bunsofaluminum's journal

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:57 pm

Dishwasher update:

I set about washing a passel of dishes by hand the other day. Got em all done, then asked my kid to come put them away (I set them in the dishwasher to dry, eh? :nod:) and looked again...the lock was OFF! woot! I have my dishwasher back, out of the blue.

Eating update:

Today, I've done excellently. Ate one bite of mincemeat pie. Everything else has been completely MWL. For dinner, I'm eating a fat free pasta dish w/veggies, with that yummy "creamy marinara" sauce over it, so that's not MWL due to the pasta. Yesterday's foods were all MWL.

I'm up two pounds from T'giving. :roll: Gonna be good for the rest of December, though. I absolutely have had ZERO snacks at all, for two days, and I plan on keeping it that way. ;-)

open mic night tonight. I've been practicing Dust in the Wind and can play it very nicely, here at home all by myself. Let one person listen in (even Bill who loves me and is rooting for me) and I get all fumble fingered...so I don't know if I want to do it for the coffee shop crowd, or not. :paranoid:

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:18 am

I'm still around. Lost the two lbs I gained after T'giving, which is good. Eating MWL meals, and "tastes" of "this and that" :roll

also, making toffee (which I do every year for family and close friends) and tasting that frequently. I'm getting it all done, only two batches left to go, and they'll be packaged up and set up on a shelf in a closet awaiting The Day. That way I won't be "tasting" toffee every day in December.

Tired of the food, at this point. tired of always having to make food, not able to stop in at McFastFood and have me something (never did that Pre McDougall, but still...)

I'll get over it. If today wasn't a busy out-and-about day, I'd make a pot of something...tired of butternut squash. Tired of rice. Tired of tomato-based soups. i'm a whiner.

I'm still going to eat this way, mind you. Just...tired of it. maybe that'll dull my appetite and I won't eat so much.

oh. Another dishwasher update. I ran it this morning and when it was finished, it was locked again. No one pushed ANYTHING, except I did push "start"... Maybe something in the wiring. ugh :( gonna have to get the landlord out here for sure. I don't mind doing dishes, but I HATE having standing water mouldering and sliming away in the useless contraption.

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby Silver » Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:30 pm

Snap out of it kiddo! Probably all of those toffee tastes!

I do know how you feel though. I get that way sometimes too. Tired of all of the planning, shopping, cooking, and washing all of those dishes. Sometimes you just want to give up. But think of how you'll feel if you don't give in, and how you'll feel if you do. Look at your weight graph - I'l love to weigh what you do now - you don't want to go back - keep moving forward. Just know that you can wait it out, that the feeling will go away, and you'll feel better if you don't give in to them.

If you absolutely have to get something while you out and about - choose as healthy as possible. Get a Subway, or Chipolate-type meal, not Cinnabon or Mrs. Fields. You know you'll be glad you did.

When you wake up tomorrow you'll probably feel different so just wait it out.
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:11 am

thanks, Silver. Your words help!

I'm still bored with the food, but not going anywhere else. I know what is good for my body, and I KNOW I want to hit my goal of 150. That graph showing my steady downward trend helps a lot, too. Shows me where I've been and keeps me trekking this way.

That said, yesterday I DID have a piece of pie :( and today my stomach is telling me about it. durr da hurr. I started with "just a taste" and ended up eating the whole piece.

I also don't feel good, physically. My knee is killing me, and I have an earache. I plan on taking it overall easy this afternoon.

The Plan

B: oatmeal w/banana and craisins cooked in YUM
L: baked potatoes, and that's all. Nothing really appeals, so...
D: something with butternut squash. Prolly soup. Maybe stew.

S: ??? baked sweet pot? spinach! :unibrow:

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby kirstykay » Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:35 am

Glad to see you're hanging in there, Buns! Good job losing those couple of pounds! Silver is right, we have to "fake it til we make it" sometimes and not let our feelings win out! I'm right there with ya! You can do it! You continue to be such an inspiration to me! You've got a great plan! Have a great day! :)
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Dec 09, 2010 8:08 am

wow, it's been awhile since i posted here. Mostly cuz I'm busy, partly because I'm still in "just a bite" and "only a taste" mode. Ticking myself off, is what I'm doing.

thing is, I'm eating MWL for my meals, but between meals, fageddaboudit. I just eat...whatever. Not between EVERY meal, but definitely a case of the munchies. Not happy with myself. The weight hovers at 180, and I know what I must do to get away from that number...yesterday's punkin pie, the day before it was popcorn. Yeah. I'm not happy with myself.


