Buns Again

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Jan 14, 2021 8:38 am

CW 233
GW 135

Yesterday's eating was a lot better. I had maybe five chocolate covered espresso beans and that's the only off plan anything that I ate. I even followed the menus I wrote down that morning! I made a big pot of chili over the weekend and have been having a bowl of that every day. Time to make some not-chicken-soup :nod: Also have been enjoying Ramen veg soup. Yum! Still exercising portion control. I think if it's soup measuring isn't as important, but I'm measuring 2/3 c for rice or beans, 1 c for other starches. And kind of eyeballing the greens since they're SO low calorie.

Also I've been noticing huge munchies lately, along with minor spotting in my underwear :shock: which tells me something that I've suspected ... even though I am in menopause, I am still very much on a cycle. In fact, when I had my bloodwork done last April, my estrogen levels came back normal, not low and it had been over 18 months since I had a period at that point. But there have been mood swings and munchies all along, and this minor spotting...gosh. My body don't want to give up her fertility, does she?

Sometimes I wonder if God has the right idea, this resurrection stuff. Eternity in my body? I dunno...??? *shrug* If my resurrection body is obese, I gonna be unhappy :lol:

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Jan 19, 2021 11:03 am

SW 240
GW 135
CW 234

I need my weight to quit hovering around the 235 mark.

Just sticking to plan. Still measuring portions. Maybe I'll see a budge soon. :nod:

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Jan 20, 2021 11:18 am

SW 245
GW 135
CW 230

The scale went down four lbs . Nice :) Maybe I'll get into the 220's this week. I've already decided I'll reward myself when I hit 220...new earrings :nod:

Also, I decided to commit to 2,000 steps per day. I think that's doable...just need to remember to put my phone in my pocket every time I get up. Also, going to do yoga two mornings per week. This is a good start to adding activity, since I always flop when I say "yesssss, an hour of fill in the blank every day!" But 2,000 steps a day is more natural and maybe hitting that mini-goal will motivate me.

Oh! I love LOVE Grape Nuts cereal, and it's an on plan packaged food. I have it for brekkie three or four times per week. I'm getting to the bottom of my box so it's on my shopping list. And there's a blank space in the Grape Nuts (or Nutty Nuggets) section of the breakfast shelf at the store. At EVERY store. Kroger, Walmart, Fresh Market. They're not in grocery stores. They are available on Amazon. A package of four boxes runs for $99.99...no lie. Googled it and found that, indeed, Grape Nuts have been getting more rare for quite some time. A blog entry from 2008 marks the scarcity of this delightful, healthy, ON PLAN food. :(

There are recipes, all of them with buttermilk ??? which is not on the ingredients list for Grape Nuts. Wheat flour, barley flour, malt barley, yeast...riboflavin? something like that. And I remember ages ago seeing a recipe for granola. It was baked like a bread, not much rise, and you ran it through a coarse meat grinder then baked the kernels until crunchy. It wasn't called Grape Nuts, but I recognized it. Never did write down the recipe, but it was in an old timey health book, something like the inventor of graham flour might have written back in the day. Maybe it was in Back to Eden.

Anyway. I think I can do it based on the ingredients on the box. Barley malt? Isolated soy protein...hmmm. Ah but looking at a different label, there's four ingredients: whole wheat flour, malted barley flour, salt, and dried yeast. A list of nutrients, probably added...zinc, B vitamins, etc Folic acid.

I know it's mixed and baked like a loaf, but it stays dense. There is yeast. Hm. Maybe a tiny amount? Because there isn't much loft to Grape Nuts, eh? Baked and chunked into pieces. The recipe called for a meat grinder, but an S blade on a food processor might work. Hm. Little project for me :nod: see if I can make Grape Nuts.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Jan 21, 2021 8:24 am

SW 245
GW 135
CW 234

Found out, the scale stops if my foot hits it just right, so yesterday's reading of 230 is off. :roll: pfft Whatever.

