Journal of my journey

Share your daily McDougall menus and/or keep a journal describing your personal progress.

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Feb 22, 2020 8:15 am

February 22, 2020 -- 2 more days and GD1 will be 18 years old -- she is on a class trip in Puerto Rico right now. I cannot believe how old I am getting. The other day we went to a Taco Bell and the cashier gave us the senior discount without us asking if they had any to offer. Yeah! I think I am starting to look my age or else my life these past years have been so rough on me that I aged faster than I ought to have.

Which brings me to the topic of eating - I need to get back on track, I am so far off the trail that I hope I do not wander around being lost for weeks before I find my way again. Sorry, I am in a mood. We went up north because we need to get the snow off the roof. OMG! I have not seen snow like that for decades. I had to hike in and I was sinking mid-thigh. I spent three hours pulling the snow off the roof and all I could think was I was so glad that I had been doing that strength routine from Woman's Running.

I barely made a dent in it and I thought that I may try out some of my cold weather camping gear and go back up there by myself for a few days and work on it slowly. I need a break from hubby's constant monologues. I don't know if it is my imagination or what, but I swear the guy cannot talk of any topic without turning the conversation to himself. Plus he repeats - heard it before.

Unfortunately, I did not eat properly yesterday and pretty much ate junk food. Mainly because there was heat or water and we had our dog with us so we couldn't stop on the way home. I think I am eating too much junk food again because it is starting to taste good to me. Plus, it is a lot of calories with little or no nutrients -- I feel like I am back to square one.

I was thinking that I was going to start again March 1, but no, I need to start today - and to be honest, I am getting tired of listening to my excuses as to why I am making poor choices.

Hubby is supposed to be on an Anti-inflammatory diet - so far he is not making a connection with food and his pain. But I bought The Anti-Inflammatory Diet and Action Plans by Dorothy Calimeriaand Sandi Bruner; on e of the action plans is vegan. I am going to look through the recipes and see if I can get inspired with what ti make. Maybe, if I can come up with a meal plan where hubby can get on board things will be easier. Years ago, we both followed a plan and we supported each other - now I have so much resentment that it is interfering with not only with my relationship with him, but my relationship with food. --

Oh, the other day, I was going through my e-books and I found a Nutri-bullet one and I thought, "Oh I should get one of those so I can make sauces for some of my vegetables and rice." I go to Wal-mart and there is a special addition of the Magic Bullet for under $20. I am curious to see what I can create.

I have no plans on what I am going to eat today, but I will start with my usual:
tri-grain flakes with riced cauliflower, blueberries, apple, shredded carrot and flaxseed

Stir-fry vegetables
Salad: lettuce, spinach, sweet kale mix, beet (and maybe a bean dressing ?)

vegetable soup
Company Muffins - (whole grain, zucchini and carrot)
apple for snacking

Let see how I do today...
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sun Feb 23, 2020 8:20 am

February 23, 2020

Man, I cannot follow my meal plan for the life of me. Breakfast was eaten as planned, lunch was what I planned for dinner, but I made a smoothie (to try out the Magic Bullet) with blueberry, riced cauliflower and spinach, instead of the muffins.

Dinner was totally off plan - I came in from a hike and a rest in the quinzee and was hungry and cold - I made fried egg sandwich and juice. Not counting the smoothie - 2 out of 3 meals eating fruits and vegetables is a start to get back on track.

After a couple days of eating junk, I feel much better this morning after a day of eating veggies and fruit again. Hubby stated he has a goal to lose weight and has a number he wants to reach by the end of March - so maybe I can get with a plan and we can both support each other in reaching our goals for the month of March.

I found some you tube videos to watch to give me some ideas for what to eat and do some meal prep. They are:
1. RainbowPlant Life
2. Pick Up Limes
3. Happy Pear
4. Avantgardevegan

My exercise yesterday was what I am calling "woods therapy" I went out and hiked the trails. There are two loops and I finally got up enough nerve to hike the northern loop. It took me long enough to do the full southern loop without being nervous about being in the woods. The description of the trails says that the trails are mostly flat - I say Liar liar pants on fire on that. I think the trails are hilly and when I walk up them, I am huffing and puffing by the time I get to the top.

