30°F these past few days, so Saturday, about an hour before sunset I grabbed my camera and headed out for the woods. I was hoping to get a pretty sunset photo. No such luck. The sky was just a grayish-blue. It was a tough walk. The road to the lake is not plowed but it is a snowmobile trail in the winter. Unfortunately, it was not hard packed yet so it took me an hour to go 2-1/2 miles. Slow walk, yet I was huffing and puffing. According to my fitbit, I burned more calories walking than I do when I am on the treadmill. (I think there is a lesson in that somewhere.)

And then yesterday, the sun was shining and again it was in the 30's but I did not want to wait until sunset. I decided to walk the snowmobile trails that went through the woods. I decided to explore off trail a bit and followed a trail where someone had followed a deer trail. I went quite the distance into the woods, but got a bit nervous when I saw the canine track over the trail . Wolf or the wild dog that lives next door (the one that attacked our dog)? Not sure, I decided to turn around and head back to the snowmobile trail. (I don't like being in the woods if I am nervous.) Then I arrived at the pavilion that is in the middle of the trails and I decided to go on the one that I have not yet explored. Man, talk about hilly -- some of those hills were so hard to get up in the snow. In other words, I got a good workout yesterday: 4.69 miles but it took me two hours and I was huffing and puffing in some areas. That snow was like walking on a sandy beach.

Yesterday, I decided to make some Forks Over Knives recipes:
Creamy Wild Rice Soup - onion, mushroom, carrot, bell pepper and wild rice; it was "creamy" or thickened with almond flour and chickpea flour
Caldo Verde - onion, potato, spinach, and beans (I added some corn to it)
Vanilla Custard - banana, maple syrup, and tahini (suppose to top with fresh fruit, but I skipped that)

All three were keepers, but the dessert was way too sweet. It could have done with less or none of the maple syrup. And it did not thicken, also I do not think the photo Forks Over Knives had was a true photo because theirs was a nice white firm looking and mine was runny and brown, but then I used way overripe bananas. But it gives me an idea for dessert next time, smash up a banana with tahini or peanut butter.

I guess I have meals made for today. I learned a new technique when making the Creamy Wild Rice soup was to add the bell pepper toward the end of the cooking. I usually saute the peppers with the onion in the beginning, but adding at the end left a bit more flavor in the bell pepper.

Well, my weight is stuck at this higher amount for now. It is going to take me some serious tweaking on what I eat to get it moving again. Yesterday, on my walk, I wore the hiking pants I bought for my "adventures" but the size was for me to be about 5 pounds less. Fortunately, it was stretching material so I was able to squeeze into them over my base layer. But, I cannot gain anymore or they won't fit in the spring.

I hope I do well with my eating today. I am frustrated (disappointed?) with hubby. Yesterday, I was telling him about my progress with the strength challenge exercises I am doing this month and how it included push-ups and I am not able to do them in what they call the "full pushup" and was needed to do them on an incline. But, I tried the full push-up and was able to do 3 of them. His response was, "When I was in the Navy and had to do them, I was able to do xx number." - He could not acknowledge my progress but had to turn the conversation to him and what he had done. Conversations are always about him and what he knows, never about anyone else. I miss they days when we had actual conversations with both of contributing.

When I went to that culinary training, one of the courses required was a communication class and we had to write a paper on the differences between how men and women communicate. Through my research for the paper, I discovered that men like to talk, but they will talk about what they know or what they accomplished and have difficulty talking about how they feel. Perhaps knowing this keeps me more tolerant of his talking all the time because that seems to fit him and his personality. Another thing that keeps me tolerant is what I read in that book "Potatoes Not Prozac" because one of her subjects that she wrote about seemed like she knew my hubby personally. But hey! we all have some type of problem, it just manifests itself in different ways. Hubby's brother tells him, "You are not okay, I am not okay, but that's okay."
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri Dec 27, 2019 10:09 am

December 27,2019

Well, the year is almost finished and I am nowhere near my goal that I had for myself at the beginning of the year. I am trying not to be too disappointed about everything. I am bummed -- so much has happened within my family and I let it get to me. But, I am slowly working my way back to having the proper mindset that I need to be successful this coming year.

I saw some youtube videos on the bullet journal - those people made them look so pretty and I am so envious of their organizational skills. I struggle with trying to stick to just one day. I have been spending time these past few days attempting to set up a bullet journal for me to follow this next year. It seems so simple. Mine won't be near as pretty and I am using the computer to set up mine and will print it out and put it in a 3-ring binder.

I am kind of excited about following it if only just to see how long it I can stick with it. One thing I am going to track is my eating according to the plan. I made some monthly charts with the 10 principles where I just need to mark off each category if I was able to follow it. If I am honest and diligent, I should be able to see a pattern what I am doing right and what I need to improve on. I still have a few things I need to set up yet. I am kind of excited and I hope to find something that I can stick do and continue. This having to start over every other day is getting old.

One of the things I got organized was my plan for some of my races. A friend asked me if I wanted to do a half marathon with her this April - I am undecided at this time, but I got my training plan all set just in case I decide to do that distance. Otherwise, I usually do the 10k distance that weekend, either way my training won't be a wasted effort. If I train for the longer distance and decide not to do that, then I might get a better time.

My eating is getting a bit better. Hubby is finally getting where he is not wanting to eat out every time we go to town. I am trying to avoid chips this week and hubby buys two bags. I asked him to keep them hidden form me so I won't get into them. As far as I can tell he is obliging me because I am not seeing them laying around in the kitchen. Occasionally he does do something nice for me.