Energy though! wow. Yesterday I found I couldn't sit still. Got up frequently, wished for my sit/stand desk, shook my booty right there in front of my desk when Wylie had some great music on. It feels pretty freaking good. Can't wait for my break, I think I'll go out and take a little walk. And of course, walking during my lunch break. It's sunshiney and clear around here these days and quite cold. Good for walking. I love the little birds...the little winter birds chipping about in the bushes and trees.

Reached my goal of 2,000 steps yesterday...almost 2,500 in fact. Just have to remember to keep my phone in my pocket, because my Apple health counts my stairs as well and I am up and down the stairs many times in a day. But I usually leave my phone sitting when I'm home.

Well anyway. Feels good to have energy, and I'm hoping the fat starts leaving my body soon. Ugh.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby Lyndzie » Thu Jan 28, 2021 12:50 pm

Re: Grape nuts

It must be a nationwide issue, we’re out here, too (Target, Kroger, almost everywhere). It’s my breakfast of choice, so this is causing me to stockpile like it’s toilet paper.

I found 2 boxes at Walmart last weekend, and their boxes are larger. I also had luck earlier in the month a found some at my local “Kro-ghetto,” the old Kroger in the sketchy neighborhood. Gotta love those nutty nuggets!
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Re: Buns Again

Postby SilverDollar* » Thu Jan 28, 2021 7:27 pm

Ezekiel has a similar type,in the cerial isle. RAS
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Jan 29, 2021 8:36 pm

Thanks for visiting, RAS and Lyndzie

So...it's been a week and no lie. On Sunday I worked a five hour shift at my PT job. 3:00 - 8:00 PM. Got home about 8:20 and Wylie was chilling at home, TV on, really mellow. I figured I'd watch some TV or listen to a podcast, but Wylie said "I need to talk to you"... I sat up and paid attention. He told me he'd been feeling sick and had vomited twice. I was just starting to say "Yeah, I've been feeling stomachy, too" when he said "Now my chest feels really heavy and my left arm hurts"

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Yes, my husband had a heart attack. Left Anterior Descending artery. 100% blockage. AKA "The Widow Maker" According to a google search, outside of a hospital setting, the survival rate for the Widow Maker heart attack is 12%. In fact, he told me after his cath procedure that he almost just went in to lie down, since he'd been feeling barfy. Man. That's how my uncle died. Felt tired and a little sick to his stomach and went to lie down. 30 minutes later his wife found him dead on the bed. :| :| :| when I consider what the outcome might have been, if I'd been a little later getting home, or if he had just gone in and laid down OMG.

All the doctors told us that our quick action getting him to the hospital so fast literally saved his life, and prevented heart failure. There is damage to the muscle, but it isn't destroyed. I'm so glad he didn't die. :cry:

He's back home now. Went in on Sunday, and discharged on Wednesday. He is very open to being educated in low fat, low sugar, low sodium eating but is still not willing to cut animal protein :\ I'll wait and see what the cardiac rehab people say about added refined fats. They were already feeding him a low fat, zero refined sugar diet in the hospital. Zero refined sugar because he is also pre-diabetic. *sigh*

Meanwhile, two different doctors advised plant based...one was the ER cardiologist and the other was the tech doing the echo cardiogram the following day...in fact, that guy and I had a lovely visit about the book Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease while Wylie was getting a very cool looking ultra sound done. Kinda fun, talking about curing the very heart disease they were studying, on the very patient that HAD said heart disease...and he can't get up and walk away :lol: I don't know if he'll ever go fully meatless, but he is seeing the value of adding vegetables to his plate, and pondering how to eat without lots of processed crap. That's a step in the right direction.

The other tests he had over his four day hospital stay indicate a 30% blockage in the right artery, and further down towards the tips of both the L and R arteries indicate 10% and 20% blockage. Cardiac rehab starts next Wednesday, where he'll get some education about his food choices, exercises, etc.

So that's where I've been.

My own eating has been mostly on target, though I did have some oily vegetarian sides at the hospital cafeteria for lunch on Monday. Other than that, I either didn't eat lunch, or brought along potatoes and raw veggies. That's how I spent the first half of the week.