Toward the end of my walk, I went off trail to what I am calling my new "happy spot" and sat for a bit to enjoy the sunshine and listen to the sounds (or lack of) the woods. Then, before I went into the house, I spent a few minutes in my quinzee and was surprised it was not as warm as I thought it would be, but that could be because I was sweaty from my hike. Plus it was dark inside. I guess now I know.

What I plan to eat today:
tri-grain flakes with blueberry, riced cauliflower, apple, carrot, flaxseed

vegetable soup
company muffin

Vegetable pad thai - I think I will use the Engine 2 recipe and the stir-fry veggies (not sure on noodle type)

This week I am focusing on no night time eating. I managed to not eat after dinner yesterday and woke up hungry. So I must have been eating before bedtime quite a bit in the past.

I am hoping to get my act together soon and can start being more positive in my journal here.
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri Feb 28, 2020 8:42 pm

February 28, 2020
Hi y'all - I am still here and it is the same ol' same ol' - I have been busy but taking time out for me when I can. I have been taking advantage of the sun and have been going on my hike in the woods - getting my "woods therapy" - I am loving walking in the woods. I have explored the trails and am recognizing where I am on the trail. I managed to get 5 miles in today. I packed a lunch and went to a spot that I am calling my "happy spot". I had the intent to pitch a tarp, but I got too sweaty on my walk and when I stopped I got too cold. So, I just ate my lunch, explored the area a bit and finished the walk home.

By the tin shed in the middle there is a hill and on the top of it someone set up a shelter -- I am going to check that out once the snow is melted - It would be a great place to sit and try to get some wildlife photos -- unless of course, it is someone's home. Then I'd be intruding.

I think I like being out there because it is so quiet - today, I startled some squirrels and scared away a couple of deer. I have not seen any tracks that I feel I need to be leary of such as bear, wolf and/or bobcat. I think I may contact the DNR (department of natural resources) people and ask them when they think the bears will be out and about and if they know of any in the woods where i walk. I know there are bears here, because we have had them in the yard and I have seen them in the woods.

My sister mentioned that she told some one of my plan to help her do a $30 week meal plan - I have been working on that for her. I am curious to see if I can come up with meals her family will enjoy. Her hubby was told he needs to lose weight so he thinks he cannot eat carbs. She told me that he ate, at one sitting, 5 eggs, 1/2 stick of butter, and some sausage -- Since he thinks he cannot eat carbs, I am thinking he ain't gonna like my meal plan.

I am looking forward to getting my act together and eat according to the plan again. I do okay until the sun goes down. I am guessing that may be because I am not eating enough earlier in the day. I have done it before and I can do it again.

I found my ipod touch and am using the Jeff Galloway app to help me train for the half marathon in April. I found my Cher playlist and have been listening to my of my "power" songs: You haven't Seen the Last of Me

Feeling broken
Barely holding on
But there's just something so strong
Somewhere inside me
And I am down but I'll get up again
Don't count me out just yet

I've been brought down to my knees
And I've been pushed way past the point of breaking
But I can take it
I'll be back
Back on my feet
This is far from over
You haven't seen the last of me
You haven't seen the last of me

They can say that
I won't stay around
But I'm gonna stand my ground
You're not gonna stop me
You don't know me
You don't know who I am
Don't count me out so fast

I've been brought down to my knees
And I've been pushed way past the point of breaking
But I can take it
I'll be back
Back on my feet
This is far from over
You haven't seen the last of me

There will be no fade out
This is not the end
I'm down now
But I'll be standing tall again
Times are hard but
I was built tough
I'm gonna show you all what I'm made of

I've been brought down to my knees
And I've been pushed way past the point of breaking
But I can take it
I'll be back
Back on my feet
This is far from over
I am far from over

You haven't seen the last of me
No no
I'm not going nowhere
I'm staying right here
Oh no
You won't see me begging
I'm not taking my bow
Can't stop me
It's not the end
You haven't seen the last of me
Oh no
You haven't seen the last of me
You haven't seen the last of me

Songwriters: DIANE WARREN
© Realsongs
For non-commercial use only.
Data From: LyricFind
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Wed Mar 04, 2020 8:52 am

March 4, 2020

I had to go to town yesterday to take my mom for her blood draw - she has Factor V Leiden and is on blood thinner and needs to have it monitored. She has the double gene, and has had bad clots in the past. I carry one gene for it. After that, we (my mom and sister and I) visited with my dad for a bit. Overall, we had a good visit. I felt bad for my dad though because my mom only stayed a short while then left so she could go play bingo with her group at the apartments. 64 years of marriage and they cannot stay together -- so sad.