B: oatmeal w/the usual cooked in YUMMY!
L: rice w/seasoned garbanzo beans
D: baked potato bar w/broccoli, creamy marinara sauce, salsa, etc
S: hmph. baked potatoes and carrots?

I also need to hit the grocery store for oatmeal. Pretty broke right now. I may grab the instant oatmeals that a co-worker brought in. Several boxes of them. maybe they'll do in a pinch.

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Dec 13, 2010 7:54 am

Okay. Enough is enough. I've gained four pounds since Thanksgiving, all because of between-meals snacking (my meals are wonderful MWL hearty, whole grains and vegetables)

I'd been wondering what (if) I should choose as a discipline for Advent, and now I think I've got it (now that we've had three Advent Sundays...pshaw) ...anyway...my "fast" for what remains of Advent is NO SNACKS. Only meals. If I can't sit down with a plate before me, and food on the plate, and a fork or spoon in my hand, I can't eat it. No munching in the car. No tasting on my way through the kitchen at home OR at work. No sitting in my recliner chowing on ANYTHING, let alone pine nuts or pecans :roll:


And lemme tell you, folks, sugar IS addictive. I sampled some of the toffee I made last week, and have been craving the stuff ever since. Well, I'm stopping the weight gain at four pounds, and just doing this. sheesh.

I wish I'd entered the season of Advent in a more disciplined mindset. Last year was cool, with a very simple mono-diet meal plan of spinach and rice. Didn't lose any weight, but by the time Christmas Day arrived, I was ready to taste some different foods and allow myself some indulgences. How is Christmas Day special, if I eat sweets and treats through the whole month of December? How can it be celebratory if I have not denied myself to prepare?

so, at least I can prepare for two weeks. Simple MWL meals and no snacking. period. :shock: <<<stern stare

and for today, since I pigged out yesterday and went to bed feeling fat and bloated, I'm not going to eat anything until my stomach is really and truly empty...prolly by mid-afternoon. I'm certainly not hungry this morning.

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby kirstykay » Mon Dec 13, 2010 1:53 pm

Sounds like a good plan, Buns! Glad you're back! :)
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby mtns » Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:32 pm

I know snacking has been my downfall. I still have my snacks, but have changed them,I ususally have a green smoothie and popcorn or fruit. It seems to be working better for me. I used to grab a bite here and there and didn't think it mattered, but it really does. And you are so right about sugar being an addiciton. If I eat just a little bit I go back to craving it again. I did have some this last week and am working hard to stay away from it now. I think your are doing great. I am your cheerleader.
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Sat Dec 18, 2010 6:02 pm

ack! I'm here, just busy some days, and lazy some others. Not doing super well with my...hmph...commitment not to snack. Ate a piece of banana creme pie, and had McDougall's Revenge all morning long. :(

BUT! I made a giant pot of cabbage soup, and have enough ingredients to repeat that action this week. I want to be on target for the week, so the treats on Christmas Day are a treat, eh?

and I'll be back to posting more regularly here. I've been practicing my guitar like crazy and like I said, lazy. As in, vegging out in front of the TV. Reading a dopey romance. Etc.

Hanging with Bill some, but we're both busy. We're comfy with each other, and that is so sweet. It's a GOOD friendship, easy going and comfortable. We're giving in time, which is perfect. It is exactly where God wants it, and that's WONDERFUL! :nod:

haven't gained any more weight. Haven't lost any either boo.

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:35 am

Whew. For some reason, I gave myself permission to eat whatever, pretty much from Thanksgiving to Christmas. The last time I posted, I hadn't gained anything, nor lost...well, guess what. I DID gain, about 10 lbs total, and most of that packed on in the past three days.

Hm. Pecan pie'll do that, eh? And orange rolls. And buttered toast. And buttered popcorn. And caramel popcorn. And mixed nuts. All of them. (I ate so much mixed nuts, that I gave myself diarrhea. blch.) And basically anything else that wasn't moving.

the plain fact is, I made a glutton of myself for the past two weeks. Eating even though not hungry. Eating lots and lots of fatty, sweet things. Though I didn't eat any flesh, I did have foods with eggs and dairy in them...And here are my consequences:

1) IBS came back with a vengeance. It'll take a day or two of sane eating to clear THAT up.