Then, on Wednesday evening I got a call via Messenger. Wylie was home and we were relaxing, and out of the blue a good friend whom I met through the DDPYoga chat room calls up. It was so nice seeing his face and talking for a bit. He's beat all number of ailments: stage 3 cancer, obesity, and now Type II diabetes. I needed to talk to him, because he's always just done whatever needed doing, to get to the best possible health. I needed to hear about staying disciplined and being tenacious, doing what CAN BE DONE to be healthy and not fall into an unhealthy old age.

I set myself a challenge on Thursday morning...10 days following the Rice Diet guidelines (which is really MWL with measuring portions) and let's see what kind of poundage I drop. If it is substantial, I'll go to 30 days. Let's pretend that I'm the one with heart disease and I can save my own life by being strict with my food, or I can eat all kinds of treats and cheats and poison myself some more and die. Can I pretend that?

Anyway. That's why I haven't posted until today. Busy sitting around in the hospital with my still alive old man.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby Daydream » Sat Jan 30, 2021 6:35 am

bunsofaluminum, I'm sorry to hear Wylie had a Widow Maker heart attack. He is SO LUCKY to have survived it!! Thank goodness you took him to the hospital so quickly. I hope Wylie realizes that he can REVERSE his heart disease with a whole food plant exclusive diet. I would encourage him to read Esselstyn's book, Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease. Buy the book or get it from the library and put it on the table where he usually sits.
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Sat Jan 30, 2021 7:55 am

Daydream wrote:bunsofaluminum, I'm sorry to hear Wylie had a Widow Maker heart attack. He is SO LUCKY to have survived it!! Thank goodness you took him to the hospital so quickly. I hope Wylie realizes that he can REVERSE his heart disease with a whole food plant exclusive diet. I would encourage him to read Esselstyn's book, Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease. Buy the book or get it from the library and put it on the table where he usually sits.

Thanks daydream. I actually own that book, but it’s stuck in a box somewhere that I haven’t been able to locate since our move in 2018. It’s what I want to do but Wylie is not much of a reader… However, those pictures in the book showing a fully clogged artery versus six months later a fully cleared artery… That might open his eyes. At least he’s already following a very low fat diet and I’m sure the cardiac rehab people are going to tell him to cut red meat. And dairy possibly? Or will they just tell him to drink skim milk… :\ Truth be told, I want to hear what the cardiac rehab dietitian recommends. And then I just want to show him the positive results that Esselstyn has achieved for his heart patients following this way of eating. And then of course, he will do what he will do. He’s highly motivated to turn things around. If he adopts a way of eating that reduces his salt, adds no refined fats, and eliminates processed foods, he will be a big step in the right direction. Also adding vegetables to his plate at every meal… He’ll be on his way, eh?


SW: 245
GW: 135
CW: 230
Finally! After weeks hovering at 234-236, the scale FINALLY budged significantly. Dropped 4 pounds overnight. I am on day three of a 10 day strict MWL challenge. Starch and fruit or vegetable for every meal, three meals. Because I was at my boring part-time job yesterday I did have some chocolate covered espresso beans. Other than that, 100% on plan. I’m hoping to get to the place where I don’t feel I must have chocolate covered espresso beans to get me through that part time shift. As it was, I had less than 10 yesterday. They aren’t as appealing as they once were.

I am pleased that the pounds are dropping. I’m going to carry on with this as long as I can with an initial challenge of 10 days. I’m trying to channel my friend Stephen who bulldogged through many illnesses and conquered obesity and is now eating the way he must in order to reverse Type II diabetes. It isn’t that he’s eating this way. It’s his attitude of Dammit all health condition! you are not going to conquer me! And he took off a good 25 pounds and is eating in a way that is keeping his blood sugar normal. Never felt better in his life he told me and he is in his early 70s. Well… Dammit all obesity, you are not going to conquer me. I’m going to do whatever it takes and I’m going to drop the weight, gain the energy, and loft into my 60s as a healthy vibrant woman.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Feb 01, 2021 12:58 pm

SW 245
GW 135
CW 230

Back to regular work today, and it's kind of overwhelming. I didn't think the heart attack was effecting my emotions that much, after the initial VERY scary stuff on Sunday but dang, the stress is getting to me. Computer issues so that I didn't actually get into my systems for nearly 90 minutes after logging in, and now plowing through emails.