I am working on a $30.00 meal plan for my sister and we went over my price book and cost sheet that I created with the Dollar Tree items to create a menu. I couldn't convince her to go Starch Solution, she said her husband and son would not go for it. So, to accommodate their eating style, we agreed to go for the dollar amount for the meals.

I started to do a rough estimate of cost of meals and recognize I have a challenge on my hands; mainly because of eating style versus type of ingredients. She wanted a couple hamburger dishes, I did convince to to do a mixture of ground beef with lentils and mushrooms.

I did find it funny when she said they eat pizza and said that her husband prefers the "garbage" pizzas: topped with bell peppers and onions rather than pepperoni or sausage. What we eat is so subjective!

I am going to work on a $30.00 weekly plan for hubby and me. But, I am finding that adding in the fresh produce is challenging to keep the price per meal down. I have an AeroGarden and I am going to go look for pods to grow lettuces -- grow your own = the best way to save $$.

Right down I am working on my price and cost sheet using Walmart prices for the items I usually buy, then I will do a Costco and Aldi. I actually have a program where I can add the stores and prices and item conversions. I am looking forward to getting this all set up -- then I'll have to key in the recipes. But once the back-end work is finished, meal planning should be easy peasy.

Oh, did I mention that at my local Dollar Trees I found corn tortilla with NO added oil? There is rice, (albeit white,) brown lentils, black beans, pinto beans, frozen vegetables (Broccoli, cauliflower, pepper and onion mix) and frozen fruits. Very possible to come up with some meal plans just using the Dollar Tree items.

Well, coffee time is over and time for me to get moving ...
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Thu Mar 05, 2020 9:18 am

March 5, 2020

I am going through the Beck Diet Solution again! Let's see how far I get this time. So far it is day five: East Slowly and Mindfully ~~ I love doing this exercise whenever I eat, especially if I am eating by myself. I can really pay attention to the food when I take my time and chew, chew, and chew. And, sometimes when I am eating my salad, I am always amazed at the sweetness of some of the veggies I add. Lately, we have been adding beets instead of tomatoes and beets have such an earthy flavor.

But this exercise is so hard for me to do when hubby is sitting across the table from me - he is a talker and does not like to have silence if there is another person around. Or else he just likes the sound of his voice. I don't know what it is, but often I just want to scream at him, "Will you just shut up!!" If we were having a conversation, you know where two people exchange ideas and build on what the other person is saying, it would be different. Instead, I have to listen to his monologue about whatever is on his mind at the moment.

The other day, we went to farm where they produce honey --animal product I know, but it is a lot better than sugar. Plus it is local and so it is made from local pollen - I have no issues with having a spoonful of honey in my tea. Anyways, hubby is talking to the guy about one of his former jobs and how wonderful he was at it. I am thinking, "How did the conversation turn to this topic?" Then, yesterday I come in from my "woods therapy" ~a 6 mile hike in the woods~ and I hear him talking on the phone and he is telling the same story.

I guess I get so frustrated with his way of talking because a couple years ago, when I finished a race and I was feeling so good about how I ran and when I returned home I excitedly told him how it went. Instead of a congratulations, he started telling me about he used to run and the time he ran so well.....I think that is when I started to tune him out (it is always about him and what he knows and/or what he did). No, not true. One time, we had to go to town and once we got in the car he started on something that I have no interest in and no idea about it and I don't even care to know. He went on with his monologue about it and I was 15 miles down the road when I realized he was still talking about it and I did not hear a word of what he was saying because I wasn't listening. The saddest thing is that he did not even notice I wasn't listening but he kept on talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking...