2) ten pounds of gain. And I can definitely tell, in my belly fat. It's tighter, more dense.

3) lethargy and fuzzy brain. I could go back to bed and sleep for another two hours at this point. I could've done that yesterday, AND on Christmas Day. Sugar high for five, six days in a row, and I'm now DOWN.

4) achy knees. Achy joints all over. Headache. etc.

But today is Monday. I have a batch of Cabbage Soup in the fridge. Hot oatmeal was WONDERFUL for brekkie this morning, and I'll be taking some baked potatoes with me to munch on at work (because I do still have the munchies, and my problem eating was NOT my meals, but my between-meals all in December)...and more cabbage soup for dinner. I may just do the Cabbage Soup diet for 10 days and get this ten pounds off quickly.

Meanwhile, I proudly tossed 3/4's of a pecan pie yesterday. Asked the kids if they were going to eat any...nope? bye, pie! Will probably toss the rest of the mixed nuts, though the kids might eat those and I'm staying away from them. The very sight of them...blch...

There are still candy canes hanging on the tree which might prove to be tempting, but this morning are not AT ALL.

etc. It's MWL for me today. I'm aiming for 100% compliance for this day. One day at a time, eh?

going to spend some time planning and put in an hour or two cooking in advance so there's healthy food in the house for me to choose on a whim.

I ate foolishly, and I'm feeling it now. Learned muh lesson. I'm back to sane, McDougall eating patterns again :nod:

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:24 am

doing good. I ate sanely on Monday, and lost three lbs right away (eating the rich foods added a lot of sodium, I'm sure...plus which, I ate a LOT, and probably lost some weight just by going poo.)

It's Thursday, and I've done pretty well. Not 100% compliant, due to candy canes on the tree and Lindt chocolate truffles at work, but otherwise, I've done real good.

I'm going to make a big batch of Cabbage Soup and eat on that for 10 days. Looking at the recipe online, it's alarming how much sodium is in it. They have you using several cubes of chicken bouillon and V8 juice :shock: But that's okay. The "official" cabbage soup diet has you eating "cabbage soup plus as much meat as you want" on the third day.

I wonder what it is about diet that has people so freaky? Like eating nothing but cabbage soup for ten days is going to throw ANYONE into malnourishment or something. Sheesh. and there was a quiz in yesterday's paper about the potato guy, as if eating a mono diet of potatoes for a couple of months is going to ruin his health.

anyway. I think following a mono-diet for a couple of weeks will be good for me. Oatmeal for brekkie, and cabbage soup for lunch and dinner. :nod: we'll see what kind of weight i might lose doing that. Starting tomorrow (gotta get the ingredients in the house and make it)

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby jsl » Sat Jan 01, 2011 12:51 pm

Hey buns- just stopping in to say hi and I hope you have a great, healthy, happy new year!!

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby Silver » Sat Jan 01, 2011 8:07 pm

I snacked too from Christmas to New Years. I also threw nuts away. The rest of the stuff I packed up and gave to my mom and brother. Let's get back on track - no more high fat snacks! OK?
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:01 pm

Hi silver

thanks for dropping by! Tomorrow is the family gift exchange, and there'll be food there. I'll probably have something completely off plan. :roll: but I'll prolly fast on Monday, and get my appetite under control. It's beyond just choosing SAD snacks. I'm eating a LOT, for a lot of reasons besides hunger. I'm in "live to eat mode" and not liking it...

But I did slow down this past week, and lost three lbs, and I've been eating cabbage soup for my meals. i really opened the gate for the Feast Beast to come in and trample me...well, I can tame it, and i will. Back to normal, Monday.

I'm gonna spend time getting my game on, mentally. The plan is to read some star mcdougallers and the starch solution, etc. Just get myself in the game again. It helped, seeing a pamphlet about veganism at the coffee shop today. Reminded me that I DON'T eat stuff with animal products for a REASON...

thanks for the encouragement. I'll be back on it, for sure. It's been pretty much an out of control holiday season, but that will cease. :thumbsup:

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