Anyway, feeling edgy. Still sticking very close to my eating plan: MWL with measured portions. Today I put too much food in my bowl for lunch, and stopped when full! yay me!

Here's to the rest of my day. I only want to go back to bed, or put Netflix on and zone out.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby moonlight » Mon Feb 01, 2021 2:07 pm

Hi Buns,

Today I thought I'd check in and see how people were doing from the McDougal world. I'm so sorry to hear about Wylie. I bet you have been in a state of panic. He's so lucky. Hopefully, he'll take this opportunity to get healthier. We're so lucky when we get a wake-up call.

You are staying with the MWL plan. It's hard to do. Congrats to you!!! I have taken some time off but I'm ready to get back to work. Why does it seem so simple and logical but so hard to follow through at times?!? Well, keep it up. You are doing great!
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Feb 03, 2021 8:36 am

moonlight wrote:Hi Buns,

Today I thought I'd check in and see how people were doing from the McDougal world. I'm so sorry to hear about Wylie. I bet you have been in a state of panic. He's so lucky. Hopefully, he'll take this opportunity to get healthier. We're so lucky when we get a wake-up call.

You are staying with the MWL plan. It's hard to do. Congrats to you!!! I have taken some time off but I'm ready to get back to work. Why does it seem so simple and logical but so hard to follow through at times?!? Well, keep it up. You are doing great!

Hey moonlight. Thanks for the kind words.

Yeah, we've had our scare, and now the day to day wondering and worrying. Wylie is making huge changes, especially keeping track of his fat and sodium intake. Today he has his follow up with the cardiologist, and in the afternoon the orientation for cardiac rehab, where he'll get educated. I know that he will follow dr's orders. He is meticulous with his meds, and I'm sure whatever they tell him he's gotta do, he'll do it. HOWEVER it's not likely that anyone at cardiac rehab will be telling him to quit animal protein. I'm sure they'll talk to him about fats, but I bet they don't tell him to quit olive oil, or other "heart healthy" oils.

This morning I woke up at 2:15 and couldn't get back to sleep. The heart attack was on my mind, and I got to wondering and worrying about my youngest child who is in her late 20's and has gone all radio silence on me. Nothing on FB, nothing in the group text when I shared news of Wylie's incident, and not her usual chatty replies to my texts directly to her. Just terse, short answers. I don't like it, and thinking about it this morning made me cry. She's a very friendly, outgoing person with a sparkling personality. People like her. She has the ability to forge friendships. That is, if she is friends with Sue, and also friends with Jane, she'll have both Sue and Jane over and then Sue and Jane are friends. So it's uneasy right now. She's not being herself, and I don't like it.

And when I stepped on the scale this morning it was up SIX POUNDS ffs. :\ It seems not to matter at all. For the past week I've eaten MAYBE a dozen chocolate espresso beans. Otherwise it's been full compliance. I dropped four pounds last week, and stayed at that mark for four days...and then it jumped. ??? Which is why I'm weighing daily, I suppose.

And also KEEPING IN MIND that there are multiple other benefits, not just weight loss, to eating this way. That is what MUST be foremost in my mind. I suppose. :roll:

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Re: Buns Again

Postby fulenn » Wed Feb 03, 2021 9:48 am

So glad your husband made it through his heart attack. I hope you continue taking care of yourself so you can advise him correctly. What a week! Thinking about you two.

What if love really IS the answer?

Read my journal about tackling Multiple Sclerosis with a plant-based McDougall diet in the journal forum on this site, Fulenn's MS Page.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Feb 04, 2021 7:59 am

fulenn wrote:So glad your husband made it through his heart attack. I hope you continue taking care of yourself so you can advise him correctly. What a week! Thinking about you two.


Thank you Fulenn. I'm glad he made it, too. I think he's not going to change that much, but hopefully he'll add veggies to his meals. There are people who have turned it around completely, who were "never going to give up meat"...who started out by adding, rather than taking away, from their menus. E.g. "Okay, I'll start eating whole grain products but I'm NEVER going to give up meat" ... and three years later, 300 lbs lighter, a full-blown McDougaller teaching others about it, you know?