All that to say today is Day 5 of the Beck Diet Solution and the task for today is to eat slowly and mindfully ~~if we eat together it is going to be a struggle for me to do. Send me positive thoughts to distract me :lol:

GD1 visits today! She comes and spends the night with us every Thursday. She just turned 18 years. I am so glad that she is comfortable enough to spend time with us on a weekly basis. She stays with a friend a couple times a week instead of going home. She is not home very much - I am glad for that because D1 and SIL have a lot of issues and I am sure GD1 senses the tension. But she likes tacos - the other day I found some oil-free corn tortillas at the Dollar Tree and I am going to make some Sweet Potato Black Bean enchiladas (not quite tacos), but close.

My weight is up again -- This is the worst I have been in a long time and I cannot seem to get a grip on my emotions and keep eating junk. I do my woods therapy and feel better until I come back home and then frustration starts. I am not a talker and I am beginning to think I am not a listener either ~~ I am getting frustrated with myself. I like the woods because I can just sit and listen to the sounds of nature and when I get to my "happy" spot ( I found a place off trail) I just sit and watch the clouds go by. Any benefit I get from that is usually lost when I get home because I am not allowed time to process it because if I sit down, hubby is right there yapping at me. I cannot even read a book because as soon as I sit down - there he is... Until he learns to respect my space - I do not see this getting any better - so I just say, "I am going to do my woods therapy." This year I am hoping to set up some bushcraft type shelters on our property where I can go and disappear for a while. But if not, I at least have my shelter at the top of the sliding hill. It is just that in the woods, I know there are bears roaming around and possibly coyotes. But, to be honest, I am more fearful of our neighbor's dog -- the one that attacked our dog.

Anyways, now that I vented. What I plan to eat today:
riced cauliflower, tri-grain oats, blueberry, apple, banana, and flaxseed -- and I wonder why my weight is up - that is a lot of food -- but it sticks with me for hours.

Sweet Potato Black Beans Spinach Enchilada with a Spanish/Mexican style rice
Salad - lettuce, beet ? out of most other salad stuff - so ?

Snack: carrot and celery stick with hummus
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri Mar 06, 2020 1:47 pm

March 6, 2020

I seriously cannot stick to a menu if my life depended on it -- I can type my plan here, write it down elsewhere or print it out; and by the time I get to the kitchen I have already formed another menu plan. I guess my life has too many variables. But, yesterday was not too bad - instead of my planned tri-grain mix that I usually have, I had some leftover potato soup with beans and kale. I used some dehydrated Kale that my mom gave me and she had crushed it into a jar. I did not take that volume into consideration and put way too much in -- it tasted and smelt like hay - not that I know what hay taste like, but that is what it reminded me of.

I did make the sweet potato black bean enchilada type dish for dinner. I definitely need to learn how to make that - my sauce was way too think - I used tomato sauce and blended some sauteed onion, carrot, celery and orange pepper. I added some water, but it could have used more. And I learned I have no talent for rolling corn tortillas. I should have made it layered instead of rolled. However, GD1 packed some for her lunch today, so it couldn't have been too much of a flub.

Hubby had an appointment in town and wanted to stop at the bakery - positive and negative for me - I avoided the deep fried donuts, but gave in to the white bread dinner rolls. Another positive is that it tasted stale or like they came out of the freezer - the old owners would do that, bake a batch and freeze some for later sale. So, since my task for the Beck Diet solution was to eat slowly and mindfully, I found out that they did not taste as good as my memory that I had for them.

I need to get back on track - My joints are getting achy and I want to get back into racing again. GD1 is still planning on doing that half marathon with me at the end of April. I want to drop some weight so the run and recovery will be easier on me. That race may be the last one I will have an opportunity to do with my granddaughter.

Today. I had:
blueberries, riced cauliflower, banana, apple and sweet potato - YUM!
dinner rolls - too many and I added butter

no idea what I will have later on today - I am craving a salad and broccoli --

Well, posting late today. I am trying to get spreadsheets ready for cost per meal/serving and am busy adding in all my information on yields and pricing. I am so looking forward to actually being organized some day soon. Fingers crossed.