My eating is going to be bad today - I couldn't sleep so I have been up since 3 o'clock. Just as I was going to go back to bed, hubby tells me he needs to go to urgent care because his throat is all swelled up. That was an hour and half ago and he is still sitting around - I could have taken a nap. No idea what I will eat today. I made a peanut butter sandwich when I thought I was going to be leaving, now I am not hungry for anything else.

I want to make another Caldo Verde soup, I'll use spinach instead of kale - it was so much like creamed spinach. I think I'll use less broth and make it thicker this time. Not for sure if I'll have the time or energy to do so today.

Yesterday, I did not snack, but only had 2 meals. I was just too busy to eat. I think I need to watch that because I ended up eating more than I really should have for the evening meal.
What I ate yesterday:
-Tasty Bites Vegetable Curry (had oil in it, way more than what I like)
-Salad: romaine, sweet kale mix, orange, Omega-3 nut and fruit mix
-boiled potatoes California Medley mix
For dessert I had a couple of muffins (company muffin and chocolate zucchini ) with a cup of raspberry tea
Goya Cookies

Well, time for me to get movin' - hoping I make smart choices as to what I shove in my mouth today.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Dec 28, 2019 7:05 am

December 28, 2019

Almost time to ring in the new year and I am hoping a new beginning for me. I really want to get my life more organized. I am working on setting up my bullet journal, which by the way, they say only takes 20 minutes to set up -- translate that to 20 minutes to set up if you know what you are doing. I am setting mine up with a gratitude theme.

I am choosing the gratitude theme mainly because of my mother and her negativity and I came to the realization of how one's negativity rubs off on others and has such a strong influence. I feel like I have become way to negative myself. Anyways, while looking for a cool page to add to my gratitude section of my journal I found this:

One of the things I am going to track is the 10 principles that Dr. McDougall has set up, with one change with the high fat plant foods, I am changing that to limit rather than eliminate. Only because, although I want to drop a few pounds, hubby was told to include these in his diet plan. This way I can stay focused on both our needs.

I found a copy of the Anti-Inflammatory Diet & Action Plans at Wal-mart. I flipped through the book and thought, This is totally doable for both hubby and me. The recipes looked good and the author gives 4 action plans to follow:
1. Vegan
2. Paleo
3. Mediterranean
4. Time-Saving

Hubby was instructed to follow the Mediterranean and I want to go Vegan (well really, plant based). I just wish that hubby would take the initiative to take the necessary steps he needs to for his health. One reason I want to get my act together is because I look at hubby and have to listen to his complaints and I think that he is being selfish for not taking better care of himself.

I ended up taking him to Urgent Care yesterday because he woke up with his tongue and throat all swollen. He has been fighting an ear infection for about 1 month now. The doctor said the infection was gone but there is fluid still in the ear. Referral was made for an ENT visit for him. But, they were so busy and it was first-come, first-served, it took over 3 hours and we were both hungry afterwards. So we went to Bonanza -- steakhouse type that has an all-you can eat cold and hot bar.

I made good choices starting out: spinach, steamed Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrot Mix, Corn, beets and a couple piece of fruit.
We ordered a lunch item, hubby wanted to take it home, hamburgers, but I got a baked potato with mine. I ended up eating the bun off my plate: I made a spinach tomato pickle sandwich out of it. I topped my baked potato with that steamed vegetable mix and some salsa.

I kept my appetite in check by asking for some hot water with lemon to sip on. I ended up having 3 cups of water while eating. I need to remember doing that. I ended up going to the dessert bar, and to my delight, I found that what they offered tasted nasty so I ended up not eating it. Next time I will have learned not to bother with it at all.

When we returned home, D1 and GS1 stopped by to visit, D1 is the one I have issues with and so my stress was up just a bit and I ended up shoving a couple of handfuls of marshmallows into my mouth. I really ought to learn to meditate and take deep breaths instead of seeking comfort in food. GS1 is the one that has seizures and he went to the doctor to get "wired" so they can monitor his brain activity for 72 hours.He is only 10 and is being checked for a third type of seizure now.That poor kid. It was good to visit with him (albeit he spent most of his time playing on the WII).

I still need to get my daily chore to-do list made out for my journal - if you have been following my journal you'll know I have mentioned this before. I am thinking I have put it off long enough. When hubby was away this past fall, it was so nice to get into a routine and not have to focus on anyone else and just do what I needed to do. But with hubby around, I find myself struggling to stay upbeat and to get things done. He drags me down so much and sometimes when I want to go to town for a breather, he wants to come along, then I cannot do what I want because if we stop somewhere, he will talk to anyone who will listen to him, he totally ignores me and what I need to get done. I think that is why I like to walk in the woods and go camping -- it is something he cannot do so I get my "me time".

Speaking of me time, the other day, when walking the snowmobile trails, I followed a deer trail and found a nice place for me to set up a stealth site - except for that canine track (wolf) on the trail. I cannot wait for the warmer weather and camping season to begin again. If I can follow my goals for the first quarter I am going to reward myself with a longer camping trip. I bought my mom and dad's car so I could set up the back end for sleeping in if need be. I am so excited.

One thing that the 10 principles has is to do 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise -- so that means on my rest days, I need to at least go for a walk. I use rest days as an excuse to be "lazy" and become a couch potato.

What I plan to eat today:
rye and oat blend flakes with blueberries mango (that bag hubby bought seems to be a never ending bag), apple and flaxseed

Caldo verde soup - I am going to use spinach and add extra beans and some corn to it.
company muffin

salad: romaine, spinach, sweet kale, beets and orange
leftover soup
Company muffin

I need to focus on hydration - I don't drink enough throughout the day.

Exercise - 3 mile on the treadmill.
Nancy (aka Morris)

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