Journal of my journey

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Mar 21, 2020 8:23 am

March 21, 2020
Hanging in there with two of the grandchildren - man, they are busy, busy, busy. D1 brought their school work, but this next week is spring break. So, we will pretend school is in session for wake-up time and get them used to doing academic activities while at grandma and grandpa's house -- Big adjustment. So far, both our daughters are well.

Meals are a struggle - hard to find that fine line between SAD and starch based ~ but at least half their meals are starch based.

Shredded potatoes
potato wedges

Trying to find creative ways to get them to enjoy what they are eating.
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Mar 28, 2020 8:37 am

March 28, 2020
Just checking in - our state now has the stay at home orders. 2 weeks with the 2 youngest grandchildren and still working on foods they weill eat. They are used to processed foods, but seem to at least eat what I serve them. I am not 100% McDougall, but aiming for at least 75-80%.

The kids like rice - so I am looking for different recipes for that. D2 and her SO stop by about once a week to see the kids - all are adjusting just fine -- so far. Now with the stay at home order and being "told" to stay home, hoping I don't go stir-crazy.

Haven't got my exercise in as much as I would like, but am going daily walks with the kids: searching for bigfoot. Found X's in the woods and lots of bent branches. GS2 is getting into it and created "footprints". But the reality is the wolf prints are truly scary. Have yet to see the bear prints - not sure if they are awake and moving yet. Trails are now closed to motorized vehicles ->translate that to muddy. At least walking is allowed and we live out in the country so meeting people while out is unlikely.

Next week is online school --- looks like I am going to be forced to getting a routine. May be a good thing for me once the grandcholdren can go home.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Tue Mar 31, 2020 6:50 am

March 31, 2020
Man, this is tough having the grandchildren here. I am glad hubby is helping a bit. The snow is melting (translate I need to do yard work now - reke the leaves before the grass starts growing. Problem is that where I compost my leaves still has snow on the ground.So, Iam just raking piles in the yard. Now, I have 2 yards to maintain. Solo time for me and at least I am outdoors.

THe other day, I took the kids for a walk and we stopped at a hill. They wanted to climb it, so I let them . I climbed up the hill and lo and behold! I found me a "happy spot" in the woods. I took my clippers and rake and cleared out a spot for me to sit.

GD2 does not like spinach - too bad I found a great "creamed" spinach recipe from clean food dirty girl's website - it uses corn in the sauce - who would have thought. The recipe had it served over a baked sweet potato. Iboiled mine and thought it was a weird contrast of flavors.

Made some squash soup, but added too much ginger - too hot for every one else's tastes - so looks like I'll be eating squash soup with corn and sweet potato for a couple of meals - unless I use it as a sauce over whiole grain pasta.
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:56 pm

Morris wrote:March 31, 2020
Man, this is tough having the grandchildren here. I am glad hubby is helping a bit. The snow is melting (translate I need to do yard work now - reke the leaves before the grass starts growing. Problem is that where I compost my leaves still has snow on the ground.So, Iam just raking piles in the yard. Now, I have 2 yards to maintain. Solo time for me and at least I am outdoors.

THe other day, I took the kids for a walk and we stopped at a hill. They wanted to climb it, so I let them . I climbed up the hill and lo and behold! I found me a "happy spot" in the woods. I took my clippers and rake and cleared out a spot for me to sit.

GD2 does not like spinach - too bad I found a great "creamed" spinach recipe from clean food dirty girl's website - it uses corn in the sauce - who would have thought. The recipe had it served over a baked sweet potato. Iboiled mine and thought it was a weird contrast of flavors.

Made some squash soup, but added too much ginger - too hot for every one else's tastes - so looks like I'll be eating squash soup with corn and sweet potato for a couple of meals - unless I use it as a sauce over whiole grain pasta.

Do you have a recipe for the squash soup? I'd love to give it a try.