Yesterday, I exercised one hour - half on the tread mill and the other half on the recumbent bike. It is sunny today and I want to get out into the woods -- We are going to take our dog to the shelter today to meet a potential sister for her. We have one on hold. I think hubby wants me to have one more than I do for my time in the woods.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sun Mar 08, 2020 8:44 am

March 8, 2020

I am feeling bleh! this morning. I am bloated - I had been eating a lot of bread and I think I am holding onto water. I am going to have a cup of tea today - roasted dandelion root later on. That is one weird tasting tea, I have not decided if I like it or not. One year, our yards were full of dandelions and we just let them go. Then, on the year we decided that we'd harvest them, no dandelions grew, I haven't seen them since. Our yard must have got overtaken by another 'weed'.

Today is day 8 of the Beck Diet Solution - Create Time and Energy -- it is about prioritizing my time and schedule in my meal planning, prepping, even to include time for eating slowly and mindfully. I wish! I have been struggling with this for years now. I don't know why I cannot seem to do this. I have even done meal prep sessions and I still could not seem to get with my plan. But, I am going to try it again because I believe that eventually I will get my act together and be able to plan accordingly.

Part of my problem with doing this is hubby - we have two different eating styles. I have tried to adjust what I make to fit how his doctors recommended, but why? He is making no effort to do so. I guess I see myself so much in his actions that it irritates me. You know the saying, "Be careful when you point your finger and accuse someone, you have three fingers pointing at yourself". Or you see all your faults in others. Anyways, I think you get where I am going with this.

I have been struggling to get organized with this for 3 years now and I am running out of excuses and those that I do come up are sounding weak and lame now. I am going to attempt to get my meal ideas from Jeff Novick's simple meals, Engine 2's Easy meals, a have a list of simple and inexpensive meals that I copied from somewhere. So, I will not be short of ideas as to what to eat.

Yesterday, I had to do laundry and since we shut off the water in our cabin, where our washer and dryer are, until spring thaw, I have to go to town. So, while I was in town I went to a state park and walked the trails there. I managed to get 3 miles in. There is still lots of snow on the ground and my shoes and pant legs ended up being soak. I rolled my pant legs up, but they must have unrolled. But it was still a pleasant walk -- first walk of this year that I did NOT need to wear my gloves, WhoooHoo! Spring is coming.

The road I usually do my running on is slowly turning to mud - I cannot wait til I can get out there and run. The treadmill gets so boring, but I need to remember that, in the past, running on the treadmill helps me with my pacing. D1 called yesterday to see if I was going to do a race in a town that is close to where they live ~ I have never done that race, although I usually look at entering every year. It is during that iffy time of the year where you never know what the weather will be - and I am a wimp in running in the cold.

UGGGH!! Just looked at the clock on my computer - Daylight Savings time -- I already lost an hour. I need to get my rear in gear.

What I plan to eat today:
riced cauliflower, tri-grain oats, blueberries, apple, flaxseed

Salad - iceberg mix, mixed vegetables,
unfried rice with vegetables

snack - carrot and celery stick with hummus
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Wed Mar 11, 2020 10:02 am

March 11, 2020

Today is a sad day, it is a funeral service for my nephew, he suffered from depression and I think you know what I mean without me actually saying it. And then a short while ago, we had an incident with my dad ~~ and I deal with hubby's issues on a daily basis. I am going to reread that book Potatoes Not Prozac, because what we eat can and does make a difference in our emotional health.

I know somewhere in my old computer files I have a mood/food journal where you record your mood before and after each meal. So it is not too far-fetched to think you can feel better by what you put into your mouth. I am not too good at expressing my emotions ~ I am around too many people where it is like walking on egg shells around them, they get offended too easy and blow up over the littlest thing. I cannot deal with that type of stress anymore, so I say nothing and depending on the weather, my latest response has been, "I am going to do my "woods" therapy.

Today is day 11 of my rereading the Beck Diet Solution - Differentiate Between Hunger, Desire and Cravings. These next couple of days will get me to focus on how I am feeling before, during and after I eat. In the past, these exercise almost had me becoming obsessed about food, that is thinking about my stomach and food. I am hoping to approach it in a more realistic manner this time around. But, these exercises are all about cognitive behavior changes and past experience tells me I need to work on this area to master it.