Not sure what to think about his follow up appointments/advice but not too surprised, either. He went to a follow up cardiology appt yesterday. Basically, if you need a little salt and sugar in your oatmeal, use it. If you use mayonnaise in your tuna samwiches, use it. Etc. The cardiac rehab is 100% ONLY exercise time. Seriously. We thought it was going to be a comprehensive thing with education about his cardio-vascular system, his dietary choices, his exercise options. But there was nothing but some exercise, and he barely broke a sweat. They're having him come in three times a week to walk on a freaking treadmill. There was no advice about eating. He has an appointment with a dietician next week and I bet dollars to donuts he'll have such gems as "Turkey bacon is just fine, twice a week" or "of course you should use olive oil. It's good for your heart"
But I'm not going to pre-judge the dietician. We'll see what they say, and go from there. I really want to lay it on him, make him read the book Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, and tell him flat out "If you want to be healthy, follow the advice of doctors who HAVE seen results, who HAVE helped their patients regain their health"... maybe I'll say something, if the dietician comes up with stupidity.


I'd like to see the scale turn down and stay down. I dropped 4 lbs over the week after the heart attack, but it's back up again and I'm seriously not doing anything different. Being more strict, if anything. But...reduced aches and pains, and added energy, keep me going. I'm walking for 20-30 minutes every day and eating pretty strict on the MWL plan. Guess we'll see if the weight actually does drop at all, in any way. (shrug)

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Feb 10, 2021 8:19 am

SW 245
GW 135
CW 233

Weight stalled again. Whatever. I'm eating right. *shrug*

Walking at least 20 minutes every day. I started that in mid-January as a way of battling the constant sitting, and have just kept at it. It's nice...outside, get my blood moving. Etc. The birds are really active these days. I have seen a flicker, a blue jay, and yesterday some kind of raptor up on the twig end of a tree branch. And of course all the finches, sparrows, and chickadees. DELIGHTFUL!

Recently saw a video featuring a 71 year old granny who decided to get fit. She went from this flabby, soft, pallid, wobbly to trim, muscular, and HAWT!



Right now it's kind of stressy and a bit miserable at home. Wylie is on leave from his job. He can't lift more than 10 lbs, and he has a warehouse job so they told him "we'll call you"...which is irritating. There are other duties at that job. Directing traffic, monitoring the computer...standing there with a forehead thermometer and taking temps as people enter. All that to say...he's home all day, every day.


and yesterday the neighbor teased him about his new diet of kale and I cracked "Yeah, after he finishes his meat pizza" and that ticked him off, so we spent the rest of the day not speaking to each other. Which...I wasn't lying. He had two pieces of pizza for freaking dinner. My commitment to never nagging means I've never said a single word to him about his food choices. He knows about Esselstyn's book. He can research it any time he wants to. I've even told him about The Engine 2 Diet, which is very "transitional" and full of yummy recipes. Not interested.

I figure, he'll follow whatever the dr's tell him to a T but he's not going to pay much attention to me. And the dr's have told him "in moderation" :roll: which means he can use a tsp of butter on his toast, or this is rich: he grilled some salmon and then when he was putting it on his plate, he put a blob of freaking butter on it :\ There ya go. Moderation. Riiiiight

He brought home a passel of recipes from his cardio rehab, and every single one has olive oil as an ingredient. More power to him. Go ahead. And then get ticked off when I crack a joke about it. SMH We've been together for six years and he has never so much as tasted any food that I've fixed. Maybe I should just get Engine 2 cook book and start making some of those recipes and set them in front of him. *shrug*

But he's not ever gone, and I work from home and it is a little bit sucky right now. Hell, I even got out of bed this morning at 5:15 and he was up and at em before 6:00 :roll: I fixed breakfast and sat down in the kitchen to eat it...he came up and fixed himself some brekkie and sat down across the table from me. And I'm like internally...Do you ALWAYS slurp your freaking cereal? yes, I'm at that place where your S.O. eats incorrectly. Going to figure out a way to get out of here today. I have GOT TO.

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