Oh, good going, finding you a quiet sitting spot in the woods :) Love sitting quiet, alone, outdoors

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon Apr 06, 2020 6:01 am

April 6, 2020
Man, this is hard have 2 of the grandchildren here 24/7, plus having to do homeschooling and yard work on top if it all. It has been 3 weeks now, GD2 has a prescriotion and D2 brought over a new bottle and we noticed that the wrong pill was given. So, we called D2 and we got an attitude. After all, we are doing for her, she gives us an attitude because she has to take care of this. We are keeping the grandchildren because the 2 of them are still working (they work nights and need to sleep during the day) and she acted like it was our fault that the pharmacy gave the wrong pill. No gratitude whatsoever.!

On the lighter side, we have some large windows and the birds are flying into them. To let the birds know there is glass there, I made some note cards with motivational saying on them and posted them on hte window: Start each day with a grateful heart, Be KInd, Be Strong, Belive, Dream Big, Count your blessings, etc. I come in from doing some yard work and the kids added a few more, GS2 added: Have a peaceful life, and Be Calm and relax. --- words of wisdom from an 8 year old

In response to the soup recipe: I really do not use a recipe but here are the ingredients:
1 small onion, chopped
1 carrot, sliced
2 celery, sliced
Water saute until soft,;
2 teaspoons minced garlic
2 cups cubed winter squash
1 apple, cored,peeled and cubed
To make it creamy - sometimes I add a potato or will add in some cashew/coconut milk at the end
curry powder, ginger, turmeric, cumin, sumac powder are seasoning I use.

Still working on meal plan with foods the kids will eat - making a lot of hubby style meals. It seems like I am cooking all day long: breakfast , lunch and dinner. I made some buckwheat whole wheat pancakes (ground the grain myself). For a quick meal for me, I made some Lentilogna - made from red lentils, tomato sauce, and spices - Second batch, I added some pickling spice and made me a makeshift Rueben by toasting my sprouted grain no-oil bread and adding some sauerkraut,.

Week 2 of homeschooling - so most likely I won't be posting much -stay healthy!

2 tsp better than boullion
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby SilverDollar123 » Wed Apr 15, 2020 7:09 pm

Hope you are ok,missing you. RAS
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Thu Apr 16, 2020 6:45 am

April 16, 2020

Checking in - I don't have my normal "quiet" time with my coffee with the grandchildren here. No matter how early I get up, they seem to hear me and get up with me; that means not much computer time.

Still trying to stay with the starch solution - it is hard with the grandchildren here because they are SAD eaters, trying to find what they like that is compliant with the program. Unfortunately, I am not having a lot of success. I want to make sure they get enough calories that do not come from processed foods.They like rice and pancakes. So, I am grinding my own wheat berries/rye to make whole grain pancakes and making rice quite often. I am bummed that other than french fries they do not like potatoes (my go-to starch)

I cleaned out the pantry to see what I had and I found a bag of black-eyed peas. So, I made:

I left out the cayenne and the hot sauce, but unfortunately I grabbed a can of tomatoes with chilies in it. Too spicy for everyone but me. So, I packaged up single serving with rice and froze some for my future meals. That recipe is definitely a keeper for me - first time I ever tried black-eyed peas. Different flavor than the other beans I usually eat. I am definitely going to buy more if I find some.

Our state has extended the stay at home order - May 13. I am guessing that hubby and I will most likely finish the home schooling for the kids. So, that means no peace and quiet for a while. GS2 is diagnosed with ADD and GD2 is just as hyper. Busy, busy, busy -- we found a hill in the woods they like to run up and down. Plus on top of the hill is a nice spot for me to sit. I cleared it out. When the weather warms up, the kids and I are going to have a picnic there.

We did go for a picnic the other day, we drove around some lakes looking for an area to pull over - only found a boat landing. I take the kids on walks looking for signs of bigfoot - see a lot of trees that have fallen into an X -- as we were eating our lunch GD2 calls out, "Grandma, humans are coming." as she sees some people walking down to the lake.