Yesterday, on the Engine 2 Rescue facebook group, someone posted a photo of a sweet potato bowl - :!: Inspiration - I made some quinoa, sweet potato, black beans and corn, and Brussels sprouts. Lots of colors were on that plate: white, orange, black and yellow, and green. It looked and tasted good. Even hubby, who likes to have sauces on everything, said it tasted so good. Minimal seasoning also, I only seasoned the black beans and corn.

Hubby is working on losing weight and has set a goal for March 31st -- I am going to take advantage of this and start incorporating how I want to eat and not focus so much on what he wants. I have tried to avoid it in the past because if I did too many days in a row, he would always want to go out to eat (But then going to town is a trigger for him because he likes meaty, fatty fried foods. Often he won't eat before we leave and then wants to go out to eat.

He says he is down 5 pounds. It may be because he is not wanting to go out to eat. Maybe he will connect the dots and realize that going out to eat in restaurants is hazardous to one's weight loss goals.

I need to work on portion control and focus on when I am satisfied before I get stuffed. For me, being stuffed is my satisfaction. One thing in doing the Beck Diet Solution is that I remind myself that it is okay to be hungry for a short time and I don't have to stuff my face as often as I do.

Day 15 in the BDS is when to start my eating plan -- I hope I can do it this time around. I am on the verge of feeling like a failure because I cannot seem to get with a planned meal plan. With hubby wanting to lose weight, I am hoping to get a good start with it. Yesterday was a practice run - so to speak -- and he enjoyed it. Keeping my fingers crossed.

I am working on my price book for making my meal plan, I have a software program that I used when my sister and I were into freezer cooking and it allows me to enter pricing for different stores and then calculates the cost of shopping for where the best deal is. I am working on that. When I was in that culinary program, I had most of the information already entered. That was 10 years ago -- so I can see how the prices have changed. this should be interesting.

My exercise goal - to do the Amerithon Challenge this year, I need to do a little under 10 miles a day, to do my virtual trek across America and, to give myself credit, so far I am on track. So, (talking to myself here), I can stick with a plan. I am at day 70 and only need to do less than 3 miles to be on track. Getting on the recumbent bike and pedal while I watch my videos makes it easy to catch up if I get behind.

What I am going to eat today:
spinach, orange, banana, blueberries, riced cauliflower, tri-grain oats and flaxseed

?? - not sure what the rest of day will be like because of doctor appointment for hubby and funeral.
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Ltldogg » Wed Mar 11, 2020 10:40 am

Hi Nancy,

I'm sorry to hear about your bad day. Eating the right food will definitely make a difference and The McDougall Program is the program to follow. This brings me to the question of why are you following the Beck Diet Solution or even The Engine 2 Diet group on Facebook? Both of those programs differ from The McDougall Program and these differences can have a big impact on your success.

I challenge and encourage you to start and stay with The McDougall Program. The devil is in the details and if you follow the program consistently and over time you will see healthy results. Mixing programs is a bad idea and breaks the science behind this program.

I've looked through past pages of your journal and can clearly see where you are not following the program as outlined. Again, I encourage you to follow the program, which is outlined as such here: ... l-program/

I'm not trying to make a bad day worse; quite the opposite, I want you to be healthy and happy and know that The McDougall Program leads to both.

I hope you take this post as being helpful. Motivation is the key. If you want to be healthy you have to do healthy. Don't allow yourself excuses to eat bad food. Strive for perfection, even though unattainable; that way you don't allow the excuses and bad food in. Be prepared, set yourself up for success and don't let failure be an option. You have the power and control yourself to control your food and your health. Use that and know that you can and will be both healthy and happy!

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Mar 14, 2020 9:33 am

March 14, 2020

Doing my tasks for the Beck Diet Solution (which is cognitive behavior not food related) these past few days have been very helpful for me to get my mind where it needs to be for this way of eating, again! I cannot believe it has taken me so long to get out of this slump, this past year has been difficult emotionally for me.

Somewhere in my youtube feed, I came across Plantiful Kiki's videos and she as a playlist on the the Starch Solution Maximum Weight Loss what I ate in a day series. Great ideas and I have already incorporated some of her meals into my daily plan. I did batch cooking of some potatoes and sweet potatoes. I love how at the end she says, "Make it about health and not the skinny."