I have been managing to get out and do some yard work - one of my projects is to clear a path around our property for my get-away if I need to. I must really like being out there because hours pass by and it seems like minutes. Lots of brush needs to be cleared so I can use my mower. I am 3/4 finished. We are going to make some "bushcraft" sites. I wanted to have a clear path in the event I need to make a quick get-away (think bears or neighbor's dog here).

Not sure if the bears are awake yet, but the other day while out for a walk with the kids, we heard a growl in the woods. Did not see what made the noise and because I had the kids with me, I called hubby to come and get us. Practice run-- I'd be mauled if I had to wait for him to get me. Good to know. I am now carry a big stick with me when I go out. I carry pepper spray, but I think I'll up grade to a can of bear spray if I can find some when and if the stores open up again.

Other than hubby, who has had a cough since Dec, we seem to be healthy. I'll check in occasionally and give up dates.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon Apr 20, 2020 6:31 am

April 20, 2020

3 weeks of homeschooling are finished. Our state's stay at home order has been extended until May 13 - we listened to a video by the elementary school principal and he stated 3 weeks done and 6 more to go. Okay, that is longer than the stay at home order - assuming that school won't be resumed this academic year. I have stated that once homeschooling is over - I am sending the kids back -- hoping the virus count for our state will be on the downslide soon. I am only checking our state, but heard it is going down in other states.

Too be honest, I think we had our round of this virus before - back in the end of Feb and beginning of March, hubby was sick and was having trouble breathing - he went to urgent care and found out he also had a fever -- his doctor checked him for two strains of flu, but laughed when hubby asked if he was going to test for the Covid-19 --- testing was not happening at that time.

I am going to honest, but my way of eating is so far off plan with the grandchildren here. I am struggling to find things they like. I prefer potatoes for my starch, but they do not like them much. They do like rice, so I am thinking I may need to switch my starch to that. We need to use our stash of vegetables that we have in the freezer, most of which when I serve them I hear, "I don't like..."

Hubby is helping as best he can and it is a real struggle for him because of his pain and the kids are loud and active -- I am managing to get some of my yard work done -- we are having "tiller guy" come to till our gardens this week -- we are going to plant the greens and root vegetables early this year. Going grocery shopping has me concerned because the shelves are empty or not stocked fully. Never in my life would I have thought I would grab a package of toilet paper on each grocery run. Panic much? With two extra people in the house, it is an essential to have on hand just in case.

I have 5 pounds of yellow and 4 pounds of sweet potatoes to figure out what to make that the kids will like. GS2 says he does not like potatoes and I can tell he is only eating them because we make him eat them. Well, I am off to check the recipe files.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Tue Apr 21, 2020 6:55 am

April 21, 2020

Slept late this morning, meaning the kids were up before me - that means noise, noise and more noise.

Yesterday, I had my usual riced cauliflower, tri-grain flakes, blueberries, cranberries and banana -- it was good and I felt like I was getting back on track again.

I tried this recipe:

I used half the tomatoes and doubled the sweet potato -- not a kid friendly meal. Hubby said it was good, for me it was okay - I'll be eating the leftovers today and tomorrow. I'll admit that using peanut butter in sauces is a weird idea to me and the jury is still out as to whether I like it. As we say in MInnesota, "It's different."

Yesterday was a no energy day - it was a struggle to do anything. Even the preschool lessons wore me out -- ha! I think it was hard because of that video by the principal of the school -- 6 more weeks to go for distance learning. I cannot see my daughter and her SO doing the homeschooling. They both work nights and sleep during the day and then to put homeschooling into the mix. I think the kids are better off here even if it puts a kink in our routine. I have done distance learning and it is a lot harder than going to a physical classroom. It takes a lot more discipline.

Both hubby and I need to get back on track with our eating. I need to get back to my exercising -- I miss walking in the woods alone and when I went for a run the other day, it was rough -- like I am starting over. I let too long of a time go by without running.

I am going to try the bean and corn soup after I finish the sweet potato stew. I may make a corn chowder, when I made a potato chowder, (I added corn), GS2 said he'd like it if there were no potatoes in it.