Yesterday, I woke up and just had the attitude of "I can do this!" and I am ready to get with my plan. I asked hubby if he wanted to jump on board with me and he said he cannot give up meat - well, he can cook that for himself, I need to do what is right for me. So, I watched the playlist and jotted down the recipes ideas. My biggest take away from her was the visuals of the plates --and serving yourself correctly. But, what she said about going back for seconds was to keep the plate in mind and to use the same ratio on that second plate as the first. :!: "always eat the veggies first and to be sure to include them on the next plates should you need more food. It was a lesson in calorie density - eat the lower calorie dense foods first to fill you up.

Here's her link if you are interested:

I am working on dealing with the triggers (food and location) and learning to quiet that voice inside my head that tells me I just gotta have ________. Opportunity arose to put it into practice yesterday, and I sighed and told myself, "That's not food." and moved on. And, I survived! Go figure!

What I am planning on eating today:
tri-grain oats, riced cauliflower with apple and berries

Sweet Potato Squash Curried Soup
red rice

potatoes and green beans (maybe a bean based sauce to add onto it)

carrot and celery sticks


Exercise: Some running on treadmill, 1/2 hour on recumbent bike followed by stretching.
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Mar 14, 2020 9:39 am

Oh, I forgot to say "Thanks, Scott." Your post sort of jumped started my new attitude. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement and support. I needed that. I am surrounded by so many people that drag me down and sometimes it is so hard to pull myself up again. oh, and I am rereading the Starch Solution so I can go in the proper direction.
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Ltldogg » Sat Mar 14, 2020 11:59 am

Morris wrote:Oh, I forgot to say "Thanks, Scott." Your post sort of jumped started my new attitude. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement and support. I needed that. I am surrounded by so many people that drag me down and sometimes it is so hard to pull myself up again. oh, and I am rereading the Starch Solution so I can go in the proper direction.

You're welcome! Be stronger than anything and anyone around you and you will succeed at not only being healthy, but other areas of your life as well! You have that control in yourself :)
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Thu Mar 19, 2020 8:01 am

March 19 2020

Hope everyone is doing well through this all. We have decided to have 2 of our grandchildren here fulltime. D2 (works in a nursing home) and her SO (works night shift) and with no school, they need some one to watch GS2(age 8) and GD2 (age 4). And this grandma is not used to the constant movement and chatter. At least we are in the country with some acreage, so hopefully once the weather warms and dries up we can get outside for some "Let's wear off some excess energy". GS2 will be getting a chromebook for school work - so at least that will help a bit with keeping them busy.

These 2 are used to SAD diet and I have to try to find wfpb meals that they will eat and enjoy ~~ emphasis on the enjoy part. I was just starting to get my act together and now I feel like I am back to square one. Today, I am going to dehydrate spinach, to extend life and then I'll be able to add greens to what I am making (sneak it in for the grandkids).

I most likely won't be posting for a bit, these 2 are early risers and I don't have my coffee time, hence no computer time. (Hubby is up early this morning so he can entertain them.)

Oh, did I mention that I turned that Sweet Potato Squash Soup into a Lasagna - used that as the sauce and added a can of diced tomatoes - Oh, so good. I need to tweak the recipe a bit but it was definitely a keeper. I made some spinach quinoa rolls with extra noodles.
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby deweyswakms » Thu Mar 19, 2020 8:28 am

Morris wrote:March 19 2020

Hope everyone is doing well through this all. We have decided to have 2 of our grandchildren here fulltime.

Taking care of young ones is exhausting! They have so much energy. There are so many online free things now that might help to keep them entertained. I saw that Disney has virtual rides. ... rld-rides/

Good luck with the food!

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Lyndzie » Thu Mar 19, 2020 7:47 pm

Good luck with the littles! My kids are feasting on Jeff’s chubby chips these days, and going through an extraordinary amount of ketchup in the process. Might appeal to other kids who aren’t regular WFPB eaters.

Also, if you need a moment of peace in the afternoons, Mo Willems is doing a daily art show through the Kennedy Center. New episodes go up at 1pm EST, so you could jump in with the next installment tomorrow, or find the past four episodes on youtube. It’s given me a few moments of peace this week, and I’ve greatly appreciated it!
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