Tiller guy comes to till the gardens tomorrow. I am hoping that we will be able to find some seed -- we ordered some online a couple weeks ago and just got an email they are out of seed and do not know when they will get more. It is looking like the rumors may be true: tough times coming.

I have not weighed myself for quite some time now -- I gained weight and do not really want to know how much. As long as I am still squeezing into my jeans I am assuming it is manageable. I have discovered the 432 HZ music for stress relief and it does seem to help calm me - and then I take the headphones off and real life slaps me in the face.

Well, time to start my day....
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sun Apr 26, 2020 8:16 am

April 26, 2020
We are entering week 6 of having the grandchildren here with us. D2 and SO have stopped by just a couple of times. I have lots of yard work to get done, get my trail around the property cleared, and start thinking of planting the garden. Plus, hubby invites his friend down to stay at the cabin, which is a disaster from when we moved because I decided to declutter. When I declutter, I dump everything out and sort - well, everything is still in the dump it out stage.

I want to focus on the yard and trail - the trail especially because I have been sneaking away and going out there and sit on a log and just listen to nature for a few minutes. It seem like it was so long ago since I had quiet. These kids are noisy - the little one screams for fun. GS2 often gets hangry -- angry when hungry.

My eating is so far off plan -- I got an email that the starch solution course is free for this time period -- Since the kids got here I have not had time to open my book - so many listening to the lectures will help me.

I am going to start making the MWL recipes and hope the kids will like what I chose -- I need to find desserts to make because that is a good motivator to get them to eat what is set before them. But, then, some recipes I tried I don't blame them for not eating. HA!

Well, time for time for me to get moving...
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby SilverDollar123 » Sun Apr 26, 2020 9:58 am

Do miss you,but understand,having the kids is a different kind of living; one that you are not use to..or the kids.
Keep going to your "Sweet Spot" to refresh you! :nod:
Think & pray for you daily. This too is making memories for them...RAS
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Thu May 07, 2020 6:08 am

May 7, 2020

Hubby and I are both hanging in there with homeschooling the grandchildren. GS2 (age 8 years) is the most difficult as he cannot stay focused to get the assigned work done in a timely manner. GD2 (4 years old) does okay with it and can stay focused as long as we take breaks. But having them here 24/7 is getting difficult -- they want to go home. It is difficult to keep them occupied because we really cannot take them anywhere -- I don't know what it is like anywhere else, but the playground equipment are off-limits.

Taking them for walks are now an adventure that I do not want to take. The last 2 times I took them for a walk, something growled at us from behind the treeline. The bears are now awake and roaming about -- they got into our garbage on garbage pickup day -- the one week there was triple the amount -- It took me 20 minutes to gather it all up and put it back into the bin. The bear dragged it across the road, through some brush and into a ditch.

So far, we are all staying healthy, both D2 and SO have had some coughs, but since D2 works in a nursing home, she was monitored and it was only colds and no fever. They both work overnights and we have all decided once the distant learning is done for the school year, the kids can go back to them. This way they won't have to stay awake during the day to make sure the school work gets finished each day. Hubby and I are doing the countdown ...

My trail around the property is almost useable now. I have a few spots that need to be cleared of fallen trees. I have it cleared enough to at least take the mower and mow the trail. There is a grouse that lives in some of the brush and she keeps sneaking up on me. There must be a nest close by and I am too close. She comes close to me, within 15 feet. We just look at each other. The last time, I was taking pictures of flowers in the yard and she came up behind me. We watched each for a while, but then I decided it was time to leave. I slowly got up and started walking up the hill and she chased after me.

I am slowly getting back to being on plan with my eating, but it is difficult finding things the kids will eat with gusto. Meal time can be a struggle getting them to eat what is on their plate. I attempted to make some black bean sweet potato spinach enchiladas. I sort of just put it together using an enchilada sauce from vegetarian times as a guide for the amount and which spices to use. For hubby and I it is a keeper -- with the exception of the tortillas - I need to find a fat-free version. But GS2 does not like black beans and GD2 hates spinach.

Navy Bean soup (with carrot, celery and potato) is on the menu for today.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby squealcat » Thu May 07, 2020 8:21 am

I can imagine your pain! I have grandchildren and some have stayed overnight but never as long as yours have. Then home-schooling them?? I would do it if it was needed but what suffering it would be, especially when one has to be prodded to do the learning. Three of my own children had (have) ADD and I was constantly getting after them to get their school work done. Thankfully, we all made it alive !!

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat May 09, 2020 9:17 am

May 9, 2020

Well, the grandchildren have been here for 8 weeks -- we are planning on sending them back to their parents after the distance-learning is finished at the end of the month. This plandemic is going to go on and on.

Hubby accidentally bit his tongue and took out a chunk - I guess it bled quite a bit, he called the nurses line and was told to go to the emergency room to have it looked at. Instead, he went to his clinic for urgent care -- he went through 3 checkpoints -- he was told he did everything correct - put pressure on to stop the bleeding and iced it. He was sent home to watch for infection.

I am currently rewatching a video by Mary McDougall about meal planning -- I really think I way overthink this way of eating. It is really not that hard except for the readjusting the taste for food, plain food as close to how nature has provided. I am slowly getting my mindset back to thinking the starch solution way.

My stress eating is way out of control and I need to get a grip. I found some videos to work out to: I like to do the ones for releasing tight hips because if I sit too long it takes me a while to straighten up and I feel old, too old and way beyond my years. Cutting out some of the junk, even though not all, has greatly reduced some aches and pains. I do not even know my weight - not interested in finding out either - I am barely squeezing into my jeans and that tells me what I need to know. Both hubby and I are in agreement to at least get rid of the junk food. We will go full force into our individual eating plans once the grandchildren go back home. At least they like rice and it is easy to add vegetables to the dish.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon May 11, 2020 9:01 am

May 11, 2020

D2 and her SO stopped by for a small celebration of GS2's birthday. Our paranoia is getting less and we actually let them in the house and we all sat around the table together. This social distancing is seeming to be going to far. But, we will still exercise caution when we are out and about.

Hubby and I talked to them about having the grandchildren go back to them. I am hoping for Memorial Day weekend (May 22, after GS2 is finished with his lessons) and letting them finish up the last week of schooling, the last week is usually clean up all loose ends; but who knows what it will be with this distance learning. D2 is fighting it and asking if we can keep them until June 1st. I am like, "What the Hey!" They have been here for 8 weeks now and they are ready to go home. After the visit, I was surprised at how well the kids are behaving -- they are taking this all in stride, but we are telling them that when the school year is finished they can go home.

At home, they will have a different environment - SO just got rid of his renter and they will now have the whole house to themselves. They were living in the basement - now they will be on the upper main level and will be able to look out the windows and see the yard instead of the sky.

We had a cold snap, snow fell and stayed on the ground for a short time. Put a damper on our Let's get the garden started. But the sun is shining today and it will be a bit warmer again. I think I am going to lay down the mulch in the walkway sections and hopefully keep the weeds from growing.

I made a batch of lentils for me to eat - am so wanting to get back on track again. I have not had time to do the Starch Solution videos that dr. Mcdougall so graciously provided for free. Hopefully, it will be available after the kids go back home. Schooling takes so much time of the day and meal prepping and cooking takes a lot of time. Took a few minutes to review Jeff Novick's thread on the MWL -- Keep it simple is my take away -- I have been making this way too complicated.

What I did with the lentils - Sloppy Lentils on whole grain bread with spinach for one meal and the second I put them in a pita bread. I need to go shopping and get some more potatoes - what I had left sprouted so I am going to plant them and see if I can grow me some potatoes. I have done it before and the grew.

Today, I am going to make a Navy Bean soup with celery, carrots and spinach. I think I'll serve it with some veggie type muffins.

Hope you all have a great day and to be truthful, I am starting the countdown....
Nancy (aka Morris)

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